fredag 12. august 2016

DAT ATR-42 med flame out i Danmark - Curt Lewis

Fuel Probe Fault Behind ATR 42 Flame-Out

WASHINGTON-Faulty wiring to a fuel probe appears to be a key factor in an engine-out incident involving a Danish Air Transport ATR 42-500 on a night flight from Esbjerg to Billund, Denmark, on March 17.
According to a recent preliminary report by the Danish Accident Investigation Board (DAIB), the twin turboprop had just departed Esbjerg when the right Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127F engine flamed out at 1,000 ft. After stabilizing the aircraft at 3,000 ft., the crew was unable to restart the engine but decided to continue to the destination airport, less than 30 nm. to the northwest.

On its instrument approach to Billund, which was reporting low ceilings, the cockpit instrumentation showed the left engine had failed (torque indication went to zero) and the autopilot disconnected, leading the captain to "rapidly move the left-engine power lever forward," according to the report. Following that action, the cabin crew reported "loud bangs from the left engine" and reported seeing a fire on the aircraft's left side.

Despite the commotion, the pilots were able to land on Runway 27, pulling off on a taxiway to evacuate the seven passengers and discharging the fire bottles of both engines. There were no injuries to the six crewmembers or the passengers.

Investigators determined the right engine failed due to fuel starvation, despite indications in the cockpit that 1,124 lb. (510 kg) remained in the tank. A right-tank low-level light, designed to activate when the fuel level in each tank is below 353 lb., also did not illuminate. Cockpit indicators for the left tank showed 904 lb. of fuel remaining-the amount investigators found in the tank.

After disassembling the right-side fuel-measurement system, which is comprised of five probes for each of the two tanks, investigators found issues with a wire in Probe 3 for the right tank. After "manipulating" the wire, the fuel-level and low-fuel indicators began operating correctly, and investigators could not duplicate the problem.

Regarding the left-engine anomaly on landing, the AAIB said a visual inspection "revealed no findings" A borescope inspection, while uncovering "incrustation, deposits and sod on the internal parts of the engine," did not reveal any internal mechanical faults.

The DAIB is continuing its operational and technical safety investigation of the incident.

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