torsdag 6. februar 2020

Pegasus Airlines - Dårlig flyging - Check-In / Curt Lewis / ASN

Boeing 737-flyet fra Pegasus Airlines efter havariet i Sabiha Gokcen International Airport.

Tredje alvorlige baneafkørsel på to år

En Boeing 737 fra Pegasus Airlines er forulykket i Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen-lufthavnen. Det er tredje gang på to år, at et fly fra samme selskab er involveret i en baneafkørsel.

Det tyrkiske lavprisflyselskab Pegasus Airlines har endnu engang været involveret i en hændelse, hvor et Boeing 737-fly er kørt af banen under landingsafløbet. 
Onsdag eftermiddag gik det således galt for tredje gang i løbet af lidt mere end 24 måneder. En Boeing 737-800 (registrering TC-IZK, red.) med 177 passagerer og seks besætningsmedlemmer ombord landede kl. 18.20 lokal tid på bane 06/24 i Sabiha Gokcen-lufthavnen i Istanbul efter en indenrigsflyvning fra Izmir som rutenummer PC2193. Under landingafløbet fortsatte flyet ud over landingsbanen og ramte en mur, hvorefter det brækkede i tre dele.
Ifølge The Aviation Herald antændtes der ild i en motor, der blev revet af ved kollisionen. Oprindeligt oplyste det tyrkiske transportministerium, at der ikke var registreret omkomne ved hændelsen, men den tyrkiske sundhedminister har onsdag aften oplyst, at en af de ombordværende er omkommet, mens 157 af 183 personer på flyet er kørt til undersøgelse og behandling på lokale hospitaler.
Senere er dødstallet blevet opjusteret til i alt tre omkomne, mens øvrige tre er i kritisk tilstand.
Baneafkørsel i januar
Det er ikke mere end fire uger siden, at endnu et fly fra Pegasus Airlines var involveret i en landingshændelse i samme lufthavn. Den 7. januar var det også en Boeing 737-800 (registrering TC-CCK, red.), der kørte af banen i Sabiha Gokcen International Airport.
Boeing 737-flyet var netop landet fra Sharjah i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater med 164 personer ombord, da det kurede mod venstre og kørte ud i græsset, hvor landingsstellet satte sig fast. Her var der også tale om en landing på bane 06/24, der har en længde på 3.000 meter.
Flyet blev efterfølgende evakueret direkte på landingsbanen og kunne atter sættes i drift den 1. februar efter endt reparation.

Pegaus Boeing 737-800 forulykket i Trabzon Airport. (Foto: Airlinehaber)
Kørte ud over skrænt
Reparation blev der ikke tale om, da en Boeing 737-800 (registrering TC-CPF, red.) fra Pegasus Airlines den 13. januar 2018 forulykkede i Trabzon Airport ved den østlige del af Sortehavet.
Flyet, der havde 162 passagerer og seks besætningsmedlemmer ombord, havde været undervejs på en indenrigsflyvning fra Ankara, da det efter landingen skred ud omkring 2.400 meter nede ad den 2.640 meter lange bane.
Først passerede flyet græsrabatten udenfor banearealet, hvorefter det kørte ud over en stejl skrænt, inden det stoppede nede ad skrænten med næsen pegende mod vandet, mens halepartiet stadig var synligt fra banen. Undervejs blev motoren i højre side revet af og trillede ned i havet.
Flyver til og fra Skandinavien
Pegasus Airlines er ikke et ukendt flyselskab i Skandinavien. Selskabet flyver i øjeblikket to gange dagligt fra København til Sabiha Gokcen International Airport, der er lokaliseret i den asiatiske del af Istanbul.
Fra Stockholm tilbyder selskabet 10 ugentlige flyvninger til den tyrkiske lufthavn, mens der blot er fire ugentlige afgange fra Oslo Lufthavn.
Pegasus Airlines beskæftiger i alt 81 fly, hvoraf 43 er at typen Airbus A320, to er Airbus A321, mens de resterende 36 er Boeing 737-800.
Turkey plane: Three dead, 179 hurt as jet skids off runway in Istanbul

Rescuers work to free people stuck in the crashed plane

A passenger plane landing at an airport in Istanbul has skidded off the runway and broken into three parts, killing three people and injuring 179 others, officials say.

The Pegasus Airlines jet was carrying 177 passengers and six crew members from Izmir province in the west when it crashed at Sabiha Gokcen airport.

The Boeing 737 was trying to land in heavy tailwinds and rain.

The airport was closed and flights diverted after the accident.

The majority of people on board were Turkish, but local media quoted the airline's records as saying there were 22 foreign passengers from 12 other countries. A small number of children are believed to have been on board.

Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya said: "Unfortunately, the Pegasus Airlines plane couldn't hold on the runway due to poor weather conditions and skidded for around 50-60m [164-196ft]."

He said the plane then fell between 30 and 40 metres off the end of the runway.

The airport has since reopened, while prosecutors have opened an investigation into the crash.

Video footage showed passengers climbing through one of the large cracks to escape via one of the wings, and dozens of rescuers working around the jet.

Other footage on social media showed a blaze inside the aircraft, which was later put out by firefighters.

Transport Minister Mehmet Cahit Turhan said authorities had not yet been able to speak to the pilots, a Turkish national and a South Korean, who were believed to have been injured in the accident.

