onsdag 31. oktober 2018
Trident Juncture avstedkommer hissig reaksjon fra Russland - Nytt fareområde opprettet - Ainor
SAR - Rygge får nye fasiliteter for tjenesten - Regjeringen
Ny base for redningshelikoptertjenesten på Rygge flystasjon
Pressemelding |
Dato: 30.10.2018
| Nr:
100 – 2018
Ny base for redningshelikoptertjenesten på Rygge flystasjon skal nå bygges. Forsvarsbygg undertegnet i går kontrakt med Backe Østfold AS til en verdi på i overkant av 165 millioner kroner. Anlegget skal stå klart til bruk i mai 2020.
– Det er viktig å legge til rette for gode fasiliteter for redningshelikoptertjenesten. Den gjør en viktig innsats for oss alle hver eneste dag, sier justis-, beredskaps- og innvandringsminister Tor Mikkel Wara (FrP).
Forsvarsbygg skal på vegne av Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, gjennom prosjektet NAWSARH (Norwegian All Weather Search and Rescue Helicopter), planlegge, bygge og drifte lokasjonene for redningstjenestens nye helikoptre.
– Det skal tilrettelegges for eiendom, bygg og anlegg i forbindelse med at tolv Sea King helikoptre skal skiftes ut med 16 nye redningshelikoptre av typen AW101. Samtlige av de seks nåværende redningsbasene skal oppgraderes i varierende grad, sier Wara videre.
16 nye redningshelikoptre skal leveres til redningstjenesten. I den forbindelse skal Forsvarsbygg tilrettelegge eiendom, bygg og anlegg for helikoptrene og deres mannskaper på til sammen seks baser i Norge, nærmere bestemt Rygge, Sola, Florø, Ørland, Bodø og Banak.
De nye basene på Ørland og Sola flystasjoner er allerede oppført. På Sola er det i tillegg bygd et ledelsesbygg for 330-skvadronen. Den nye basen på Banak i Lakselv er snart også ferdigstilt. Basen på Rygge bygges lik de tre som allerede er oppført, med små lokale tilpasninger.
Ny rute til Sola fra våren - Loganair til Edinburgh - Avinor
🎉Hurra!!! 🎉
Endelig kan vi fortelle at det kommer en ny helårsrute direkte fra Sola med Loganair. 🤩
Fra 10. mai kan du reise direkte til den skotske hovedstaden Edinburgh 4 ganger i uken!!
Ps. du kan bestille billetter allerede nå:
Verdens verste flyselskaper - 3 europeiske blant de 6 verste - BBC
Sjekk listen her: https://tinyurl.com/yauvcdbx
Det er veldig mange såkalte "national carriers" på listen. Rart ikke amerikanske selskaper er med.
Dagens helikopterhavari - VG
Det er per kl 1115 uklart om havariet skyldes nedskytning, slik Taliban hevder, eller om den var relatert til dårlig vær. (Red.)
Helikopterkrasj i Afghanistan
Et afghansk militærhelikopter som fraktet høytstående tjenestemenn har styrtet i Farah-provinsen. Alle 25 om bord har mistet livet, opplyser afghanske myndigheter. Det skal ha vært dårlig vær i området, melder AP.Nestkommanderende for armékorpset i Afghanistans vestlige sone og lederen for provinsrådet i Farah var blant de omkomne.
Krise i Norskehavet - Russerne truer Norge - Klassekampen
Forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen sier at det ikke er dramatikk i den
varslede russiske missiløvelsen i Norskehavet. Internt har regjeringen satt
Av Magnus Lysberg og Simen Tallaksen (tekst) og Frida Holsten
Gullestad (foto)
• Stormaktsdrama i kulissene • Uklart
om Russland skal gjennomføre skyteøvelse
Norge har satt krisestab
Russisk øvelse:
• Fredag sendte russiske
luftfartsmyndigheter en melding til Avinor. Her kom det fram at den russiske
marinen har satt av et område i Norskehavet utenfor Midt-Norge til en
• I meldingen skriver russerne at
de skal skyte i tidsrommet 07.00 til 14.00 fra torsdag til fredag denne uka.
• Området overlapper med
Nato-øvelsen Trident Juncture, som pågår samtidig.
KRISE: Nato og den norske regjeringen
sier at den russiske øvelsen i Norskehavet ikke er dramatisk. Men i kulissene
jobber norske myndigheter på spreng med krisehåndtering.
– Det er ikke noe dramatisk i dette,
sier forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen (H) om den varslede russiske
skyteøvelsen utenfor kysten av Midt-Norge.
De siste dagene har norske myndigheter
og Nato konsekvent hevdet at det ikke er noe uvanlig eller dramatisk med den
russiske øvelsen.
