lørdag 31. desember 2022

Advanced Air Mobility utviklingen er ikke uten utfordringer - Future Flight



    Joby Aviation says one of its two eVTOL aircraft prototypes has had an accident during flight testing in California. In an 8K filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on February 16, when the accident happened, the company said that no injuries resulted from the incident but did not provide any details as to the extent to which the all-electric vehicle was damaged.

    “Safety is a core value for Joby, which is why we have been expanding our flight envelope with a remote pilot and in an uninhabited area, especially as we operate outside expected operating conditions,” the company said in its statement. “Experimental flight test programs are intentionally designed to determine the limits of aircraft performance, and accidents are unfortunately a possibility. We will be supporting the relevant authorities in investigating the accident thoroughly.

    At the FAA's Aviation Safety Analysis and Sharing site, the accident is recorded as having involved a Joby aircraft with the tail number N542AJ, which was assigned to the company's first preproduction prototype. The record shows that it "crashed during a test flight" at Jolson, California, and late on February 17 the National Transportation Safety Board confirmed that it is investigating the accident.

    According to the flight tracking platform ADSB Exchange, the aircraft was flying circuits at an altitude of around 1,200 feet, at times reaching exceptional speeds of as high as 240 kts (276 mph). Joby declined to provide any further details about the incident.

    Joby's eVTOL four-passenger aircraft is expected to be certified and ready to enter service in 2024. It is expected to have a range of 150 miles and a top speed of 200 mph.

    In January, Joby added a second preproduction example of its four-passenger eVTOL aircraft as it steps up a flight test program expected to lead to type certification and the launch of air taxi services in 2024. The California-based company announced that in late December both the FAA and the U.S Air Force issued airworthiness approval for the second aircraft to begin flight operations.

    The second prototype was expected to start flight tests as part of the U.S. Air Force’s Agility Prime program to evaluate the use of eVTOL aircraft for military missions. The aircraft is expected to have a range of 150 miles and a top speed of 200 mph when certified.

    Joby has not said which of its two prototypes was involved in the accident or whether flight testing will be suspended while the accident is investigated. At the end of January, the company confirmed it is planning to conduct public demonstration flights in the San Francisco Bay area.

    Over the past couple of years, much of Joby’s flight testing has been conducted near Jolon in California's Monterey county. The company has not disclosed exactly when the accident occurred but did confirm that it happened at its remote test base.

    This article was updated on February 18 to correct information about the location for Joby's eVTOL flight testing.

    Russerne har norske el-ledningsnett med koordinater - Hva mer trenger de? Jo detaljerte sjøkart - NRK

    Dessverre ikke overraskende. Norges- og spesielt politikernes naivitet er særdeles skuffende. Russerne har bestilt sjøkart med nøyaktig havbunnsbeskrivelse. Hva har de fått? Jo, dette: https://tinyurl.com/2dy4xpax

    Hemmelege norske sjøkart er i russiske hender

    Å lage detaljerte kart over norsk sjøbotn er forbode av omsyn til rikets sikkerheit. Eit norsk selskap har likevel laga svært detaljerte kart. Russarane står på kundelista.

    GA nødlanding - Mirakluløst, rett og slett - Aviation24.be


    Sjekk video her: https://tinyurl.com/2xyv4h8e

    Miraculous emergency landing of a small sports plane in the Dolomites


    A 22-year-old pilot made an emergency landing at an altitude of 2,100 metres in the middle of the Italian Dolomites. Neither she nor her two passengers (her brother and his girlfriend) suffered serious injuries.

    22-year-old pilot Silvia de Bon says she was flying the Piper PA-28-181 Archer II registered I-PIDR over a peak when her engine suddenly stalled. The aircraft had taken off from Trento-Mattarello airport and was heading to B-its base in Belluno airport (BLX). The pilot straightened the stick to line up with the mountain slope and land the aircraft on the snow near Cima Cece along the Lagorai mountain chain. She explains that she lost consciousness on landing and had to be kept under observation at the hospital overnight.

