onsdag 3. juli 2024

God natt


Israel øker tyverihastigheten av land på Vestbredden - Associated Press


Samtidig fortsetter de å angripe såkalte sikre områder i Gaza med tap av sivile liv (Red.)

Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades


1 of 8 | 

Mourners carry the bodies of four Palestinians, killed by an Israeli airstrike late Tuesday, during their funeral in the West Bank refugee camp of Nur Shams, near Tulkarem, Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Palestinian health officials say four Palestinians were killed by an Israeli airstrike in a refugee camp in the northern West Bank late Tuesday. Israel’s military said an aircraft struck a group of militants who were planting explosives in Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

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Updated 8:16 PM CEST, July 3, 2024


JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades, a settlement tracking group said Wednesday, a move that is likely to worsen already soaring tensions linked to the war in Gaza.

Israel’s aggressive expansion in the West Bank reflects the settler community’s strong influence in the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the most religious and nationalist in the country’s history. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a settler himself, has turbocharged the policy of expansion, seizing new authorities over settlement development and saying he aims to solidify Israel’s hold on the territory and prevent the creation of a Palestinian state.

Authorities recently approved the appropriation of 12.7 square kilometers (nearly 5 square miles) of land in the Jordan Valley, according to a copy of the order obtained by The Associated Press. Data from Peace Now, the tracking group, indicate it was the largest single appropriation approved since the 1993 Oslo accords at the start of the peace process.

Settlement monitors said the land grab connects Israeli settlements along a key corridor bordering Jordan, a move they said undermines the prospect of a contiguous Palestinian state.

Tyrkia med i NATO marinestyrke i Svartehavet - DefenseNews


Three NATO allies activate Black Sea task force

By Cem Devrim Yaylali

 Jul 2, 2024, 07:42 PM

A mine countermeasures-focused task force will initially operate in the Black Sea July 1-16, 2024. (Cem Devrim Yaylali/Staff)

ISTANBUL — Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria have activated a naval task force dedicated to countering mine warfare in the Black Sea.

The move comes as Ukraine fights off a Russian invasion, which has involved clashes in and around the body of water.

The top officers of the Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian navies met in Istanbul for the initial launch of the task force on Monday. About six months prior, the officials signed a memorandum of understanding to move forward with the initiative.

Vice Adm. Mihai Panait, the chief of Romania’s Naval Forces, said the task force “not only enhances our collective operational capabilities but also addresses the conflict in our region, which has imposed the mobilization of the three riparian NATO states to ensure the freedom of navigation, respecting the Montreux Convention.”

The Black Sea is of strategic importance to NATO, of which all three countries are members. The organization last year encouraged allies to uphold the security and stability of the region, including through the use of the 1936 Montreux Convention. Under that agreement, Turkey manages the movement of commercial and military ships in and out of the Bosporus and Dardanelles.

Rear Admiral Yusuf Akyüz of the Turkish Naval Forces commands the task force, which is charged with ensuring the safety of maritime traffic against mines and strengthening cooperation and interoperability among participants. This initial activation will last July 1-16, and will reform again Sept. 20-29, then finally Nov. 3-13 November.

During these scheduled activations, the task group will also participate in the Bulgarian-led exercise Breeze, the Turkish-run drill Nusret and the Romanian-led exercise Poseidon, respectively, to hone their mine countermeasures skills.

On Jan. 2, 2025, Bulgaria will take command of the task force from Turkey. There are currently two activations planned for that year.

For now, the Turksih support ship TCG Yzb. Güngör Durmuş will act as the flagship. Other vessels assigned to the task force are the Bulgarian mine-hunter BGS Struma, the Romanian mine-sweeper ROS Slt. Alexandru Axente and the Turkish mine-hunter TCG Akçay.

Putin er ønsket til Tyrkia 2 - Turkish Minute


Biasly skriver om Turkish Minute: 

Turkish Minute
Media Bias Rating

Turkish Minute has a Bias Score of 14% Somewhat Conservative which is based on a variety of factors including its policy and politician leanings, article ratings, and the use of biased language. Its Reliability is rated as Poor, and additional analytical insights are available in the other tabs. (Red.)


