onsdag 25. februar 2015

Flygernes arbeidsforhold - Grundig undersøkelse

Store endringer er på gang internt i Norsk Flygerforbund. Norske SAS Flygeres Forening har gått inn i LO. HSF og WFF har ikke bestemt seg hvor de går, men NF ligger an til å bli en skygge av seg selv.

Sosiale forhold innen luftfart
En særdeles grundig undersøkelse av  flygeres arbeidsforhold er utført av Ghent University og heter Atypical Forms of Employment in the Aviation Sector, European Social Dialogue, European Commission, 2015.
Den er altså fersk og høyest relevant. Undersøkelsen er finansiert av EU under headingen Industrial Relations and social Dialogue. 
Det vil gå for langt å ta for seg rapporten her, men jeg tar med et eneste punkt nemlig følgende:

It has been pointed out by several sources that some airlines`managment styles (e.g. blame culture, non-renewal of contracts, or demotion from captain to co-pilot of crew members legitimately applying safety procedures and taking safety decisions according to their authority etc) are in total contradiction with provisions and regulations on Crew Resource Managment and Safety Managment Systems. In our view, the efficient and effective monitoring of the compliance with these provisions reinforced with systems of enhanced criminal liability for non-compliance as well as adequate protection for whistleblowers is another spear point measure in the prevention of and the fight against bogus as well as dangerous situations and must be further looked into. Finally, in this domain further research and additional occupational activities of pilots is urgently needed. Different stakeholders regret the impossibility to monitor the total working hours in any additional occupational positions which pilots perform and the relation to FTL regulations.

Her ligger det mye å ta fatt i for Luftfartstilsynet. 
Jeg er skuffet over at CHC Helikopter Service ikke har vært med i arbeidet referert over, men Bristow Helicopters er med.
Jeg sitter på rapporten dersom du er interessert.

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