Men samtidig som dette har vært
budskapet utad, kan Klassekampen avsløre at regjeringen har satt en krisestab
for å håndtere situasjonen.
Det kommer fram i en e-post sendt fra
Luftfartstilsynet til Avinor tirsdag.
«På et møte i går ettermiddag som var initiert
av Krisestøtteenheten, på vegne av Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, så
deltok representanter fra flere departementer», heter det i e-posten.
Krisestøtteenheten er en del av
Justisdepartementet og skal yte støtte til regjeringen under kriser.
Klassekampen kan nå avdekke dramaet i
kulissene, time for time.
Klokken 11.00 fredag formiddag mottar
Avinor beskjed fra russiske luftfartsmyndigheter om at to russiske bombefly av
typen Topolev Tu 95 skal på lufta rundt Norge. Den eksakte ruta ble ikke meldt
inn, men minst ett av flyene er siden observert utenfor Norge.
Klokken 15.20 fredag sender det
russiske luftfartstilsynet melding til Avinor om at den russiske marinen skal
gjennomføre en skyteøvelse i Norskehavet, delvis overlappende med
øvelsesområdet for Trident Juncture.
Den russiske skytingen skal skje i et
område med flere norske olje- og gassinstallasjoner. I meldingen fra russiske
myndigheter bes Norge om å stenge av luftrommet over øvelsesområdet.
Før klokken 18.00 fredag kveld var
Nato-hovedkvarteret varslet om den russiske missiltestingen. Det samme var
Forsvarets operative hovedkvarter og forsvarssjef Haakon Bruun-Hansen.
Mandag formiddag meldte Klassekampen om
planene for den russiske øvelsen. Samme dag holdt krisestøtte-enheten i Justis-
og beredskapsdepartementet et møte med blant annet Forsvarsdepartementet.
I møtet kom det fram at norske myndigheter
hadde mottatt blandede signaler fra Russland. Russiske myndigheter skal ha
fortalt Norge at missiltestingen ikke var klarert på riktig nivå internt hos
russiske myndigheter.
Tirsdag jobbet Utenriksdepartementet
for å få klarhet i situasjonen og for å få bekreftelse fra russiske myndigheter
på om missiltestingen skal finne sted eller ikke.
I meldingen fra russiske myndigheter
bes Norge om å stenge av luftrommet over øvelsesområdet. Det er ennå ikke klart
om området blir stengt av. Det er spesielt aktuelt for olje- og
gassvirksomheten på norsk sokkel.
Det var i går hektisk aktivitet i norsk
Etter det Klassekampen forstår var det
møter i en rekke instanser for å håndtere situasjonen.
Dersom myndighetene i Russland
gjennomfører øvelsen, vil all lufttrafikk stanse i området i perioden russerne
skal skyte. Det berører minst tre plattformer og ett produksjonsskip, på
feltene Kristin, Heidrun, Åsgård og Norne. Operasjonskomiteen i Norsk olje og
gass holdt i går ettermiddag møter om situasjonen.
Det var i går ikke klart om
produksjonen på plattformene skal stanse.
Jakarta havariet - ABCNyheter
Det synes som om det er klare likhetstrekk mellom hendelsen på nest siste tur og det mønsteret radaren viser for den siste turen, altså berg- og dalbane. Akkurat nå kommer det melding om at pingeren på Flight Data Recorder er lokalisert. Det er gode nyheter. (Red.)
Helikopterbesetning briefes før søk etter pingeren - BBC
Indonesisk militære tror de har lokalisert skroget fra det styrtede Lion Air-flyet som styret i havet nordøst for øya Java mandag med 189 personer om bord.
Etter to døgns leting opplyser militærleder Hadi Tjahjanto onsdag at de har koordinatene til stedet der de mener flyskroget ligger på havbunnen, og at de nå vil sende et marinefartøy og mannskaper ut for å få bekreftet antakelsene.
Ifølge Reuters har en tjenestemann i Indonesias transportmyndigheter sagt at letemannskaper fanget opp et signal fra flyet sent tirsdag kveld.
Så langt er kun vrakrester og eiendeler, samt kropper og kroppsdeler funnet etter tragedien, der flyet styrtet i havet 13 minutter etter avgang fra Jakarta mandag morgen. 189 personer var om bord på Lion Air-flyet, som var av typen Boeing 737 MAX 8. Det er ikke funnet overlevende.
Gikk i stykker
Kapteinen på en slepebåt har uttalt seg til lokale medier om hva han så da flyet falt fra himmelen. Ifølge ham gikk flyet helt i stykker da det traff havflaten.
– Flyet krasjet i en kraftig eksplosjon. Jeg så ikke flykroppen på vannet, men jeg så flyhalen idet den sank, sier kaptein Rahmat Slamet på As Jaya 11, til TVOne.
