tirsdag 31. januar 2023

Trusselvurderinger legges frem offentlig den 13. februar - Regjeringen


Felles fremlegging av trussel- og risikovurderinger

Mandag 13. februar 2023 legger Etterretningstjenesten, Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste og Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet frem sine åpne trussel- og risikovurderinger.

Nett-tvKommerFelles fremlegging av trussel- og risikovurderinger

Se sendingen her

Se sendingen her

Forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram og justis- og beredskapsminister Emilie Enger Mehl vil innlede. Deretter vil sjef Etterretningstjenesten, viseadmiral Nils Andreas Stensønes, sjef Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste, Beate Gangås, og sjef Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet, Sofie Nystrøm, presentere sine vurderinger rundt aktuelle sikkerhetsutfordringer.

I den årlige trusselvurderingen «FOKUS» gir Etterretningstjenesten sin analyse av status og ventet utvikling innenfor tematiske og geografiske områder som tjenesten vurderer som særlig relevant for norsk sikkerhet og nasjonale interesser.

PSTs årlige trusselvurdering er en analyse av ventet utvikling innenfor PSTs ansvarsområder, herunder terror, spionasje og trusler mot myndighetspersoner.

I NSMs rapport «RISKO 2023 - Økt uforutsigbarhet - høyere beredskap» vurderes risikoen for at samfunnet rammes av tilsiktede handlinger som kan skade viktige samfunnsinteresser.

Flyr takker for seg


Flyr går inn for landing

Vi lyktes ikke med ny finansieringsplan og styret har tirsdag kveld konkludert med at det dessverre ikke finnes alternativer for videre drift. Flyr vil onsdag morgen begjære konkurs. Alle flyvninger er innstilt og billettsalget er stanset.

Tusen takk til alle som har valgt å fly med oss det siste halvannet året, for at dere tok så godt imot oss og for alle heiaropene. Vi kommer til å savne dere alle og beklager på det sterkeste til alle som blir berørt av at vi nå må gå inn for landing.

Vi oppfordrer alle som har bestilt billett hos oss til å kontakte sitt kredittkortselskap for refusjon. Bobestyrer vil heretter overta alt ansvar for Flyr. Selskapet vil dele kontaktinformasjon på flyr.com så snart den blir tilgjengelig.

Flyr med kniven mot strupen - NRK - Dagens Næringsliv


Siste kl 1900: Flyr begjærer seg konkurs - Aksjen strykes - NRK Nyheter -


Fortsatt ingen løsning for Flyr – viktig tidsfrist for å melde inn sommerens flyruter ved midnatt

Flyr trenger finansiering for å sikre oppdrag for andre selskaper i sommer. Ved midnatt er det frist for å bekrefte sommerens flyruter i Europa.

Fortsatt ingen løsning for Flyr – viktig tidsfrist for å melde inn sommerens flyruter ved midnatt

Flyr trenger finansiering for å sikre oppdrag for andre selskaper i sommer. Ved midnatt er det frist for å bekrefte sommerens flyruter i Europa.

mandag 30. januar 2023

Statens Pensjonsfond Utland reagerer--- Defensemirror.com



Norges Bank Excludes China's ACIT, India's BEL from Pension Fund for Myanmar Ties

  •  Defensemirror.com Bureau
  •  06:44 AM, January 30, 2023


K-8 Combat Trainer of ACIT

Norway's Norges Bank, a part of Norwegian Soverign Wealth Fund has excluded AviChina Industry & Technology Co Ltd (ACIT) and Bharat Electronics Ltd from its global pension fund for supplying military equipment to the Myanmar Junta.

Norges Bank’s Executive Board took the decision due to “unacceptable risk that the companies are selling weapons to a state that uses these weapons in ways that constitute serious and systematic breaches of the international rules on the conduct of hostilities”, a Bank statement said January 27.

The background for the decision is sales of light airplanes and other military material respectively to the military in Myanmar. The decision is based on recommendations from the Council on Ethics of 23 August 2022.

