torsdag 31. august 2023

AAM - Oppdatering her - AW&ST


AAM: Advanced Air Mobility

Sjekk den interessante folderen her:

Ukraina oppdatering - DefenseNews


Russia says Ukraine drone attack reaches deep into its territory


(The Associated Press) Ukraine sent waves of drones deep into western Russia in nighttime attacks that lasted more than four hours and struck military assets, Russian officials and media reports said Wednesday. Read More



  The Early Bird Brief Podcast  


Today's Episode: Some recent combat vets eligible to enroll in free VA health care


Under the PACT Act, newly eligible veterans have an upcoming deadline to enroll in health care through Veterans Affairs. Listen Here



Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 554


(Al Jazeera) Ukrainian officials said at least two people were killed and two injured in a “massive” Russian drone and missile attack on Kyiv. Ukrainian presidential adviser, Mikhail Podolyak, said the targeting of the capital with more than two dozen Russian cruise missiles and 15 drones was a “deliberate attack on the civilian population”. Read More



US not running out of munitions due to Ukraine aid, Pentagon acquisition boss says


(Air & Space Forces Magazine) Despite sending more than $43 billion in military aid to Ukraine—both lethal and non-lethal—the U.S. is not “running out” of any particular munitions or equipment needed for its own forces, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante told attendees at a defense conference in Washington, D.C. Read More



Ukraine’s elite snipers fight Russians, bullet by bullet


(Wall Street Journal) Stealthy assassins aim to sow chaos in enemy ranks by picking off commanders and key troops. Read More



Ukraine investigates corruption in medical exemptions from military duty


(Al Jazeera) Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy says bribes of between $3,000 and $15,000 paid for medical exemptions from military duty. Read More



Grant Shapps vows to keep backing Ukraine as UK defense secretary


(BBC) Grant Shapps has pledge to "continue to UK's support for Ukraine" as he takes over as defence secretary from Ben Wallace. Read More



An obsolete German tank seeks a second life on Ukraine’s front lines


(New York Times) The Cold War-era Leopard 1A5 may be old, but it is still effective, Germany says. The country is now training Ukrainian troops to operate the weapons. Read More



Prigozhin’s life on the run: Wagner chief used jets to evade tracking for years


(Wall Street Journal) Mercenary leader moved around Russia, blocked surveillance and eluded sanctions until assassination in plane crash Read More

Posing on the wing of a B777 - video


Sett i sammenheng med de tilsynelatende problemene med sprekker nevnt i et tidligere innlegg i dag, må en være forsiktig med vingene...... En disiplinær forføyning kan derfor være på sin plass. Men poseringen var OK den. (Red.)

SWISS Boeing 777 crew’s daring wing dance in Buenos Aires sparks potential discipline


A SWISS crew might face discipline after a video clip appeared online showing two of them being caught on the wing of the Boeing 777, in between flights. The event happened earlier this month in Argentina, when the aircraft was being readied for a flight to Brazil, then onward to Zurich, Switzerland. 

The video – taken from the Buenos Aires terminal building – show several crew members posing and dancing on the 777.

Check video here:

According to the airline’s policy, crew is only allowed onto the wing in case of an emergency. If they were to fall, it would be a drop of about 5 meters to the ground.

The crew might face discipline, a spokesperson of the Lufthansa subsidiary told 20 Minuten, a Swiss daily free newspaper: “The behavior of the employees in the video does not meet our security requirements, nor does it reflect the high level of professionalism of our employeesIn this case, individual crew members did not perform their role model function. We cannot approve of this.”

The story reminds many of the KLM crew that opened the top cockpit hatch of their Boeing 747-400 in Guatemala City, back in 1997. Three of them climbed on top and started cloud surfing, much to the displeasure of the KLM spokesperson.

Farnborough juli, 2024 - FINN


FINN: Farnborough Intl. News Network (Red.)

