fredag 25. september 2020

B787 #787 - Australian Aviation



written by Adam Thorn September 24, 2020

The China Southern 787-9, B-1168 msn 38797, landing in Melbourne (Victor Pody)

The 787th Boeing 787 landed in Melbourne this week – and Australian Aviation’s Victor Pody was there to capture the moment it arrived.

The China Southern 787-9, B-1168 msn 38797, departed Guangzhou at 12.01 on 20 September as flight CZ321 and landed in Melbourne after nearly nine hours at 10.53 am.

Back in 2018, Australian Aviation reported how Boeing delivered the 787th 787 widebody twin airliner to leasing company AerCap. The aircraft was handed over at Boeing’s Everett delivery centre to the firm which is its biggest customer.

“Reaching this milestone delivery is a testament to our amazing Boeing team who build the world’s most capable and reliable airplanes,” said Kevin McAllister, then Boeing’s chief executive in 2018.

“This delivery also reflects the special capabilities of the 787 Dreamliner. The growing fleet continues to deliver unmatched efficiency, open new routes, and provide an exceptional passenger experience.”

The first 787 customer delivery, to Japan’s ANA, took place in September 2011. As of 2018, the aircraft has carried nearly 300 million passengers on more than 1.5 million flights.

The very first flight of the first 787 development aircraft took place on 15 December 2009.

That airframe, known as ZA001, is now on display as the centrepiece of the ‘Flight of Dreams’ display at Nagoya, Japan’s Chubu Centrair Airport.

Some 35 per cent of the 787’s airframe is manufactured in Japan, much of which in the greater Nagoya area. In addition, Japan’s two major airlines, ANA and Japan Air Lines, between them operate more than 100 787s.

“This airplane is a great symbol of Boeing’s unique relationship with Japan, Boeing’s deepest source of partnership in the world,” said Boeing Japan’s then president Brett Gerry.

ZA001 had flown to Centrair Airport in July 2015. It is one of three 787 development aircraft Boeing has donated to museums, with Boeing gifting ZA002 to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona and ZA003 to Seattle’s Museum of Flight.

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