Bob Hoover, pilot who escaped POW camp by stealing a German plane,
dies at 94

Legendary test and air-show pilot Bob Hoover in an undated photograph.
(Bob Hoover Archives)
Bob Hoover, a World War II fighter pilot who escaped a POW camp and flew to
freedom by stealing a German airplane and who spent decades testing aircraft,
thrilling spectators at air shows and training military aviators, died Oct. 25
at a hospital in Torrance, Calif. He was 94.
The cause was congestive heart failure, said his daughter-in-law, Lynn
Mr. Hoover, who learned to fly as a teenager in Tennessee, was among the
country's most revered pilots. The renowned World War II airman Gen. Jimmy
Doolittle once called Mr. Hoover "the greatest stick-and-rudder man who ever
In 1947, Mr. Hoover was a test pilot flying alongside Chuck Yeager when
Yeager broke the sound barrier. Mr. Hoover taught dive-bombing maneuvers to Air
Force pilots during the Korean War.
He flew more than 300 varieties of airplanes and knew virtually every
significant figure in the history of aviation, from Orville Wright to Charles
Lindbergh to Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut to walk on
the moon. During his decades as a stunt pilot, Mr. Hoover handled his plane so
smoothly that he could pour a cup of tea while executing a
360-degree roll. One of the airplanes he used for aerobatics, a North American
Rockwell Shrike Commander 500S, is housed in the National Air and Space Museum's
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Va.

Bob Hoover at the National Air and Space Museum, where he received an
award for lifetime achievement in 2007. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington
"He had such an intuitive sense of how to fly an airplane," Dorothy S.
Cochrane, a curator at the Air and Space Museum, said in an interview. "He had a
stunning ability to be a part of the airplane and to figure out what was wrong
and how to get out of it and recover. He just had that ability not only to do it
himself but to communicate to others."
As recently as last year, actor Harrison Ford credited
lessons learned from Mr. Hoover with helping him survive a crash landing of a
vintage airplane on a California golf course.
During World War II, while based in North Africa and southern Europe, Mr.
Hoover flew 58 missions as a fighter pilot with the Army Air Forces. On his
59th, on Feb. 9, 1944, he was shot down off the coast of southern France and was
plucked from the sea by a German patrol boat.
He spent 16 months in a German prison camp before he and a fellow American
climbed the fence and fled into the nearby woods. With the war coming to an end,
German civilians were more cooperative, and a farm woman gave Mr. Hoover and his
fellow escapee a gun.
"She said it would do us a lot more good than it did her, and she was
right," Mr. Hoover later told the Los Angeles Daily News.
He and his friend came upon a field with hundreds of damaged German
warplanes. Mr. Hoover found one that had a full gas tank.
When a German mechanic approached, Mr. Hoover's friend pulled the gun on

Hoover with Chuck Yeager, left, on the 50th anniversary of the historic
flight that broke the sound barrier. (Reuters/Reuters)
"We told him unless he could get us airborne fast, we were going to kill
him," Mr. Hoover recalled years later.
The German plane's engine started, but Mr. Hoover's buddy refused to get
aboard, vowing never to fly in another airplane. Instead, he took his chances on
foot - and years later was reunited with Mr. Hoover.
The stolen plane had a German cross painted on the side, and Mr. Hoover was
fearful of being attacked by Allied forces as he flew along the coast of Germany
toward the Netherlands.
"I didn't have any maps or charts," he said in a 2007 interview with the
publication Airport Journals. "I knew that if I turned west and followed the
shoreline, I would be safe when I saw windmills."
He landed in a field and was quickly surrounded by Dutch farmers with
pitchforks. Soon afterward, a British army truck rolled up, and Mr. Hoover was
taken to safety.
Hailed as a hero, he noted that the prison camps were loosely guarded
during the waning days of the war. "People made it sound like a great escape,"
he said, "but the guards had deserted us."
Robert Anderson Hoover was born Jan. 24, 1922, in Nashville. His father was
an office manager and bookkeeper.
Mr. Hoover began taking flying lessons at 15 and joined the Tennessee Air
National Guard at 18.
After World War II, while serving in the newly formed Air Force, he was one
of the test pilots in a project to break the sound barrier with the new Bell X-1
jet aircraft. When Yeager accomplished the feat in 1947, Mr. Hoover was flying
the "chase plane" and took the first photographs of Yeager's faster-than-sound
He received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart and other
decorations before leaving the military in 1948. He then became a test pilot for
General Motors, North American Aviation and North American Rockwell.
He lived for years in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.,
and appeared at air shows around the world, flying a yellow P-51 Mustang
or his white-and-green Shrike. In Moscow in 1966, he was briefly detained
because he outshone Soviet pilots while flying a Russian-built plane.
In one of his most daring maneuvers, Mr. Hoover turned off the engines of
his airplane and flew it like a glider, coming to a silent stop on the
After a 1989 accident, in which his airplane was filled with the wrong
fuel, Mr. Hoover invented a new kind of nozzle to prevent such mistakes from
happening again.
His wife of 68 years, the former Colleen Humrickhouse, died in February.
Survivors include two children, Anita Eley of Greeley, Colo., and Robert A.
Hoover Jr. of El Segundo, Calif.; three grandchildren; and two
In 1994, federal officials threatened to ground Mr. Hoover for failing
medical tests. The outpouring from flying fans was so great that he was
reexamined, and his pilot's license was reinstated. He retired from aerobatics
in his late 70s and piloted his last plane when he was 85.
Filmmaker Kim Furst premiered a documentary about Mr. Hoover, "Flying the
Feathered Edge," in 2014. Mr. Hoover published an autobiography, "Forever
Flying," in 1996.
In his book, Mr. Hoover wrote, "Hell, I would fly an old Dodge truck if
they put wings on the side."
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