Rahmat anslår at de befant seg omtrent 1,5 kilometer unna ulykkesstedet.
Vil ha svar
Så langt er det ikke kommet noen klare svar på hvorfor det nesten nye flyet av typen Boeing 737 MAX 8 styrtet. Piloten ba om å få snu og returnere til flyplassen kort tid etter avgang, like før flyet styrtet, og flyet hadde problemer både med fart og høyde da det dagen før fløy fra Bali til Jakarta.
Flere svar er muligens å finne i skroget eller i de såkalte svarte boksene, som egentlig er oransje, og inneholder taleregistrator og ferdskriver med svært detaljerte data fra flyet og dets siste ferd.
Tirsdag beordret myndighetene i Indonesia kontroll av alle Boeing 737 MAX-maskiner på grunn av ulykken. Avgjørelsen ble tatt av landets transportminister, men han ville ikke gå så langt som å sette alle flyene av den nye modellen på bakken.
Flyeksperter har også vært klare på at det er for tidlig å trekke konklusjoner rundt årsak til styrten.
A321LR - Israelske Arkia blir lanseringskunde - Check-In
Ny lanceringskunde til A321LR i stedet for Primera
Af: Ole Kirchert Christensen i Flådenyt 30. oktober 2018 Senest opdateret: 30. oktober 2018 kl. 20:14 Print
Den nylige konkurs i Primera Air betyder, at Airbus har valgt et nyt flyselskab til at være lanceringskunde for den langtrækkende A321LR.
I slutningen af 2019 leveres den første langtrækkende Airbus A321, og hidtil har det været planen, at Primera Air skulle være lanceringskunde for den nye variant af mellemdistanceflyet.
Disse planer har den nylige konkurs vendt op og ned på, for Airbus har ifølge Reuters officielt bekræftet, at det bliver Arkia Israeli Airlines, der er valgt som ny lanceringskunde.
Det israelske flyselskab har bestilt to A321LR og en A321neo, og den første A321LR ventes leveret med registreringen 4X-AGH i slutningen af året under typebetegnelsen A321-200NX.
Med tilføjelsen af de ny A321neo-fly får Arkia et tiltrængt løft af den relativt beskedne flyflåde, der i dag omfatter seks Embraer E190/E195 samt en Boeing 757-300 og en Boeing 767-300ER. De to Boeing-fly er indrettet med omkring 260 sæder i en all-economy version, og de nye A321´ere får plads til 220 passagerer – også i en all-economy konfiguration.
Herudover har Arkia også en ordre på to Airbus A330-900neo hos den europæiske flyproducent.
120 A321LR på vej
Indtil videre er der afgivet ordre på omkring 120 A321LR fra et dusin flyselskaber. Alene Norwegian har lagt en ordre på 30 fly, mens TAP Air Portugal, Air Transat og Aer Lingus også tager en pæn del af den samlede ordrebeholdning.
Indtil videre er der afgivet ordre på omkring 120 A321LR fra et dusin flyselskaber. Alene Norwegian har lagt en ordre på 30 fly, mens TAP Air Portugal, Air Transat og Aer Lingus også tager en pæn del af den samlede ordrebeholdning.
Derimod har SAS stadig ikke taget en endelig beslutning om at anskaffe den langtrækkende A321, men selskabet har fået en option på at ændre dele af en ny ordre på A320neo til nogle eksemplarer af A321 LR.
I slutningen af marts gennemførtes den 15. testflyvningen med A321LR, og det var en 7.610 kilometer lang flyrejse fra Victoria Seychelles International Airport til Toulouse i Sydfrankrig. En nonstop-flyvning, der varede 10 timer og 51 minutter og samtidig den længste i det samlede testprogram.
Airbus har overvejelser om at udvikle en større og længere version ad A321LR – internt kaldet A322 – som i givet fald kunne blive en direkte konkurrent, der kunne være en ægte erstatning for Boeing 757 og for alvor true den kommende Boeing 797, der indtil videre har arbejdstitlen 797-6.