    The landing place was near a refuge. The two passengers who were still conscious were able to call for help. All three were transported by helicopter to Santa Chiara Hospital.

    Despite her fear, the young woman pilot explained that she did not want to give up her passion for flying. She already holds an Italian and American licence and wants to start a career as an airline pilot.

    Ukraina - Rare bilder - Twitter

    Teksten til bildet lyder: Militære flyplasser i Russland forlatt ubeskyttet da #AF_RF-kommandoen overførte luftvernsystemer til frontlinjen i Ukraina, - Britisk etterretning

    Makan til tull.Dette ser ut som et flymuseum selv om noen av flyene er av forholdsvis ny dato. Men Bison? Når fløy den sist? Må ha vært på 60-tallet.

    fredag 30. desember 2022

    F-35 - Tyskerne lurer på om de har gjort et dumt kjøp - Defense Mirror


    Questions over German F-35 Purchase after its Grounding in the U.S.

    •  Defensemirror.com Bureau
    •  05:48 AM, December 30, 2022


    American F-35A fighter @thef35JPO

    Some military experts are on the fence on Germany’s decision to buy F-35 stealth fighter jets, after an American F-35B crashed recently which led to its type being grounded in the U.S. and Israel.

    German leaders announced a deal worth over $8 billion to buy 35 F-35s to replace its Tornado fleet in mid-December. The Tornado is the only German fighter capable of carrying U.S. nuclear bombs, which are stored in the country, in case of a conflict. Tornados are old- the German Air force has been flying them since the 1980s, and Berlin is planning to phase it out between 2025 and 2030.

    First eight F-35 aircraft are to be delivered to Berlin in 2026.

    On Dec. 15, Lockheed Martin was conducting tests on a F-35B in Texas to evaluate its hovering capabilities when it crashed. The pilot ejected safely and was unharmed. Although it was the B-variant that allows for short take-off and vertical landing on aircraft carriers that crashed, Israel grounded 11 of its F-35I jets that are based on the F-35A. The F-35A features a conventional take-off and landing system.

    According to a classified letter to parliament’s budget committee, Germany’s defense ministry has reportedly expressed concerns about "delays and additional costs.”

    Risk factors cited by the ministry range from upgrading work needed at air fields that will host the F-35s, security requirements, and potential problems with approval for flight operations in Germany.

    “The variant of the upcoming flagship jet of the Bundeswehr is currently banned from take-off after a crash in the USA. The crash marks just the latest in a series of mishaps. Has Germany bought a barely usable aircraft? is a question raised by German news outlet welt.

    An anonymous source told Defense News that a propulsion system issue led to the Dec. 15 crash.

    The source explained that, in guidance to the services, the Joint Program Office (JPO) said a failure of a tube used to transfer high-pressure fuel in the fighter’s F135 engine prompted the office to update its safety risk assessments. The JPO also told the services that jets with fewer than 40 hours of flying are affected, the source said.

    The JPO also made a statement to Defense News confirming the grounding in which it also revealed that the guidance applies to all three variants (F-35A/B/C) of the fighter.

    This grounding could cause delays in production owing to quality control issues or subsystem design flaws. In the past, there have been issues with the airplane’s propulsion and thermal management systems, its onboard oxygen system, its custom helmet-mounted display, even its susceptibility to lighting strikes.

    Moreover, in February 2022 36 F-35As were grounded simply due to lack of operable engines, number that has increased year over year since 2020. The General Accounting Office (GAO) has concluded that the extended time it takes to repair the complex P&W F135 engine means the Pentagon lacks enough spare engines.

    Hot Spot Sør Kinahavet - Stars & Stripes / Defense Daily



    Pentagon says Chinese fighter buzzed US Air Force jet in ‘unsafe’ intercept over South China Sea

    U.S. officials said a People’s Liberation Army Navy J-11 fighter maneuvered within about 10 feet of a U.S. RC-135 Rivet Joint reconnaissance plane’s wing during the intercept Dec. 21.

    Sjekk artikkel i Defense Daily med video her: https://tinyurl.com/3bfrevcv

    Jeg vil anslå avstanden til 30 fot. 

