mandag 16. februar 2015

Droneregler ute på høring i USA

Det er ikke uvanlig i det hele tatt at USA går sine egne veier. 
I noen tilfeller hvor FAA og EASA har felles interesser innen 
et luftfartsområde, forsøker en harmonisering som det kalles. 
Når det gjelder droner som opereres over eget landområde 
kan en ha spesielle regler gjeldende for landområdet. Dokumentet er på 195 sider.

Commercial operators of small unmanned aerial systems 
(sUAS) weighing less than 55 pounds will have to pass an 
FAA knowledge test every two years and their aircraft will 
have to be registered under regulations proposed in a 
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released by the FAA and 
the DOT Sunday (PDF). 
In a telephone news briefing, 
FAA Administrator Michael Huerta told reporters the long-
awaited proposed rule attempts to strike a balance 
between public safety and the public benefit that drone use 
is expected to offer. "It has to be flexible and adaptable and 
it has to work for users and proponents as well as for those 
who are interested in the highest levels of safety," Huerta 
said. Under the new rules, small drones could be flown 
anywhere in Class G airspace in day VFR (three-mile 
visibility) but must remain within line of sight of the 
operator, not fly above 500 feet AGL and not fly faster 
than 100 mph. 
The drones would not be allowed to fly over any people 
not directly involved with the operation of the drone. Flight 
would be prohibited in Class A airspace (above 18,000 feet) 
and only permitted with prior ATC approval in B, C, D and E. 
There is also a proposal for a "micro" class that could be
operated over other people and the operators would not 
have to be FAA certified.
Huerta said the operator certification process needs to 

satisfy the agency that those flying drones have "a base 
level of understanding" of the rules of the air but it also 
to be easily accessible. The initial testing and biennial 
recurrency exams will be done at "FAA-approved 
knowledge testing centers" and although he didn't say 
exactly what those might look like it would seem logical 
that already-established flight schools could fill that bill.
Operators will also have to be "vetted by the Transportation
Security Administration" and the certificate won't be issued 
"until the TSA determines that the applicant will not pose a
security threat." Drone operators will not have to undergo 
an FAA medical but must self-certify before every flight.
There will be no airworthiness requirements for the aircraft 
but they will be registered with N-numbers just like other 
aircraft. The registration has to be displayed on the aircraft 
either in accordance with FAA standards or in lettering as 
large as is practical for the size of the vehicle. Before every 
flight, the operator will have to do a pre-flight inspection to 
ensure airworthiness. Accidents will have to be reported.
Huerta would not be pinned down on when a final rule might 

be issued. There is a 60-day comment period and the rule is 
195 pages long. What's more, it also invites comments on
operations like beyond visual line of sight and for larger 
aircraft that are beyond the scope of this rule. He said the 
FAA expects a lot of comments on the rule and that each 
one has to be considered and addressed before the rule 
can become final. He said only that the agency was 
committed to processing the comments as fast as possible 
and would not speculate on how long it might take.
Reaction has been generally positive to the proposal. Brian
Wynne, the CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle
Systems International (AUVSI), called the rule "a good first 
step" but said it will take time to digest all its contents. "This
proposed rule is a critical milestone in the UAS integration
process, and one that is long overdue," he said. "UAS 
technology has largely remained grounded while many
prospective users wait for the regulatory framework to 
catch up." AOPA, meanwhile, said most of its concerns 
have been addressed by the document but is also 
concerned about how long it might take. "Clear guidance for 
UAS operations is needed to protect pilots and passengers,"
AOPA President 
Mark Baker said. "We're pleased that the FAA is moving the
rulemaking process forward, but this really can't happen fast

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