Meanwhile, Myanmar opposition publication, Irrawady.com reported that AviChina, delivered several K-8 light combat aircraft to the Myanmar military in December 2021. Bharat Electronics, an Indian producer of aviation and defense electronics, delivered a remote-controlled weapons station to the Myanmar military in July 2021, it said.

Bharat Electronics' product range @BEL

The fund, valued at 13.2 trillion kroner ($1.3 trillion) on Wednesday, owned 0.37% of the Chinese group and 0.32% of the Indian company at the end of 2021.

However, the Executive Board observed that it has not conducted an independent assessment of all aspects of the recommendations but is satisfied that the observation and exclusion criteria have been fulfilled.

Before deciding to exclude a company, Norges Bank shall consider whether the use of other measures, including the exercise of ownership rights, may be better suited. The Executive Board concludes that it is not appropriate to use other measures in these cases.

Notam for Vestfjorden gjeldende for droneøvelse

Det ser ut som om pennen har glippet. Eller er det en norsk gjengjeldelse for alle fareområdene russerne har etablert i norsk luftrom.. (Red.)

Statens Pensjonsfond Utland har aksjer i BEL - Dette må føre til reaksjoner - Defensemirror.com



BEL Wins $29.3 Million Sonar Systems Contract From Myanmar

  •  Our Bureau
  •  07:43 AM, February 20, 2014


India-based firm, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has signed a $29.24 Million contract with the Government of Myanmar for three Hull Mounted Sonars–Export (HMS-X).

India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is responsible for the research & development of various systems and technologies and is not involved in their export.

The announcement was made by the Defence Minister AK Antony in a written statement issued to the Parliament. 

Gahr Støre og Gram til Kongsberg - Regjeringen

Ja, Kongsberg er i verdensklasse, men det er Nammo og. Det er dessverre alt for mye bygningsmasse som ligger over bakken. Anleggene må sprenges inn i fjell.  (Red.)

– En forsvarsindustri i verdensklasse

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre og forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram besøkte mandag Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace (KDA). Der fikk de se i praksis hvor viktig norsk våpenproduksjon og teknologi er for nasjonal og alliert forsvarsevne.

– Norge er et lite land, men vi har en forsvarsindustri i verdensklasse her på Kongsberg. Det er avgjørende for vår egen sikkerhet, og ikke minst viktig nå når Ukraina kjemper for frihet. Den økte etterspørselen etter våpen og ammunisjon er en sterk påminnelse om at KDA er en viktig og integrert del av nasjonal, og alliert beredskap, sier statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre.

Under besøket fikk statsministeren og forsvarsministeren orienteringer om leveranser til forsvarssektoren og produksjonskapasitet. De fikk også møte lærlinger, fagarbeidere og ansatte og fikk en omvisning i produksjonshallen for NASAMS luftvern.

Statsministeren og forsvarsministeren står foran et NASAMS våpensystem.
Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System, forkortet NASAMS. Foto: Ingrid Brandal Myklebust / Statsministerens kontor

– KDA er en av Norges fremste teknologibedrifter. Luftvernsystemet NASAMS og sjømålsmissilet NSM er konkrete eksempler på kvaliteten på det KDA produserer, og hva teknologien betyr for vår nasjonale og alliert forsvarsevne. At Ukraina klarer å skyte ned mange av missilene fra Russland, skyldes blant annet donasjon av nettopp NASAMS, sier forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram.

– Det at KDA har lykkes med å utvikle og produsere avanserte og effektive forsvarssystemer som fortrekkes av våre viktigste allierte viser ikke bare at teknologien de leverer er i verdensklasse. Det vitner også om tillit til bedriftens evne til å levere, spesielt i krisesituasjon. Og det vitner om tillit til norske myndigheters forsvarsindustrielle politikk og at vi samarbeider for å sikre leveransesikkerhet, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, sier forsvarsministeren.