tirsdag 30. oktober 2018
F-35 til Belgia - Ikke helt uten trouble med Dassault - AW&ST
Frank Bakke-Jensen vs. gen. Robert Mood ang. sivile selskaper
Mood mener at alle kontraktene Forsvaret inngår med sivile selskaper, også når det gjelder beredsskap, kan føre til at sivile kommer i "harms way" i stridssituasjoner. Bakke-Jensen mener at sivile ikke er ment å være med i strid, kanskje kun for transportoppdrag bak frontlinjer. Tilgi meg Bakke-Jensen, men sivile helikopterflygere ble i sin tid trent på oppdrag nær tiltenkte frontlinjer. Undertegnede var mob disponert i 752 skvadron oppsatt med S-61N. Vi fløy tropper og løftet på feltvogner og feltkanoner. Vi øvde i felten, lå i svensketelt og var på skytebanen med MP-5. Vi demonstrerte våre kunnskaper for NATO i Vatneleiren, og fikk strålende tilbakemeldinger. Men, våre oppdrag var ment å foregå nær en tiltenk frontlinje. Helikoptrene var malt med kamuflasjefarger, og en A-10 som kikket etter oss så oss aldri, men vi så den. OK, det var da. Nå kan det være at mobdisponerte helikoptre vil få en annen rolle, gitt det Bakke-Jensen mener. Jeg vil føye til at det var flere slike feltøvelser med HS sine maskiner, også nordpå. Det var helt åpenbart at et 20-talls store helikoptre kunne være en viktig faktor når de gjaldt transport av personell, materiell og underhengende last opp til 3 500kg.
Bildene er tatt av undertegnede under Øvelse Vipe 1989:
Bildene er tatt av undertegnede under Øvelse Vipe 1989:
Droner og Trident Juncture - UAS Vision
Alpha 800 at NATO Live Field Exercise in Norway
The gasoline-powered Alpha 800, will be presented by Alpha Unmanned Systems at NATO’s Exercise Trident Juncture in Trondheim, Norway.
The live field exercise Trident Juncture 18 started on 25th October 2018 and is taking place in all three domains – air, land and sea, in central and eastern Norway; the surrounding areas of the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea, including Iceland and the Swedish and Finnish airspaces and will continue till 7th November 2018 involving around 50,000 participants from NATO’s 29 member states plus Sweden and Finland.
The overall objective of the exercise is to ensure that NATO forces are trained, to test the ability personnel from NATO Allies and partner countries to operate together and their readiness to respond to any threat from any direction so that to defend the populations and territories and deter potential adversaries. Around 250 aircraft, 65 vessels (including the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman) and up to 10,000 are involved.
The Alpha 800 will be involved in the enhanced logistical base demonstration as part of work to showcase future military logistics capabilities.
The Alpha 800 is a tactical 14kg gasoline powered helicopter that provides 2.5 hours of continuous flight with a 3kg payload and 30km of operating range. It is equipped with a light and strong airframe and a military-grade autopilot with high precision GPS and sensors. It is “the unmanned helicopter that does the hard work” and “simply the best in its class” as reported by Alpha Unmanned Systems. It is designed for a multitude of monitoring tasks and it is the most reliable and durable unmanned helicopter for that purpose.
The Alpha 800 does much of the same work as a manned helicopter but with far lower maintenance requirements and overall costs. It utilizes a UAV platform that flies in fully autonomous and/or manual mode, or both.
El fly - EasyJet kikker på mulighetene - Curt Lewis
outlines 'progress' on electric jet
"Progress has been made" by EasyJet's US partner Wright Electric toward developing an electric passenger airliner capable of flying up to 270nm (500km), the UK budget carrier has declared.
Wright Electric has applied for a patent of a "novel motor design" to power an "EasyJet-sized" electric airliner, says the airline, without providing detail of the architecture being proposed.
"[The] development suggests that the transition towards an all-electric commercial passenger jet capable of flying passengers across EasyJet's UK and European network is in sight," it adds.
The aircraft will be designed by Darold Cummings, an engineer and consultant who has previously worked for Boeing and the US Department of Defense.
Wright Electric is making preparations to perform a first flight of a nine-seat electric aircraft in 2019.
Previously, the Los Angeles-based start-up completed flight tests with a two-seat electric aircraft, built in co-operation with Spain's Axter Aerospace, a specialist in hybrid-powered light aircraft.
Noting that a range of 270nm is targeted for the electric airliner, EasyJet chief executive Johan Lundgren states that the airline's route between London and Amsterdam "could become the first electric flyway".
Lundgren believes "it is important to our customers that we operate sustainably", and that "technological advancements in electric flying are truly exciting, and it is moving fast".
He adds: "We can now foresee a future that is not exclusively dependent on jet fuel."
EasyJet became a partner with Wright Electric in 2017. The US company's chief executive Jeffrey Engler said during an EasyJet-hosted innovation event last year that the electric airliner would fly by 2027.
"Progress has been made" by EasyJet's US partner Wright Electric toward developing an electric passenger airliner capable of flying up to 270nm (500km), the UK budget carrier has declared.
Wright Electric has applied for a patent of a "novel motor design" to power an "EasyJet-sized" electric airliner, says the airline, without providing detail of the architecture being proposed.
"[The] development suggests that the transition towards an all-electric commercial passenger jet capable of flying passengers across EasyJet's UK and European network is in sight," it adds.
