mandag 2. september 2024

Flyfrakt - Voldsom årvåkenhet for alle involverte i dette her -


Vesten er veldig sårbar for slike ting, ikke minst Norge som har mange russere boende her. Putin kan lett ha plantet en drøss med folk her før vi stengte grensene. Naturligvis stigmatisering, men allikevel..... Ja, jeg tenker på sabotasjeaksjoner. (Red.)

German authorities warn of suspected sabotage with incendiary devices in air freight


German security authorities have issued a warning about “unconventional incendiary devices” being sent through European freight services. Several packages, sent by unknown individuals, have caught fire during transit in various European countries.

A recent incident at Leipzig’s DHL logistics centre, where a package from the Baltics ignited, has raised suspicions of Russian sabotage.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Criminal Police Office have alerted aviation and logistics companies, and the Federal Prosecutor General in Karlsruhe has taken over the investigation. Further incendiary incidents are anticipated.

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