Ukraina - Oppdatering - Defense Daily / Defensemirror.com


How to fix a howitzer: US offers help line to Ukraine troops














Right turns only please.... Aviation24be


CAA Airbus A320 looses left hand elevator upon departure Mbuji Mayi, heads to Kinshasa – right turns only


 Bart Noëth

30 January 2023

On 29 January, a CAA (Compagnie Africaine Aviation) Airbus A320-200 (registered 9S-ABM) operated domestic flight BU415 between Mbuji Mayi and Kinshasa N’Djili, Democratic Republic of the Congo. After take-off from Mbuji Mayi, the left hand elevator separated from the aircraft. The captain decided to continue flying to Kinshasa requesting only right hand turns. 

Avherald.com has the full story: “the Airbus departed Mbuji Mayi’s runway 34 when most of the left hand elevator separated from the aircraft. The aircraft climbed out, the captain decided to continue the flight to Kinshasa requesting only right hand turns, climbed to FL300 enroute, performed a low pass at Kinshasa to have the aircraft assessed from the ground and subsequently, again using right hand turns only, positioned for another approach and landing on Kinshasa’s runway 24 about 90 minutes after departure.

The separated part of the Elevator was recovered from the aerodrome in Mbuji Mayi.

According to local sources there was no collision or abnormal contact of the aircraft, it just looks like a structural failure as result of fatigue.”

The aircraft’s left remaining elevator seen in Kinshasa:

Droner - Triton er enda ikke isingssertfisert - UAS vision

Det er veldig overraskende at dette viktige elementet for US Navy ikke kan fly i isingsforhold. I forsvarssjefens militærfaglige råd av 2015 var droner et alternativ til MPA, altså Orion.  På samme orientering hvor dette ble fremlagt på Akershus Festning, var Global Hawk, altså eldstebroren til Triton, et alternativ. Med andre ord et alternativ som ikke kan fly i isingsforhold. Det ble ikke nevnt med et eneste ord den gang. (Red.)


US Navy MQ-4C Triton Undergoes Anti-Ice Testing at Pax River

The MQ-4C Triton test team conducted the first flight to assess the unmanned aircraft system’s ability to fly with wing ice accumulation Jan. 25 at Patuxent River.

This was the first of approximately 15 flights planned through spring 2023 that will clear Triton to fly in icing conditions.

“Triton’s ability to fly in icing conditions is a top priority for the fleet,” said Capt. Josh Guerre, MQ-4C Triton Program Manager. “The greater ability we have to fly in harsh weather conditions, the more capability we can provide to the fleet.”

In late 2022, the Integrated Test Team (ITT) installed 3D-printed nylon ice shape blocks designed to simulate ice accumulation on the wings and V-tail if the aircraft were to fly through moderate icing. The orange-colored ice shapes are coated with a coarse grit that makes them textured and rough like ice that accumulates on the inside of a freezer, said Amanda Marge, MQ-4C Triton lead test engineer.

“The objective is to verify that there’s sufficient stability and control in order to remove the restrictions in the flight clearance for flying in icing conditions – which could significantly increase the fleet’s sortie rate,” she said.

During the initial flight, the team executed basic flying qualities maneuvers such as control surface pulses, sideslips, and sustained turns at 20,000 feet. The team will analyze data from the flight to confirm that the aircraft responds as predicted to inputs and that the team can safely proceed with further testing. As flights continue, the average planned duration for ice shape testing will increase to approximately five hours.


Triton will fly with this simulated ice accumulation on the wings throughout points in the operational envelope to determine the impact on aircraft flying qualities and performance. The testing will enable MQ-4C transits through moderate icing later this year.

“This timeline will support deployment of the latest MQ-4C multi-intelligence variant,” Guerre said.

The MQ-4C Triton is a long endurance, high altitude UAS that provides up to 24 hours of flight time. It is currently conducting Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions overseas.

Source: NAVAIR

Propellrevolusjon på vei? - UAS Vision

Toroidal Propellers – a Noise-Killing Game Changer

The MIT Lincoln Lab has produced some new devices for aircraft and drones that make some impressive efficiency gains and are radically quieter.

The toroidal propeller allows a small multirotor unpiloted aircraft, or drone, to operate more quietly than current drones that use propeller forms unchanged since the beginning of aviation,” said a statement by the lab.