The aircraft will be designed by Darold Cummings, an engineer and consultant who has previously worked for Boeing and the US Department of Defense.
Wright Electric is making preparations to perform a first flight of a nine-seat electric aircraft in 2019.
Previously, the Los Angeles-based start-up completed flight tests with a two-seat electric aircraft, built in co-operation with Spain's Axter Aerospace, a specialist in hybrid-powered light aircraft.
Noting that a range of 270nm is targeted for the electric airliner, EasyJet chief executive Johan Lundgren states that the airline's route between London and Amsterdam "could become the first electric flyway".
Lundgren believes "it is important to our customers that we operate sustainably", and that "technological advancements in electric flying are truly exciting, and it is moving fast".
He adds: "We can now foresee a future that is not exclusively dependent on jet fuel."
EasyJet became a partner with Wright Electric in 2017. The US company's chief executive Jeffrey Engler said during an EasyJet-hosted innovation event last year that the electric airliner would fly by 2027.
Flysikkerhet generelt - B737 spesielt - Curt Lewis
How Safe Is Your
The United States and the European Union evaluate the aviation safety standards of countries and their airlines. Here's where to find that information before you book. Rescuers search for victims of a Lion Air passenger jet that crashed in the waters of Ujung Karawang, West Java, Indonesia. CreditCreditAchmad Ibrahim/Associated Press Before Lion Air Flight 610 crashed near Jakarta this week, apparently killing all 189 passengers and crew onboard, the Indonesian airline had been banned from flying in European Union air space between 2007 and 2016. It and all Indonesian carriers had been banned from United States air space for nine years until 2016. Aviation authorities in both the United States and the European Union based their evaluations on national standards of safety for Indonesian carriers compared to international standards. And both bodies said the country had cleared those hurdles. Governing bodies in the United States and the European Union publish their evaluations of airlines, often by country, and provide resources for fliers when determining if their carrier is on a safety blacklist. Here's where to find those resources before you book. Does the carrier meet United States safety standards? The Federal Aviation Administration runs the International Aviation Safety Assessment Program, or I.A.S.A., which ensures that the country where a foreign carrier is based complies with safety standards established by the United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.). I.A.S.A. evaluates countries based on eight criteria, including their aviation laws, operating regulations, civil aviation system and safety oversight functions, personnel qualification and training, and how safety concerns are resolved. The results, which are updated regularly, are published by country based on a rating of 1, or "meets I.C.A.O. standards," or 2, does not meet those standards. Those countries failing the standards are Bangladesh, Curaçao, Ghana, Sint Maarten and Thailand. To check the status of a country, go to www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/iasa/media/IASAWS.xlsx, which lists the ratings by country. The F.A.A. does not rate airlines individually. Carriers from category 2 countries that operate in the United States or code-share with American carriers - which means the airlines match up their schedules, apply their own flight numbers and sell each other's flights - are limited to operations that existed at the time of the evaluation, but cannot expand operations in United States airspace. Thai Airways is a member of the Star Alliance, a code-share group that includes United Airlines, but does not fly in the United States. Those with category 2 rankings that seek to start service in the United States or establish code shares with American carriers are banned from doing so. What about European rules? The European Union's Air Safety List approves or bans airlines from flying in E.U. airspace. As at the F.A.A., criteria for the list follow safety standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization, including personnel licensing procedures, aircraft operations, air navigation services, accident investigations and the aviation laws of a country. Lion Air was cleared from the European Union's blacklist in 20016, and all other Indonesian carriers previously on ithe list were cleared in June after it was determined that safety standards countrywide had been improved. Worried fliers can check the 2018 update of the list at ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban_en, which includes airlines that are banned from E.U. skies; among them are 114 airlines from 15 countries, including Afghanistan, Eritrea and Nepal. According to the website, airlines on the list show "lack of safety oversight by the aviation authorities from these states." Another six individual airlines are banned based on safety concerns with those specific carriers, as opposed to the standards established by their home countries. They include Iran Aseman Airlines; Iraqi Airways in Iraq; Blue Wing Airlines in Suriname; Med-View Airlines in Nigeria; Avior Airlines in Venezuela; and Air Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe. While the cause of the Lion Air accident remains under investigation, statistics show that flying generally is a safe way to travel. The airline trade association International Air Transport Association, which represents 290 member airlines, or 82 percent of all air traffic, reported an accident rate of 1.08 per 1 million flights in 2017. "Worldwide, air travel is incredibly safe," said Gary Leff, who writes the aviation blog View from the Wing. "The things that go wrong are such outliers," he said, because things generally do not go wrong. Does anyone put all the information together? The commercial website Airlineratings.com publishes safety ratings for more than 435 carriers worldwide. The site uses a seven-star system for rating airlines based on whether they have passed an operational safety audit with the International Air Transport Association; if they are allowed to fly in the European Union; if they are free of fatalities in the past 10 years, and whether they have passed the I.C.A.O. country audit. After the crash, Lion Air currently holds a six-star rating from the group. Air France has the same level of clearance; the website notes a 2009 fatality. All three legacy carriers based in the United States - American, Delta and United - have seven-star ratings. |
