onsdag 3. juli 2024

Ukraina - Russland angrep flybase - The Sun, Moskva


Sant eller ikke, en flybase er definitivt angrepet i følge vestlige kilder. Uansett bringer det på bane hvor F-16 skal stasjoneres når de kommer nå i sommer. De må fly fra Ukraina dersom de skal fly over russisk territorium. (Red.)

Russian forces knock out nine Ukrainian jets

Sputnik, Moscow

Russian air defense systems struck nine Ukrainian Air Force aircraft, including seven Su-27s, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Tuesday.
“Two more Ukrainian aircraft, a MiG-29 and an Su-27, were shot down by Russian air defense systems,” the ministry’s statement said.
The ministry also noted that a surgical strike on an airfield wiped out five Su-27 fighters and damaged two others.

Additionally, Russian air defense shot down six Storm Shadow cruise missiles, a Hammer guided bomb, a HIMARS rocket, and 81 drones, including a Bayraktar TB2, in 24 hours.
Russian aviation, artillery, and drone units attacked concentrations of enemy troops and military equipment in 115 areas, the Russian Ministry of Defense added.
Moreover, the Ukrainian armed forces have suffered significant casualties in clashes with Russia’s Battlegroup Yug. More than 635 soldiers have been killed, in addition to the destruction of two armored fighting vehicles and 16 motor vehicles.
Battlegroup Tsentr successfully repelled six Ukrainian counterattacks, leading to the loss of up to 440 Ukrainian troops.

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