Erdoğan meets with Putin at SCO summit, invites him to Turkey

In their first in-person meeting since September, Erdoğan invited Putin to visit Turkey, an offer Putin accepted, affirming his commitment to a future visit. The meeting highlighted ongoing cooperation between Turkey and Russia, particularly in strategic energy projects like the Akkuyu nuclear power plant. Erdoğan noted discussions with Russia on the proposed Sinop nuclear power plant in Turkey’s northern Black Sea region.

“We have discussions with Russia on the Sinop nuclear power plant, and I believe we can take serious steps on that,” Erdoğan said.

The Turkish president expressed confidence in achieving an ambitious trade volume goal of $100 billion, emphasizing strong potential for growth in bilateral relations. He highlighted record-breaking tourism numbers, with 6.7 million Russian tourists visiting Turkey last year.

Putin acknowledged the challenges faced by both countries but noted steady progress in their relationship. “Despite all challenges, the relationship between Russia and Turkey is progressing step by step,” Putin said.

The bilateral talks, lasting over an hour, covered various topics, including the situation in Syria and Ukraine. Before the meeting Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Syria would be among topics of discussion, adding that Russia supports the peace process in Syria and has made significant contributions to that effort.

Turkey had severed ties with Syria after the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011 and supported the rebels who wanted to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

Under Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, Ankara has become more aggressive and active in conflicts in the region, supporting proxies.

Turkey and its proxies have seized control of territory inside Syria in several military operations launched since 2016 against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Kurdish militia.

In 2022 Erdoğan said that removing Assad was no longer a priority for Turkey. Despite high-level talks between Ankara and Damascus brokered by Russia the same year, no significant progress was made.

However, as part of a broader effort to improve relations with Gulf countries, Turkey is now considering re-establishing ties with Damascus if there is progress on counterterrorism efforts, on the return of millions of Syrian refugees hosted in Turkey and on the political process.

The SCO summit, attended by leaders from 16 countries, focuses on regional security and cooperation in various fields, including energy, health, education and economic development. The organization, established in 2001 by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, aims to combat terrorism and enhance border security. Recent expansions align with Beijing and Moscow’s goal of countering perceived US hegemony and reshaping the international system to their advantage.

This year’s summit will conclude with more than 20 documents on cooperation and other issues. Notably, Belarus is expected to join the SCO after being promised membership at the 2023 summit.

Turkey, a dialogue partner of the SCO since 2012, recently proposed establishing a technical-level working group for a “mega grid” to enhance energy transition technologies and market reach among member countries.

“Our countries are blessed with abundant resources, including natural resources like oil, gas, minerals and human resources,” Turkish Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar said. “By working together, we can leverage these resources more effectively and ensure that benefits are widely shared.”

Putin er ønsket i Tyrkia - CNN

Ganske mangelfull denne, har bare fått med meg overskriftene. Uansett så er det ganske oppsiktsvekkende at et NATO land gjør dette. (Red.)


14:59 (UTC)


Erdogan urges Putin to visit Turkey "as soon as possible"

Astana, Jul 3 (EFE).- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday encouraged his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to visit Turkey "as soon as possible" during a meeting on the sidelines of...

Ukraina - Russland angrep flybase - The Sun, Moskva


Sant eller ikke, en flybase er definitivt angrepet i følge vestlige kilder. Uansett bringer det på bane hvor F-16 skal stasjoneres når de kommer nå i sommer. De må fly fra Ukraina dersom de skal fly over russisk territorium. (Red.)

Russian forces knock out nine Ukrainian jets

Sputnik, Moscow

Russian air defense systems struck nine Ukrainian Air Force aircraft, including seven Su-27s, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Tuesday.
“Two more Ukrainian aircraft, a MiG-29 and an Su-27, were shot down by Russian air defense systems,” the ministry’s statement said.
The ministry also noted that a surgical strike on an airfield wiped out five Su-27 fighters and damaged two others.

Additionally, Russian air defense shot down six Storm Shadow cruise missiles, a Hammer guided bomb, a HIMARS rocket, and 81 drones, including a Bayraktar TB2, in 24 hours.
Russian aviation, artillery, and drone units attacked concentrations of enemy troops and military equipment in 115 areas, the Russian Ministry of Defense added.
Moreover, the Ukrainian armed forces have suffered significant casualties in clashes with Russia’s Battlegroup Yug. More than 635 soldiers have been killed, in addition to the destruction of two armored fighting vehicles and 16 motor vehicles.
Battlegroup Tsentr successfully repelled six Ukrainian counterattacks, leading to the loss of up to 440 Ukrainian troops.

eVTOL oppdatering - eVTOL


Browse All News

Stellantis invests additional $55M in Archer following recent flight test milestone

This latest investment builds on Stellantis’ series of open market purchases of 8.3 million shares of Archer’s stock in March.

