Hegseth endrer navn på baser - Synes Sørstatsgeneraler må frem i lyset igjen. Hva kan sies om gen. Bragg? Less than two years after the Army officially changed Fort Bragg — then named for Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg who was a slave owner and failed military tactician who struggled to relate to his own troops — to Fort Liberty in June 2023, the world’s most populous military base is again Fort Bragg. Alibiet er altså at den "nye" Bragg er en soldat som falt i 2. verdenskrig med det samme navnet. (Red.)
‘A hero worthy of the name:’ Fort Bragg marks return of installation’s
old moniker with new WWII soldier namesake
Corey Dickstein
Stars and Stripes • March
7, 2025
Secretary Daniel Driscoll stands by a new sign for Fort Bragg on Friday, March
7, 2025, during an official ceremony at the North Carolina Army post marking
the return of the name Fort Bragg. The base was renamed Fort Liberty in 2023.
(Corey Dickstein/Stars and Stripes)
BRAGG, N.C. — Army Pfc. Roland L. Bragg’s youngest daughter shrugged off the
idea that there was anything cynical about choosing her father as the new
namesake for the service’s largest installation once named for a Confederate
father was a very humble man, and he was a good man, and he did what was
right,” Bragg’s 69-year-old daughter, Diane Watts, said Friday at the North
Carolina post where she and her family members gathered with Fort Bragg’s top
brass to recognize its new — and old — name. “I couldn’t be more thrilled. They
found a good one in my father’s name.”
Denne saken om Yuri Gagarin er ikke noe rundt jubileum, kun en feiring av den aller første astronauten. Pussig, men denne saken vitner for meg om at det blåser en pro-russisk vind over Amerika nå. (Red.)
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