F-35`en har såkalt "dirty" config. Det betyr at med det den har under buken fører til at flyet ikke lenger er "stealthy". Om det er våpenrommet som er åpent eller om det er noe tilsvarende LANTIRN vet jeg ikke. Det anbefales å lese hele ertikkelen. (Red.)
Russia keeps eyes on 9-nation winter exercise
NATO scrambled fighter jets from Evenes airbase on Monday after a pair of Russian aircraft came close to the ongoing Joint Viking 2025 exercise.
The two Tu-142 anti-submarine, maritime patrol planes came
from the Russian Northern Fleet's Kipelovo airbase in Vologda
region and flew out over international airspace of the Barents
Sea and Norwegian Sea in the morning of March 10.
Outside Troms region, the Russian aircraft were shadowed by
a pair of Norwegian F-35 fighter jets, operating inside the
Arctic Circle on identification mission of NATO. Such
missions are known as quick reaction alert (QRA).
Appearance of Russian planes is routine when there are
multinational forces on exercise in the north, the Norwegian
Armed Forces states.
Joint Viking 2025 involves nine NATO member states with
more than 10,000 soldiers.
Sjekk hele saken her: https://tinyurl.com/mr29rru8
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