The low-cost Pegasus Airlines has a fleet of 83 aircraft - 47 Boeings and 36 Airbus planes - and has been flying for 20 years.

A Pegasus Boeing 737 coming in from Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates skidded off the runway at the same airport on 7 January. There were no casualties but the airport had to be temporarily closed.

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Accident: Pegasus B738 at Istanbul on Feb 5th 2020, overran runway, impacted wall, broke up

A Pegasus Boeing 737-800, registration TC-IZK performing flight PC-2193 from Izmir to Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen (Turkey) with 177 passengers and 6 crew, landed on Sabiha Gokcen's runway 06 at 18:20L (15:20Z) but overran the end of the runway, impacted the airport perimeter wall and broke into three parts about 170 meters/550 feet past the runway end. An engine, that had separated, caught fire. As of current rescue and recovery works are in progress, the engine fire was quickly extinguished. Three occupants died, 179 people were taken to hospitals with injuries.

Istanbul's governor reported 52 people were taken to hospitals with injuries, including all 6 crew members. In the later evening (19:20Z) the governor reported 120 people were taken to hospitals, efforts to free people still trapped inside the aircraft are still ongoing. Around 20:13z the governor reported there were 177 passengers and 6 crew on board, one occupant died, 157 people were taken to hospitals with injuries.

Turkey's Transport Ministry reported there were 177 people on board, there was no loss of life. The aircraft landed hard, went off the runway and got stuck in land.

In the wee hours of Feb 6th 2020 the Ministry of Health reported three occupants of the aircraft had died. A total of 179 people are still in hospital care, thereof three are still in intense care. The others are in "good condition".

The airline reported their aircraft TC-IZK flying from Izmir to Sabiha Gokcen suffered a runway excursion on landing. So far there has been no loss of life been reported, injured have been taken to hospitals. Information will continue.

According to Mode-S data transmitted by the aircraft the aircraft landed long and hot, 1500 meters before the runway threshold the aircraft was descending through 950 feet MSL (corrected for local pressure, actual Mode-S reading 1500 feet)/661 feet AGL at 194 knots over ground, touched down about abeam taxiways T/F (about 1950 meters/6400 feet past the threshold, about 1000 meters/3300 feet before the runway end) at about 130 knots over ground, overran the end of the runway at about 63 knots over ground veering slightly to the left (last transponder transmission), hit the localizer antenna runway 06, went over an airport road and a cliff and impacted the airport perimeter wall.

According to ATC frequency recordings the aircraft performed an ILS approach to runway 06. Upon contacting tower the crew was told there had been two go arounds prior to them. The aircraft was cleared to land on runway 06, tower adivsed winds were from 270 degrees at 22 knots gusting 37 knots, the crew read back the cleared to land. On ground frequency the controller reported to another aircraft preparing for departure the winds were coming from 270 degrees at 25 knots, the runway was being switched from 06 to 24. At 15:20z a lot of shouting in Turkish occurs on tower frequency (presumably alerting emergency services and directing them to the accident site). About 13 minutes before the accident tower had cleared another aircraft to land on runway 06 advising that crew the winds were coming from 100 degrees at 10 knots.

Ground observer post accident video (Video: Ali ÖZDENÝZ):
5 Şubat 2020 Pegasus Airlines Sabiha Gökçen kazası
5 Şubat 2020 Pegasus Airlines Sabiha Gökçen kazası


Date: Wednesday 5 February 2020
Time: 18:19
Boeing 737-86J (WL)
Operator: Pegasus Airlines
Registration: TC-IZK
C/n / msn: 37742
First flight: 2009-01-23 (11 years )
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B24
Crew: Fatalities: / Occupants: 6
Passengers: Fatalities: / Occupants: 177
Total: Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 183
Aircraft damage: Damaged beyond repair
Location: Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW) (   Turkey)
Phase: Landing (LDG)
Nature: Domestic Scheduled Passenger
Departure airport: Izmir-Adnan Menderes Airport (ADB/LTBJ), Turkey
Destination airport: Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW/LTFJ), Turkey
Flightnumber: PC2193
Pegasus Airlines flight 2193, a Boeing 737-800, suffered a runway excursion after landing on runway 06 at Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, Turkey. There were 183 occupants on the aircraft. The Turkish Health Minister reported that three occupants had died, 157 were injured.
The aircraft departed Izmir Airport at 17:22 hours. At the time the flight arrived in the vicinity of Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen Airport, a thunderstorm was passing. Runway in use was 06. About 18:17 the Tower controller cleared another flight for takeoff from runway 06, reporting wind 300 degrees at 11 knots, gusting to 21 knots. The subsequent arrival was flight 2193, which was cleared to land with wind information given as 270 degrees at 22 knots, gusting to 30 knots. This translates to a 19 knot tailwind.
Since the wind was shifting the controller reported to a flight on the ground that it was to expect a runway change for departure.
At 18:19 Pegasus 2193 touched down, but failed to come to a complete stop on the runway. It overran and went down an embankment, breaking in three. The aircraft came to rest about 20 m below runway elevation.
Data from flight tracking website Flightradar24 suggest that the aircraft was steered to the left at the end of the runway, likely as there was an antenna array just past the stopway. The last recorded ground speed was 63 knots as the aircraft crossed the perimeter road.

Runway 06 is a concrete runway with a Landing Distance Available (LDA) of 3000 m. At the runway end there is a 65 m long stopway, followed by antenna array, perimeter road and a downslope.

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