    Flyulykken under skoleflyging nær Larvik for et drøyt år siden hvor tre omkom - Sandefjords Blad

    Jeg fikk tips om dette som sto i Sandefjord Blad. Jeg leste det og ble ganske opprørt. Jeg sjekket  Statens Havarikommisjons pågående rapporter og fant at den endelige rapporten kommer ut om kort tid. Ut fra det som kan leses så langt ser det ikke ut til å ha vært teknisk svikt. Det som gjenstår er derfor menneskelig svikt, men av hvem? Det er ikke kommisjonens jobb å finne ut av fordi:

    ICAO Annex 13; Objective: ñThe sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incident shall be the prevention of accidents and incidents. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability

    Det som imidlertid slår meg er at kommisjonen en gang gjorde et unntak, nemlig da Widerøes ulykke i Namsos 27. okktober 1993, førte til en meget spesiell reaksjon fra kommisjonens (HSL) daværende  leder Ragnar Rygnestad. Han gikk (i overført betydning) rett inn i selskapets styrerom og forklarte styret og ledelsen forøvrig at de var ansvarlige for selskapets sikkerhet.  Det var såpass spesielt at jeg ikke kan glemme det. Jeg var i ledelsen i Norsk Flygerforbund på det tidspunkt, og jobbet med flysikkerhet.

    Det ser for meg ut til at flyet har kommet i spinn under en spesiell øvelse. Hvordan det kunne skje og/eller hvorfor flyet ikke kom ut av spinnet, kan bli spørsmål vi aldri vil få svar på. En vil derfor alltid spekulere på om bakenforliggende årsaker kan ha hatt noe å si.

    Det som fremkommer under er det jeg vil kalle forferdelig lesning. 

    Filip, Eirik og Goran omkom i denne tragiske ulykken 23.11.2021. Pilot Flight Academy sin daværende eiere hadde tømt kassen og PFA var i realiteten konkurs. Tidligere eiere Frode Granlund og kompanjong Vassbotn hentet ut ca 320 millioner og delte på to i en finans transaksjon som er helt utrolig. De kjøpte seg hus til verdi av 50 millioner og biler til flere millioner. Samtidig fikk ikke skolens ansatte lønn til rett tid, 6 av 7 fly stod på bakken pga manglende deler til service.
    Daværende og nåværende administrativ ledelse Colin Rydon og Karl Morten Rosenlund er blant studentene kjent for sin fryktkultur jfr Filip og flere av hans medstudenter. En rekke studenter er kastet ut av PFA etter å ha betalt over en million for ett to årig studie om det var noen som helst kritikk til studieopplegg. Filip ringte meg 4 dager før ulykken og fortalte at han var livredd for å fly siden det var så mye tvil rundt sikkerheten til flyene gitt at så mange fly stod på bakken. Jeg ba Filip ikke om å fly om han var redd. Filip Müller Frich fortalte at han i likhet med andre studenter var redd for å bli kastet ut av skolen om han ikke fulgte instrukser. Han bestemte seg for å fly - det ble fatalt for de tre som omkom.
    PFA har ikke oversikt over sine forsikringer, PFA har brukt mye krefter på å redde skolens renommé. PFA har vært iskalde og hatt null oppfølging av flere av oss pårørende med unntak av en haug med advokater fra PFA sin side som forsøker å hjelpe PFA til å bli fritatt fra sitt ansvar. Ingen vet verken hva som er forsikret eller hvordan forsikringene skal håndteres. Ingen forsikringer er oppgjort mellom PFA og STARR (Engelsk forsikringsselskap) som omfatter de som døde. I beste fall er dette sendrektighet.
    Etter at vi pårørende var presset til ikke å gå til media av nye eiere som ville ta over konkursboet - om prisen ble lav nok - under dekke av at de vil ordne opp med pårørende etter overtakelsen. Ingen ting har skjedd. Ett møte med nye og nåværende majoritetseiere Espen Høiby og Kristian Adolfsen fra Norlandia Group var noe av det simpleste jeg har deltatt på, men de kom med lovnaden at de skulle rydde opp i Granlund og Vassbotn sitt reir om vi holdt oss stille ifht media. Dette for å redde de 330 andre studentene som var i fare for å tape en million hver seg om skolen gikk konkurs. Negative avis oppslag ville være skadelig og vi måtte holde kjeft. Vi tenkte på studentene og vennene til Filip og Eirik og har holdt kjeft til nå.
    Milliardæren og skatteflyktningen (Bø i Vesterålen) Kristian Adolfsen har sammen med Espen Høiby brukt ulykken for å få NORDEA og andre kreditorer til å ta ett større tap på sine fordringer til PFA, samt få tidligere eiere til å gi noen garantier og delta på noen akrobatiske løsninger rundt eiendommene tilhørende driften ved PFA. Å rydde opp etter ulykken vil Adolfsen og Høiby helst glemme. De vil se fremover og utvikle sitte Business case rundt PFA.
    FØR rapporten fra Flyhavarikommisjonen er klar vil nå Adolfsen og Høiby i sitt utkast til avtale om forskuddsutbetaling av forsikringen til oss etterlatte ha en garanti for at vi som sitter i bunnløs sorg skal fraskrive oss ett hvert fremtidig erstatningskrav mot PFA, ledelsen, gamle og nye eiere. Dette er utpressing og det er totalt uakseptabelt! PFA har flere andre studenter (og sikkert ansatte) saker gående og skolens rykte og rennommé bør nå ikke spares. Eirik sin far, Finn skrev i sin siste e post til PFA at de tok livet av guttene våre. En hard påstand, men når grådigheten blir større enn ansvaret finnes ikke ord. Dette er min mening,