Farnborough International Airshow 2024 reports record demand from the global aerospace industry

In line with the positive outlook for the aerospace industry, which is expecting commercial revenues to grow 14% year-on-year, the forthcoming edition of the Farnborough International Airshow in 2024 is reporting record-breaking demand for exhibition space, sponsorship packages and marketing activations. The show is set to reach new heights as the preeminent marketplace for an industry on an upward trajectory.

Despite the ongoing supply chain challenges, the aerospace and space industries are set to soar during the next year. IATA has estimated that the global airline industry is expected to return to profitability in 2023, reaching $5 billion in profit, and Accenture has reported that MRO recovery is expected to stay steady through 2023, with most executives anticipating MRO budgets will stay the same or increase in the next 24 months.

Heading above the atmosphere, the global space market has grown to approximately $447 billion, up from $280 billion in 2010, and is estimated to reach $1 trillion by 2030, according to a report by McKinsey and World Economic Forum.

AWACS øver seg på venstresvinger - Flightradar24


Øst for den ser du to fly nær hverandre. Det er to tyskregistrerte LearJets som har holdt til på Andøya en ukes tid. Jeg antar at de er engasjert av Andøya Space. AWACS`ens virksomhet tyder på fartøyer eller fly av stor interesse i området. Det er et US fly som flyr nær Costansa i Romania også. Høyden passer med P-8A. (Red.)

Aktiviteten kan også sees i sammenheng med NOTAM kartet her: 

USA: Kostbart å holde passasjerene i flyet under forsinkelser - AVweb


American Airlines Hit With $4 Million In Fines Over Stranded Passengers


The U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) has hit American Airlines (AAL) with a $4 million fine for incidents involving keeping passengers waiting in its aircraft for three hours or more. The fine is the highest assessed to a domestic airline for violations of the relevant regulations. Three hours is the maximum time allowable under DoT rules for passengers to be kept waiting while onboard an aircraft before takeoff. According to a DoT investigation report, American “kept dozens of flights stuck on the tarmac for long periods of time without letting passengers off.”

According to the agency’s Office of Aviation Consumer Protection, it reviewed delays registered between 2018 and 2021. In that time frame, American was responsible for “43 domestic flights [remaining] on the tarmac for lengthy periods without providing passengers an opportunity to deplane.” Officials added that the stranded passengers were not offered food or water during the delays, most of which occurred at AAL’s central hub at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. A total of 5,821 passengers were affected, according to the DoT.

American spokesperson Sarah Jantz blamed the delays on “exceptional weather events.” She said the affected flights were just a small percentage of “the 7.7 million flights during this time period,” adding, “We have since apologized to the impacted customers and regret any inconvenience caused.”

V-22 Osprey under lupen etter mange ulykker - Stars & Stripes


Listen over ulykker og alvorlige hendelser har jeg vist her tidligere, sammen med min antakelse om at en slik safety review ville finne sted. 


Top Marine Corps officer orders servicewide safety review in aftermath of deadly Osprey crash



STARS AND STRIPES • August 30, 2023


A Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey flies aid supplies to Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea, on Aug. 12, 2023. Gen. Eric Smith, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, called for a servicewide safety review to be done by Sept. 15 following an Osprey crash this week that killed three Marines and left eight hospitalized. (J. R. Heins/U.S. Marine Corps)

The Marine Corps will undergo a servicewide safety review in September following an Osprey crash in Australia this week that killed three Marines and left eight hospitalized.

In an administrative message Tuesday, Gen. Eric Smith, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, called for a “thorough and harsh review” to be done by Sept. 15.

Commanders and supervisors will have to examine their units’ attitudes on safety, identify risks and come up with ways of mitigating them, Smith said. Their feedback must be submitted by Oct. 15.

Discussions will be held with junior service members, who are encouraged to provide input on perceived hazards.

“I expect each unit to gather … to discuss, in detail, the elements of what it means to be a professional warfighting organization as it relates to the safe conduct of every event from training to combat,” Smith said. “Safety is not a peacetime concern; it is a warfighting issue.”