EHang and China Southern Airlines General Aviation forge strategic partnership

The partnership will center on the flight operations, comprehensive support, and other aspects of EHang’s pilotless eVTOL aircraft.

Dufour Aerospace announces appointment of new chief executive officer

Hardegger succeeds Thomas Pfammatter, a co-founder of the company who led it as CEO for seven successful years.

Vertical Flight Society announces winner of 2024 Alfred Gessow Best Paper Award

This year’s winning paper is from the Safety Session entitled, Scenario-Based Helicopter Flight Simulation of Accident-Prone Vortex Ring State (VRS) Encounters.

Helikopter - H160 til PHI - Airbus


Helikopter - Østerrike kjøper 12 Black Hawks - FlightGlobal


Austria signs for 12 new Black Hawks

Austria has signed for a dozen new Sikorsky UH-60M

Black Hawks to replace its ageing Bell 212 


Sverige satser på Globaleye - FlightGlobal


Sweden signs contract to acquire third Saab 

GlobalEye surveillance aircraft

Saab has been awarded a roughly SKr2.6 billion 

($245 million) contract to provide a third GlobalEye 

surveillance aircraft for use by the Swedish air force 

from later this decade.

tirsdag 2. juli 2024

God natt


WIGE - Wing In Ground Effect - USA selskap i gang - CNN


Dersom du søker på WIGE her på bloggen, finner du mange innlegg og flere er ganske ferske. REGENT er også nevnt. (Red.)

Seagliders’ – the electric boat-plane hybrid

You might be used to take-offs and landings, but you soon might need to get ready to “float, foil and fly.”

Those are the three phases of a journey aboard a seaglider, a new type of fully electric boat-plane hybrid that could become a mainstay of coastal communities the world over, according to its maker, Rhode Island-based startup REGENT.

Just like a boat, a seaglider initially floats, then as it picks up speed it foils — gliding over the surface of the water using wing-like structures called hydrofoils, which retract as the vehicle finally takes off for the flying phase. It never reaches the sky, but rather flies up to 30 feet (nine metres) above the water, to leverage a principle called “ground effect,” which promises a smooth ride with reduced drag compared to a normal flight.

“We’re going to put humans on board a full-scale, 15,000-pound (6,800-kilogram) prototype later this year,” says Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and CEO of REGENT, adding that the first seagliders will carry up to 12 passengers and will have a range of about 180 miles (290 kilometers), which would put them in direct competition with small ferries and seaplanes.

More than 600 seagliders have already been sold for a total of over $9 billion, according to Thalheimer. The vehicles will be manufactured in North America, but REGENT recently signed a deal with the government of Abu Dhabi to build a second plant in the United Arab Emirates, to serve clients in the region and across Europe and Asia.

Once operational, seagliders will then connect Abu Dhabi to Dubai, as well as island communities that are currently underserved by existing services.

“We want to prove to the world that this is possible,” says Thalheimer, “specifically that in one vehicle you can float, foil and fly.”

Sjekk hele saken her: https://tinyurl.com/yxz3dead

Norse faller på børsen - NRK



Norse Atlantic faller kraftig på børsen


Foto: Anuvu

Det norske flyselskapet Norse Atlantic meldte tirsdag at de sliter med svakere billettpriser enn ventet. Aksjen falt over 45 prosent etter meldingen.

I børsmeldingen informerte Norse Atlantic at «flere kapitalgrep er pågående», men Norse Atlantic-gründer og toppsjef Bjørn Tore Larsen ville overfor Dagens Næringsliv ikke kommentere om det er nytt behov for å hente mer penger.

Siden oppstarten i 2021 har flyselskapet hentet penger sju ganger.

I fjor gikk selskapet med stort underskudd. Hittil i år har Norse Atlantic-aksjen falt 62,5 prosent.

