søndag 29. mai 2016

E-sigaretter og brannfare - FAA

FrP er i ferd med å bidra til et flysikkerhetsmessig tilbakeskritt dersom slike sigaretter tillates.

The US Federal Aviation Administration warns the popular vapour-creating devices may cause a fire hazard in checked luggage.
07:39, UK, Saturday 24 January 2015

E-cigarettes which are checked into luggage on aeroplanes may cause a fire hazard, according to a warning issued by the US Federal Aviation Administration.
The FAA has recommended the nicotine replacement devices should be carried in the aircraft cabin, rather than inside checked luggage.
In a safety alert issued to airlines, the FAA said evidence shows the devices could overheat and spark a serious fire during a flight.
"In several incidents both inside and outside the transportation industry, e-cigarettes have overheated or caught fire when the heating element was accidentally activated," the FAA said.
"The agency encourages airlines to communicate this new policy to passengers as widely as possible through their websites, press releases, at ticket purchase, during the check-in process and by other established means to inform passengers about hazardous materials regulations and policies."
E-cigarettes use battery-powered cartridges to produce a vapour that may be flavoured or laced with nicotine.

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