tirsdag 11. mars 2025

USA vil fortsatt ha tropper og øve i utlandet - Stars & Stripes


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A convoy of U.S. Army paratroopers travels to the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany for Exercise Allied Spirit on Feb. 25, 2025. NATO continues to prepare for military exercises involving American troops, the alliance said following media reports that the U.S. was preparing to withdraw from such drills. (Markus Rauchenberger/U.S. Army)

STUTTGART, Germany — NATO continues to prepare for military exercises involving the United States this year and beyond, the alliance said in response to recent media reports that the U.S. was preparing to withdraw from such drills.

U.S. Army Col. Martin O’Donnell, spokesman for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, said NATO continues to “plan and execute exercises” with all 32 member states.

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