Danskene tar hjem sine 6 F-35A i påvente av oppdaterte fly - ASF

 Jeg vet ingen ting om- eller når Norge får TR-3 oppdatering som danskene venter på. Oppdateringen er tidligere omtalt her på bloggen.  (Red.)

US-Based Danish F-35s Going Home Because of Delivery Delays

U.S. Air Force, Royal Danish Air Force, and Royal Netherlands Air Force F-35A Lightning II fighter jets assigned to the 308th Fighter Squadron, Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., fly in formation, May 5, 2021, over Bagdad, Ariz. The flight marked the first training sortie featuring a Danish pilot flying a Denmark-owned F-35. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler.

July 1, 2024 | By John A. Tirpak

Due to the prolonged delay in deliveries of the Tech Refresh 3 version of the F-35 fighter, Denmark is pulling six of its TR-2-configured F-35 jets stationed in the U.S. back to home base in order to consolidate aircraft and get better training for its pilots and maintainers, the Danish defense ministry announced.

Danish defense minister Troels Lund Poulsen 

said the move “makes it possible to increase the training level” of F-35 ground and flight crews. The aircraft will join four already in Denmark, at Skydstrup air base, for a total of 10. Poulsen also said Denmark has NATO obligations which must be met.   

The Royal Danish Air Force aircraft have been based at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., which is the centralized training location for all international users of the F-35A. The ministry said it is making the change because it needs to keep on track with training for its F-35 fleet, especially since it has promised some of its retiring F-16s to Ukraine.

Poulsen said the jets will be replaced at Luke by new TR-3 models as soon as they become available.

“We have now found a solution so that the delays from the manufacturer affect us as little as possible,” Poulsen said. He did not specify a timeline for the move.

He added that it is “absolutely crucial that we follow the phase-in” of the F-35 closely because the system is “a major investment for Denmark which will affect our defense and security for many years to come.”

The action comes as the Joint Program Office gets ready to approve deliveries of F-35s—on hold since last summer—with a “truncated” version of the TR-3 hardware and software package. The JPO is expected to inform Congress in the coming weeks that the truncated package is deemed safe for training. Program Executive Officer Lt. Gen. Michael Schmidt has been waiting for the test enterprise to certify that the package is stable and doesn’t require an excessive number of in-flight reboots.

Certifying the package will allow Lockheed Martin to resume deliveries of some 85 aircraft that have been parked in storage since last summer.

Once deliveries are underway, it could take as much as a year to get through the handover process for the jets, which amount to more than six months’ production. Lockheed has said it expects to deliver at least one per day once transfers resume, but the Government Accountability Office recently said it has never previously hit that pace.

Denmark has agreed to sell 24 of its 43 F-16A/B aircraft to Argentina, with the remainder going to Ukraine. The first aircraft have already been delivered to Argentina, and NATO officials have said Ukraine will get its first F-16s in the next few months, pending the completion of pilot and maintainer training, some of which is taking place in the U.S.  

Denmark plans a force of 27 F-35s. The remaining 17 aircraft are to be delivered by 2027.

The hold on deliveries has affected all users of the F-35, and its duration—now in its 10th month—has disrupted the change-out of old equipment for new and the assignment of personnel in most user countries.

The TR-3 upgrade is the processor and software foundation for the Block 4 upgrade, a series of more than 80 improvements to electronic warfare, processor power, displays and weapons, to name just a few. Schmidt told Congress during budget hearings in the spring that the Block 4 will have to be “reimagined,” with some updates now not coming until the early 2030s.

The F-35 training enterprise at Luke generates aircraft from an international pool. Student pilots are given the next jet available, so F-35s are routinely flown by pilots whose countries don’t own the jets they’re flying. It isn’t yet clear how the absence of six Danish jets from the pool will affect the training enterprise.

Lockheed received a $1.56 billion F-35 contract from the Pentagon on June 27, but program officials said this had to do exclusively with sustainment efforts of fielded aircraft and did not include any progress payments having to do with development or aircraft deliveries.

The contract covered ground maintenance activities, depot support, the automatic logistic information system (ALIS) operations, reliability and maintainability activities, supply chain management and pilot training, among other items. Some $405 million of the award covers Air Force operations and $124 million covers Foreign Military Sales support to non-U.S. user nations.