The review “is not a venue for lectures or for wagging our finger at a Marine or a command,” Smith said.

Among the goals of the measure are ensuring that Joint Light Tactical Vehicle operators are getting adequate rest, that protective equipment is worn as required and that missions are reviewed beforehand, he said.

Boeing 777 må ettersees veldig kvikt, ellers...... AVweb


..... kan vi få en ny Flight TWA 800 17. juli 1996 da en B747 gikk i lufta, bokstavelig talt. (Red.)

FAA Concerned Lightning Could Cause 777 Explosions


The FAA has issued an update to an AD on hundreds of Boeing 777s because it’s concerned they might explode if struck by lightning. The AD was issued this week to update earlier action to address cracks in wing chords. When it reviewed the wing problems, the agency discovered that there were errors in the AD relating to the replacement of cap seals on fasteners in a section of the wing that penetrates the center fuel tank.

“If these seals are not replaced properly, and the associated fastener has poor electrical bonding to the airplane structure for any reason, the fastener may spark during a lightning strike and cause a fuel tank explosion,” the FAA said in the AD. The agency said it expects the AD to apply to 291 U.S.-registered aircraft.

Ukraina - Ukrainas motangrep har vart en stund og går tregt - Media


Ukrainske soldater omkom i helikopterulykke


30. aug. 2023 21:35 – Oppdatert 30. aug. 2023 22:24

Seks ukrainske soldater mistet livet da to militærhelikoptre kolliderte øst i Ukraina, opplyser det ukrainske forsvaret.

Artikkelen fortsetter under annonsen

Ukrainske medier skriver onsdag at ulykken skjedde tirsdag i nærheten av byen Kramatorsk øst i landet og at det dreier seg om to militærhelikoptre av typen MI-8. Disse er mye brukt av det ukrainske forsvaret.

En talsperson for det ukrainske luftvåpenet bekrefter onsdag overfor den ukrainske kringkasteren Suspilne at to helikoptre krasjet og at seks soldater mistet livet.


Britiske etterretningskilder oppleves av undertegnede som pålitelige. Disse er basert på mange kilder fra begge sider i krigen og beskriver grusomme hendelser og handlinger, akkurat som i andre kriger. Ukrainas bruk av droner langt inn i Russland er særdeles interessant og setter Norges innsats innen dette området i et spesielt lys, rett og slett for vi ikke har noen særlig droneaktivitet i vårt forsvar. Vi vil få en bratt læringskurve, for vi må engasjere oss før eller siden. 

Russerne er naturligvis redde for at Ukraina skal kunne avskjære deres styrker på Krim. Overfor denne trusselen truer Putin nok en gang med atomvåpen. Han mener også at Ukraina benytter vestlige droner mot russiske mål. Dette er neppe riktig, men det kan ikke forundre noen nå om Ukraina benytter vestlige deler kjøpt hvor som helst i Vesten, for å bygge egenutviklede droner og også andre typer våpen. Oppfinnsomheten er uansett særdeles stor. 

Et angrep natt til i går førte til at 4 Il-76 transportfly ble sett ut av spill, hele 800 km inne på russisk territorium. Vi så også at forsvaret av denne viktige basen, Pskov, ikke var forsvart med missiler. Putin vil få presset flere av sine viktige elementer lenger unna fronten etter dette. 

Det kan spekuleres på om F-16 kan være til særlig hjelp. Russerne har MANPADS som kan forsvare enkeltelementer mot lavtflygene fly, ikke bare mot helikoptre som vi har sett Ukraina skyte ned mange av med små missiler båret av èn soldat.

Denne krigen, akkurat som etter andre kriger, vil lære oss veldig mye om hva en kan forvente dersom en alvorlig konflikt skulle inntreffe i våre egne nærområder. Men først må det vel ut på høring og deretter diskuteres i en komité... Storberget må virkelig grøsse av mangel på handling her hjemme.