The Boeing 737 is
still one of the safest aircraft ever
Nervous flyers shouldn't be put off by the recent Indonesian plane crash. Credits: Video - Boeing Image - Getty The tragic crash of a brand new Boeing 737-800 off the coast of Jakarta this week has triggered a number of stories in the media that cast doubt on the safety of the Boeing 737. Headlines like "aircraft model at centre of Indonesia plane tragedy bound for our skies" could add unnecessary stress to travellers who are nervous about flying. But in reality, the odds of a 737 flight resulting in a death are higher than 3.1 million to one. Yes, the same type of aircraft involved in the incident does fly into and out of New Zealand, and has done for decades, but travellers shouldn't be alarmed. The newer 737-800's have been purchased by Qantas, Fiji Airways and Virgin Australia, as well as industry giants American Airlines, Qatar, Ryanair and United Airlines. Aviation expert Neil Hansford told the Sydney Morning Herald said there is no reason to be concerned about the overall safety of the aircraft "The 737 is the most produced aircraft in aviation history; there is more of them flying than any other aircraft in the world, they are incredibly well made," Mr Hansford said. Boeing 737 facts:
The aircraft that crashed in Indonesia had only been flying
since early August.
It's been reported that it experienced a technical issue on its previous flight which had been attended to by maintenance staff. There's no doubt the aircraft manufacturer Boeing and the airlines that fly 737s will be watching developments closely - but the statistics strongly suggest there's little cause for concern. The Boeing 737 is a great aircraft - 16.8 billion people can't be wrong. |
Indonesia Crash Calls
Time on Safest Period in Modern Aviation
Search and rescue team members look at debris recovered from the crash site on Oct. 29. Photographer: Rony Zakaria/Bloomberg The loss of a Boeing Co. 737 Max jet that plunged into the sea off Indonesia underscores the close of one of the safest periods for western-built airliners since the dawn of aviation. Monday's crash of a Lion Air plane carrying 189 people was the fourth deadly incident since April involving a 737. Before then neither Boeing nor Airbus SE had lost an aircraft since an EgyptAir A320 came down in the Mediterranean in May 2016, killing 66, a gap of close to two years. Last year was the safest on record, with no passenger fatalities involving jets and only five customers dying in crashes of planes with 14 seats or more, according to consultancy Ascend FlightGlobal. Early 2018 heralded a turn for the worse, when 170 people were killed over a 4 1/2-week period in three incidents involving turboprop models and a Russian-built Antonov An-148 jet. April's death on a Southwest Airlines 737 in which a passenger was partially sucked out of the plane after an engine exploded marked the first fatal incident involving a western jet since the Egyptair crash. It was followed by the loss of 112 people when a 39-year-old 737 came down down while departing Havana in May. There was also a single fatality as a 737 operated by Air Niugini landed in a lagoon in the Pacific island group of Micronesia on Sept. 28. Ascend FlightGlobal's Airline Safety & Losses review proclaimed after 2017 that "the age of zero accidents is here, more or less." Following the tragedy in Indonesia, the organization is modifying that prognosis. "Last year was far better than the long-term safety trend would suggest and this year is certainly worse," said Paul Hayes, Ascend's safety director. Because fatal crashes are now so rare, just one or two can have a major statistical impact, according to Hayes, who says he now evaluates data against nine-year moving averages that show the industry is "a world away" even from the 1990s, when some years produced half a dozen crashes involving household-name carriers from Europe and the U.S. |
Jakarta ulykken - Oppdatering - Curt Lewis
Vel, kan det være en AF447 kopi bortsett fra at det ikke var snakk om ising?
Den endelige rapporten ble utgitt av den franske flyhavarikommisjonen på en pressekonferanse 5. juli 2012, og den forteller at ulykken skyldtes en rekke hendelser: Uoverensstemmelser mellom fartsmålerne (ingen måling), sannsynligvis etter at iskrystaller utviklet seg i pitot-rørene (som blant annet måler hastighet og høyde), som deretter forårsaket at autopiloten koblet ut, og deretter en lang liste med feilmeldinger. Det var tre piloter om bord, men kapteinen oppholdt seg i sovecabinen i cockpiten, og ble først involvert etter at flyet mistet instrumentmålingene. Han ropte ut noen ordre og prøvde å få oversikt over situasjonen. Styrmannen begikk flere feil i forsøket på å berge flyet, og styrte flyet i havet. De siste minuttene av ferden forsøkte pilotene desperat å gjenvinne kontroll over flyet, og i det siste minuttet oppdaget kapteinen at styrmannen hadde begått en feil, men rakk ikke å berge flyet. Fra Wikipedia.