By enabling a drone that is less of an acoustic annoyance, this propeller may accelerate the acceptance of such aircraft for a wide range of uses—for example, aerial deliveries, cinematography, industrial or infrastructure inspections, and agricultural monitoring.”

 video her: https://tinyurl.com/yxwvxkxx 

Two blades looping together

The quiet toroidal propeller consists of two blades looping together so that the tip of one blade curves back into the other. This closed-form structure reduces and controls the drag effects of swirling air tunnels (i.e., vortices) created at the blades’ tips and strengthens the propeller’s overall stiffness. As such, the propeller’s acoustic signature is significantly decreased without affecting its performance.

This has been proven by tests of prototype toroidal propellers on commercial quadcopters that indicated thrust levels comparable to those of conventional propellers at similar power levels. The resulting reduced sound levels allowed toroidal-propeller-equipped drones to function without affecting human hearing at distances half of those encountered in typical operations.

“Propellers, as we know, are pretty loud,” says Dr. Thomas Sebastian, a senior staff member in the Lincoln Lab’s Structural and Thermal-Fluids Engineering Group. “And we can look at wings to see how that works. Back when people were coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas for airplanes in the early 1900s and during World War 2, there were a couple of designs that were basically these ring wings. So I wondered what it would look like if you took a ring wing and turned something like that into a propeller.”

“We came up with this initial concept of using a toroidal shape, this annular wing shape, to hopefully make a quieter propeller,” Sebastian continues. “I had an intern of mine, who was just absolutely phenomenal, run with the idea. He took the concept and created a bunch of iterations using 3D printers.”

Within a few attempts, the team indeed found a design that reduced not only overall noise levels at a given thrust level, but particularly noise in the 1-5 kHz range.

Indeed, they sound more like a rushing breeze than a propeller, making a much less intrusive sound. Anecdotally, according to the team, a drone running these props makes a level of sound roughly as annoying as a regular drone about twice as far away

“The key thing that we thought was making the propellers quieter, was the fact that you’re now distributing the vortices that are being generated by the propeller across the whole shape of it, instead of just at the tip,” says Sebastian. “Which then makes it effectively dissipate faster in the atmosphere. That vortex doesn’t propagate as far, so you’re less likely to hear it.”

Propeller noise can be somewhat addressed by placing rings of acoustic treatment around the circumference of a prop’s path, which can also act as prop guards from a safety perspective. But these add parasitic mass, reducing battery life, and they can also catch the wind in outdoor situations, making the drone work harder to stay stable.

The team analyzed these weird-looking toroidal props to see whether there would be a thrust efficiency penalty. Apparently not: the team’s best-performing B160 design was not only quieter at a given thrust level than the best standard propeller they tested, it also produced more thrust at a given power level – pretty remarkable given that standard props have more than a century of development behind them and these toroids are at a very early stage, with plenty of optimization yet to come.

What’s more, their looped shape not only adds structural stability, but decreases the chance of a prop cutting, clipping or catching on things it runs into. You’re still not going to want them hitting you in the face, but there’s probably a marginal safety improvement there.

In terms of drawbacks, these are fairly complex shapes, so they’re much harder to manufacture than standard props using cheap and easy injection molding. They’re probably the sort of thing you need to get 3D printed. But even if they double or triple the price of propellers, these are a low-cost part of a drone and the overall impact might not be that tough on the hip pocket.

It’s unclear at this stage whether designs like this might be relevant at a larger scale, replacing traditional propellers on fixed-wing aircraft, or indeed on electric VTOL air taxis. The latter already appear to be significantly quieter than helicopters, but if they end up flooding the urban airspace with fast, cheap, green aerial transport, every decibel of noise will count when it comes to public and regulatory resistance. The question there, really, is what kind of frequencies these larger props will occupy in the audio spectrum, and whether the toroidal props shift the sound in a human-friendly direction.

The team has patented the design, and while it’s not clear whether there are plans to commercialize it, MIT appears to be prepared to license it to interested manufacturers.