søndag 31. mars 2024

Ukraina - Russland er i ferd med å få et betydelig overtak - VG


Ekspert bekymret for russisk overtak: – Vi har ikke tatt inn over oss hvor galt det er på vei

Vladimir Putin (71) har nå et mulighetsvindu i krigen – som kan få katastrofale følger.

Sen påskekrim fra NRK: Døden på rom 106

Ola Dan Eide - Foto fra artikkelen

Norsk flyger døde på Bodø Flystasjon under mystiske omstendigheter.

En sann historie som er uløst: https://tinyurl.com/3t3z6a5b

Gaza - USA med mer militært utstyr til Netanyahu - Stars & Stripes



US signs off on more bombs and warplanes for Israel

Despite a growing rift between the U.S. and Israeli governments over the Gaza war, the Biden administration continues to authorize major weapons transfers.

lørdag 30. mars 2024

Droner - Kan Triton bli vår nye drone? - Forsvarets forum


Denne dronen ble presentert på Akershus Festning i 2015 da Forsvarssjefen la frem sitt militærfaglige råd. Norge har antakelig opparbeidet seg litt erfaring med tilsvarende type, men da med  Global Hawk/Euro Hawk som ikke er spesielt utrustet for den typen maritime oppdrag Triton er. Allikevel tror jeg at typen kan bli voldsomt vanskelig å operere fra Norge på grunn av sin high aspect ratio wing (lange og smale)  Vi kan muligen stasjonere den i andre NATO land, men jeg mener typen er for stor. Vi bør i stedet går for en drone som også kan være våpenværende, som også kan ha maritime oppgaver, nemlig RQ-9 Reaper. Sjekk innlegg her den 19. november 2015. Søk på Triton. (Red.)

Sjekk saken her: https://tinyurl.com/yejw7ez8:

ASW - P-8A med vesentlige oppdateringer - Sea Power / AW&ST

 U.S. Navy Delivers First P-8A Poseidon Aircraft for Increment 3 Block 2 Modifications 

The U.S. Navy delivered the first P-8A Poseidon aircraft to be modified with Increment 3 Block 2 capabilities to Boeing on March 27. Modificationsare expected to be complete in late 2025. NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND, PATUXENT RIVER, Md. — 

The U.S. Navy delivered the first P-8A Poseidon aircraft to be modified with Increment 3 Block 2 capabilities to Boeing on March 27, enabling the fleet to be outfitted with the full antisubmarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASuW), and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities outlined in the P-8A program’s evolutionary acquisition strategy. 

The P-8A is the Department of Defense’s only long-range fullspectrum ASW, cue-to-kill platform, with substantial armed ASuW and networked ISR capabilities.  Increment 3 Block 2 provides a significant upgrade to the P-8A airframe and avionics systems, and includes new airframe racks, radomes, antennas, sensors, and wiring.

 The modification incorporates a new combat systems suite with an improved computer processing and higher security architecture capability, a wide band satellite communication system, an ASW signals intelligence capability, a track management system, and additional communications and acoustics systems to enhance search, detection and targeting capabilities. 

“Increment 3 Block 2 brings the capability that the P-8A was made for. These modifications will allow aircrews to search, locate and track the most advanced submarines in the world, enabling the fleet to pace the threat with the required capability and capacity to win the fight,” said Capt. Erik Thomas, program manager for the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft program office, PMA-290.

“This delivery demonstrates the PMA-290 team’s outstanding work ethic, professionalism and dedication to the fleet.” Increment 3 Block 2 related modifications will begin at Boeing’s Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul hangar at Cecil Airport in Jacksonville, Florida. The first fleet aircraft modification is expected to be complete in January 2025. “P-8A Increment 3 is the next step in the spiral evolution of Poseidon. By design, and through the efforts of NAVAIR and industry teaming, Increment 3 Block 2 represents the baseline configuration the Navy needs to address tomorrow’s high-end threat,” said Rear Adm. Adam Kijek, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group/Patrol and Reconnaissance Group Pacific.

 In response to evolving threats around the world, future P-8A modifications will be implemented via a sequence of rapid capability insertion efforts that build upon this new Increment 3 Block 2 baseline. 

As of March 2024, U.S. Navy fleet squadrons have taken delivery of 119 P-8A aircraft. P-8A active duty and reserve squadron transition training is complete for all 14 fleet squadrons and one fleet replacement squadron.  In addition, the P-8A fleet has flown for more than 503,783 flight hours and recorded more than 440,558 landings. 

PMA-290 manages the acquisition, development, support and delivery of the U.S. Navy’s maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft. 

Sjekk også dette som er nær det samme fra AW&ST: https://tinyurl.com/5n8wd7ay

Dette imponerer: ......incorporation of Multi-Static Active Coherent-Enhanced wide area anti-submarine warfare search capability,




Global Hawk på tur igjen sammen med en USN P-8A på sin vanlige stasjon

Senere på kvelden. Ganske intens overvåking av Novorusyisk. Putin har dasjaen sin like sør for havnen.

torsdag 28. mars 2024

Russerne skjøt ned eget jagerfly - X video


Sjekk video tatt opp utenfor Sevastopol: https:/https://tinyurl.com/275ewtka og her: https://tinyurl.com/5c349v7u

Flygeren skjøt seg ut og ble berget.

Russernr dkriver selv: 

There was indeed a #Russia SU-27 that was in difficulty in #Crimea and it almost crashed, but its pilot Sergei Kaipiroski aka “Ghost of Sevastopol” managed to conduct a safe landing on the sea and survived He’s another hero fighting the evil #Ukraine #NATO that deserves a medal

Ukraina oppdatering









AAM - Future Flight

AAM: Advanced Air Mobility

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