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Electric AS700 makes successful debut flight

By ZHAO LEI | China Daily | Updated: February 24, 2025

Workers prepare for the maiden flight of AS700D, a lithium batterypowered airship at the Jingmen Zhanghe Airport in Hubei province on Friday. ZHAO PING/FOR CHINA DAILY

The AS700, the largest model of airship China has ever developed, now has an electrically powered version, according to Aviation Industry Corp of China, the nation's leading aircraft maker.

The first prototype of the lithium battery-powered AS700D carried out the type's first flight on Friday morning, making a short hover about 50 meters above the Jingmen Zhanghe Airport in Hubei province before landing on the same site.

After that, the test pilot Lin Hong conducted another three brief flights to check the prototype's performance, according to AVIC.

He was quoted by a news release as saying that compared with the baseline model that consumes aviation gasoline, "flying the electric type feels more smooth and comfortable."

According to AVIC, the AS700D features an advanced electric propulsion system, zero emission and lower noise, making it a suitable choice for occasions with high environmental requirements.

The new model has a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and a flight ceiling of 3.1 km. It can carry one pilot and nine tourists.

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