Lion Air crash: Jakarta Boeing 737 'had prior instrument error'
Debris found from Lion Air crash in sea
The Indonesian jet which crashed shortly after take-off had suffered instrument problems the day before, according to a technical log obtained by the BBC.
A technical log from a flight from Bali to Jakarta on Sunday said an instrument was "unreliable" and the pilot had to hand over to the first officer.
The Boeing 737 airliner crashed into the sea with 189 people on board.
It went down after taking off from Jakarta. There is no sign of survivors.
The BBC has so far been unable to reach Lion Air, the low-cost airline which owns the plane, for comment.
Flight JT 610 was headed for the western city of Pangkal Pinang on Monday when it came down. Rescuers have recovered some bodies and personal items, including baby shoes. Families are being told to go to a hospital to identify the dead.
The incident is reported to be the first major accident involving a Boeing 737 Max - an updated version of the 737.
What was the instrument problem?
A technical log obtained by the BBC from the plane's previous flight suggests that the airspeed reading on the captain's instrument was unreliable, and the altitude readings differed on the captain's and first officer's instruments.
"Identified that CAPT [captain's] instrument was unreliable and handover control to FO [first officer]," the log reads. "Continue NNC of Airspeed Unreliable and ALT disagree."
The crew decided to continue their flight and landed safely at Jakarta.
Belongings - including a handbag - and debris are being recovered from the suspected crash site
Earlier Lion Air Chief Executive Edward Sirait said the plane had had an unspecified "technical issue" when flying from Denpasar in Bali to Jakarta, but he added that this had been "resolved".
"If the plane was broken, it would have been impossible to clear the plane to fly from Denpasar," he said. "When we received the flight crew's report, we immediately fixed the problem."
The airline operates 11 Boeing 737 Max 8 planes but the others have not had a similar technical problem and there is no plan to ground the fleet, he added.
What happened to the plane?
Flight JT 610 took off from Jakarta at 06:20 on Monday (23:30 GMT on Sunday).
It was due to arrive at Depati Amir airport in Pangkal Pinang an hour later but 13 minutes into the flight, authorities lost contact.
The pilot had asked to return to Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta airport, officials say.
The head of Indonesia's disaster agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, has tweeted images of debris and personal belongings that came from the aircraft and had been found floating in the sea.
What do we know about those on board?
Lion Air said in a statement that the pilot and co-pilot had had more than 11,000 flight hours between them.
Three of the crew on board were trainee flight attendants and one was a technician.
Relatives of the passengers arrive at the crisis centre at Jakarta airport
Twenty employees from Indonesia's finance ministry were also on board, the BBC has learned.
A ministry spokesperson said they had worked at the finance ministry offices in Pangkal Pinang but had been in Jakarta for the weekend.
What do we know about this aircraft?
The 737 Max series are the fastest-selling planes in Boeing's history and there are four models - the Max 7, Max 8, Max 9 and Max 10.
The Boeing 737 Max 8 has been in commercial use since 2016.
The aircraft involved in the crash was made in 2018. It is a single-aisle plane used for short-haul travel.
In a statement, Boeing expressed sympathy for the victims and families and said it stood "ready to provide technical assistance to the accident investigation".
Australia told government workers and contractors to stop using the airline until the findings of the investigation were out.
How is Indonesia's air safety record?
Indonesia, a vast archipelago, is heavily reliant on air travel but many of its airlines have a poor safety record.
This Lion Air plane landed in the sea off Bali in 2013, but all passengers and crew survived
Established in 1999, Lion Air operates domestic flights as well as international routes to South East Asia, Australia and the Middle East.
It has had issues of safety and poor management in the past and was banned from flying into European airspace until 2016.
In 2013, Lion Air flight 904 crashed into the sea on landing at Bali's International Airport. All 108 people on board survived. In 2004, flight 538 from Jakarta crashed and broke up on landing at Solo City, killing 25 people.
In 2011 and 2012 a number of pilots were found in possession of methamphetamines, in one incident hours before a flight.
