mandag 25. november 2013

Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems

Rapporten fra FAA inneholder 18 anbefaling og innholdet sentrerer seg rundt disse over 267 sider Nå som CAA vurderer om en skal benytte automatikk i størst mulig grad for offshore helikoptre, så tror jeg CAA kan ha godt av å lese denne rapporten.

Operational Use of Flight Path Management Systems


The FAA have now published the Final Report of the Flight Deck Automation Working Group delivered to them on 8 September 2013. It is an extremely thorough evidence-based assessment of the problems which have accompanied the rapid advance in the level of automation. It is also the first comprehensive review of the subject since a 1996 FAA Report on “Interfaces between flightcrews and modern flight deck systems”.
Underlying themes identified by the Working Group include:
  • complexity (in systems and in operations);
  • concerns about degradation of pilot knowledge and skills
  • integration and interdependence of the components of the aviation system.
The Report also notes that since the Working Group completed its data collection and analysis “several accidents have occurred where the investigative reports identified vulnerabilities in the events that are similar to those vulnerabilities identified in this report".
A series of 28 interconnect data-driven findings led to the Group agreeing a total of 18 similarly interconnected Recommendations as follows

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