fredag 8. november 2019

GA havari i USA - ASN

Time:10:56 LT
Type:Silhouette image of generic SR22 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different
Cirrus SR22 GTS X G3 Turbo
C/n / msn:2748
Fatalities:Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 1
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location:NE of Upland-Cable Airport (CCB/KCCB), Upland, California -    United States of America
Departure airport:Torrance Airport, CA (TOA/KTOA)
Destination airport:Upland-Cable Airport, CA (CCB/KCCB)
A Cirrus SR22 GTS X G3 Turbo crashed into a single-story house on Overland Court in Upland, CA, USA, 1 km northeast of the threshold of runway 24 of Upland-Cable Airport (CCB/KCCB), Upland, California. A fire erupted.
The aircraft was destroyed and the pilot didn't survive.

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