Den endelige rapporten ble utgitt av den franske flyhavarikommisjonen på en pressekonferanse 5. juli 2012, og den forteller at ulykken skyldtes en rekke hendelser: Uoverensstemmelser mellom fartsmålerne (ingen måling), sannsynligvis etter at iskrystaller utviklet seg i pitot-rørene (som blant annet måler hastighet og høyde), som deretter forårsaket at autopiloten koblet ut, og deretter en lang liste med feilmeldinger. Det var tre piloter om bord, men kapteinen oppholdt seg i sovecabinen i cockpiten, og ble først involvert etter at flyet mistet instrumentmålingene. Han ropte ut noen ordre og prøvde å få oversikt over situasjonen. Styrmannen begikk flere feil i forsøket på å berge flyet, og styrte flyet i havet. De siste minuttene av ferden forsøkte pilotene desperat å gjenvinne kontroll over flyet, og i det siste minuttet oppdaget kapteinen at styrmannen hadde begått en feil, men rakk ikke å berge flyet. Fra Wikipedia.
Lion Air crash: Jakarta Boeing 737 'had prior instrument error'
Debris found from Lion Air crash in sea
The Indonesian jet which crashed shortly after take-off had suffered instrument problems the day before, according to a technical log obtained by the BBC.
A technical log from a flight from Bali to Jakarta on Sunday said an instrument was "unreliable" and the pilot had to hand over to the first officer.
The Boeing 737 airliner crashed into the sea with 189 people on board.
It went down after taking off from Jakarta. There is no sign of survivors.
The BBC has so far been unable to reach Lion Air, the low-cost airline which owns the plane, for comment.
Flight JT 610 was headed for the western city of Pangkal Pinang on Monday when it came down. Rescuers have recovered some bodies and personal items, including baby shoes. Families are being told to go to a hospital to identify the dead.
The incident is reported to be the first major accident involving a Boeing 737 Max - an updated version of the 737.
What was the instrument problem?
A technical log obtained by the BBC from the plane's previous flight suggests that the airspeed reading on the captain's instrument was unreliable, and the altitude readings differed on the captain's and first officer's instruments.
"Identified that CAPT [captain's] instrument was unreliable and handover control to FO [first officer]," the log reads. "Continue NNC of Airspeed Unreliable and ALT disagree."
The crew decided to continue their flight and landed safely at Jakarta.
Belongings - including a handbag - and debris are being recovered from the suspected crash site
Earlier Lion Air Chief Executive Edward Sirait said the plane had had an unspecified "technical issue" when flying from Denpasar in Bali to Jakarta, but he added that this had been "resolved".
"If the plane was broken, it would have been impossible to clear the plane to fly from Denpasar," he said. "When we received the flight crew's report, we immediately fixed the problem."
The airline operates 11 Boeing 737 Max 8 planes but the others have not had a similar technical problem and there is no plan to ground the fleet, he added.
What happened to the plane?
Flight JT 610 took off from Jakarta at 06:20 on Monday (23:30 GMT on Sunday).
It was due to arrive at Depati Amir airport in Pangkal Pinang an hour later but 13 minutes into the flight, authorities lost contact.
The pilot had asked to return to Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta airport, officials say.
The head of Indonesia's disaster agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, has tweeted images of debris and personal belongings that came from the aircraft and had been found floating in the sea.
What do we know about those on board?
Lion Air said in a statement that the pilot and co-pilot had had more than 11,000 flight hours between them.
Three of the crew on board were trainee flight attendants and one was a technician.
Relatives of the passengers arrive at the crisis centre at Jakarta airport
Twenty employees from Indonesia's finance ministry were also on board, the BBC has learned.
A ministry spokesperson said they had worked at the finance ministry offices in Pangkal Pinang but had been in Jakarta for the weekend.
What do we know about this aircraft?
The 737 Max series are the fastest-selling planes in Boeing's history and there are four models - the Max 7, Max 8, Max 9 and Max 10.
The Boeing 737 Max 8 has been in commercial use since 2016.
The aircraft involved in the crash was made in 2018. It is a single-aisle plane used for short-haul travel.
In a statement, Boeing expressed sympathy for the victims and families and said it stood "ready to provide technical assistance to the accident investigation".
Australia told government workers and contractors to stop using the airline until the findings of the investigation were out.
How is Indonesia's air safety record?
Indonesia, a vast archipelago, is heavily reliant on air travel but many of its airlines have a poor safety record.
This Lion Air plane landed in the sea off Bali in 2013, but all passengers and crew survived
Established in 1999, Lion Air operates domestic flights as well as international routes to South East Asia, Australia and the Middle East.
It has had issues of safety and poor management in the past and was banned from flying into European airspace until 2016.
In 2013, Lion Air flight 904 crashed into the sea on landing at Bali's International Airport. All 108 people on board survived. In 2004, flight 538 from Jakarta crashed and broke up on landing at Solo City, killing 25 people.
In 2011 and 2012 a number of pilots were found in possession of methamphetamines, in one incident hours before a flight.