    torsdag 29. desember 2022

    F-35C Test Pilot - Denne er utenfor alle proporsjoner, men trykk på Watch Video er du snill - AIN video



    The F-35: A Test Pilot's Amazing Job

    Nations and their militaries are the customers for fighter aircraft, but the end users are their pilots. So who looks out for their interests and ensures that the technology lives up to the manufacturer’s promises? That responsibility falls to test pilots like Tony Wilson, or Brick as he was known in the U.S. forces.


    Helikopteruhell ved Boulder City, Nevada - Curt Lewis


    Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopter tar av fra Grand Canyon airport oktober 2011 - Foto: Per Gram (Red.)

    7 hurt as Grand Canyon tour helicopter makes hard landing

    This image provided by Boulder City communications manager Lisa LaPlante shows a Grand Canyon tour helicopter after a Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2022, crash described as a "hard landing" at Boulder City, Nev., Municipal Airport. Officials say the pilot and six passengers were taken to Las Vegas-area hospitals with injuries that were not life-threatening. (Lisa LaPlante/Boulder City via AP) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

    Wed, December 28, 2022 at 7:29 PM GMT+1·1 min read

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — A Grand Canyon tour helicopter made a hard landing at a Las Vegas-area airport, injuring seven people, officials said Wednesday. Authorities are investigating the cause.

    Local responders and the National Transportation Safety Board characterized it as a “hard landing” around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at Boulder City Municipal Airport, while the Federal Aviation Administration called it a crash while landing.

    A photo posted on Facebook showed the red helicopter upright in a flat desert area. There were no reports of a fire.

    The pilot and six passengers were taken to hospitals in Las Vegas and suburban Henderson for treatment of injuries that Boulder City spokesperson Lisa LaPlante called not life-threatening.

    The FAA said it is investigating, and the NTSB identified the operator of the Airbus Helicopters EC130 T2 as Las Vegas-based Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopter air tours.

    Papillon representatives did not immediately respond Wednesday to a telephone message.

    FlightAware, an air traffic database, reported that the 25-minute flight originated at the Grand Canyon near Kingman, Arizona, and was headed for the Boulder City airport. Boulder City is a 30-minute drive from downtown Las Vegas.

    NTSB spokesperson Peter Knudson said a preliminary report should be available within about three weeks.