mandag 5. juli 2021

UFO`er, UAM og eVTOL sett på med et skjevt blikk i dette leserbrevet til - AVweb

Leseren av AVweb kommenterer useriøse UFO innspill og UAM-utviklingen som han mener har tvilsomme elementer hvorav mye er "vaporware". Fint ord som beskriver noe som forsvinner i løse luften, gjerne etter at mange har satset penger på temmelig løst fundamenterte prosjekter. Disse prosjektene må tilfredsstille Part 135 reglene til FAA. mange gjør ikke det sånn uten videre. Men noe kan komme utav det, mener han. (Red.)

Top Letters And Comments, July 2, 2021

Electric Aircraft And The Media

Good article with salient and analogous points. You do that SO well.

I think that most of your informed readers who take the time to expound on all these fictitious articles, claims or press releases calling them “vaporware” — are smart enough to know that SOMETHING might come of SOME of the work being done on this emerging technology. Electric power COULD be the future … if energy storage issues were ever solved. Problem is, at this time, it ain’t real and not on the timeline most of us “doddering” on have remaining … as you said. We’re impatient! So why are you printing — and in the process giving street cred to — what appears to be just about every cockamamie aviation claim anyone makes. Most aren’t real and press releases won’t make them real. I was hoping the UFO Report released yesterday would tell us that Element 115 IS what powers them but was — once again — left disappointed. See the problem?

The heartburn is that there seems to be SO much of it anymore. It’s kinda like being fed a constant diet of “steam” — GREAT analogy, BTW. If I want a beer, I don’t go to a brewery to smell it or look at it being made, I want to taste and savor the experience arriving at Nirvana after six. That’s why Airventure is such a monumental event to us. We moan because we’re experienced enough to know that the great preponderance of these claims won’t rise even to the level of an Eclipse or an Icon … despite the claims of “disruptive technology,” et al. And we know that there is no market at the dollar figures they need to be successful. Worse, the claims that going electric will save the planet … especially if all they do is call it ‘green.’ Give us all a break!

I — personally — view Avweb as THE Gold Standard of aviation reporting. As such, Avweb has a responsibility to deliver FACTUAL and substantive reporting to it’s readers. And it has a responsibility to itself — as a top level media outlet — to act with the highest of standards. Avweb is often the source link location used by other outlets for that same reason. MY early AM online perusals include a low pass by the Avweb home page to see what’s happening in my chosen avocation of aviation. I don’t come here to read Bravo Sierra press releases or be tricked by “click bait” … I come here for the facts … just like Jack Webb did, “Ma’am.” Print the facts prominently and put the press releases in a separate area.

MY recommendation … invent some ‘sidebar’ area to ID these as “Press Releases” or “From the Fiction Desk” or something like that. That way, readers can dumpster dive if they like or avoid these nutty claims altogether. Facts is facts and fiction is fiction and almost never will they meet. Separate them. YOU — above all others — are the master of seeing that.

Now then, I’ll go back to sitting here waiting for Superior to announce that their Odyssey 2-stroke 2 cycle engine has finally been developed, tested, approved and is available to me to purchase. See the problem?

Bottom line … REALITY rules the world! You know what talks … and what walks. Fill in the blanks.

Larry S.

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