fredag 22. januar 2021

Solakonferansen - 20. - 22.september - Fint program for helikopterinteresserte

 Det kan muligens være av interesse for potensielle deltakere at Norge skal erstatte Bell412SP. Programmet har med alle potensielle leverandører av tjenesten. (Red.)


Newsletter No 1 2021, 22 January 2021 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLAKONFERANSEN 2021 20 – 22 September 2021, Clarion Hotel Air, Sola Draft program overview release 22 Jan 21 OFFSHORE HELICOPTER SAFETY Driving continuous safety improvement in challenging times – safety and competing priorities Stiftelsen Solakonferansen (The Solakonferansen Foundation) remains fully committed in its quest to promote flight safety by once again inviting the aviation industry to share their thoughts, discuss opportunities, and enhance aviation standards during our annual conference. 

Whether representing an OEM, regulatory body, operator, or the end user, we trust you will find the conference an excellent opportunity to grow your network and solve challenges. Expanding year on year the conference will remain international and focused on offshore helicopters, unmanned aerial systems, and windfarm support operations. As oil and gas continue to mature and seek new ways to remain sustainable and profitable, offshore helicopter transportation is not exempt from the continuous cost/benefit discussions in the industry thus the main topic of this year’s conference “Driving continuous safety improvement in challenging times – safety and competing priorities”. How should we as an industry ensure a positive trend within the realm of flight safety and where should we focus our safety efforts? The program is structured very much as before with ample opportunities to socialize and network. This year’s program introduces a static display taking advantage of the convenient proximity to the airport environment. Contributing aircraft systems are still being explored for the static but you will for sure be able see the AW 101, S-92, a variety of unmanned systems, and maybe even a super medium or special ops platform. We work extremely hard to ensure the Solakonferansen remain the Flight Safety focal point within the industry and very much look forward to you joining us in September 2021 for three eventful days! __________________________________________________________________________________ 

Monday 20 September 

0800 – 1055 Registration – Coffee in the hotel lobby 

1100 – 1120 Welcoming Remarks Solakonferansen 2021 Official Opening and Opening Speech 

1120 – 1130 Introduction to the Program 

1130 – 1230 Buffet Lunch 

1230 – 1305 Sikorsky – A Lockheed Martin Company 

1305 – 1340 Airbus Helicopters 

1340 – 1410 Break 

1410 – 1445 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc 

1445 – 1520 Leonardo Helicopters 

1520 – 1530 Break 

1530 – 1610 The Royal Norwegian Air Force Helicopter Search and Rescue Service – Saving Lives in Inhospitable Environments – The Leonardo Integrated Support Role 

1610 – 1615 Summary and Close of Day One 

1745 Transport by bus, or optional, by foot if weather permits, from hotel to Flyplassvegen 180 for Static Display and Evening Social 1750/1755 To report at Flyplassvegen 180, entry NLT 1755 hrs 

1800 – 1930 Static Display with sample of Rotary Wing A/C – Drones – etc At Aircontact Group (ACG)/ Aircontact Services (ACS), Flyplassvegen 180 

1930 – 2200 Evening Social with Buffet Dinner at ACG/ACS – full meal 

Tuesday 21 September 

0800 Registration commences – Coffee in the hotel lobby 

0845 – 0850 Introduction to Today’s Program 

0850 – 0930 Keynote Speaker – On the Conference Theme

 0930 – 1010 IOGP ASC Chairman Presentation 

1010 – 1040 Break 

1040 – 1115 Civil Aviation Authority Norway (CAA NO) Presentation 

1115 – 1145 HeliOffshore’s Activities and Delivery of the Safety Programme

1145 – 1215 On HSS4 / NOROG Aviation Forum 

1215 – 1315 Buffet Lunch 

1315 – 1345 On Wind Farm Helicopter Operations – Experiences and Concept 

1345 – 1415 Unmanned Traffic Airspace Management 

1415 – 1445 Break 

1445 – 1515 Improvements in Analyzing Challenges in Maintenance 

1515 – 1545 Unmanned Flight, from an Operator’s perspective 

1545 – 1615 Avinor Presentation 

1615 – 1620 Summary and Close Down of Day Two 

1800 – 2300 Evening Social Stavanger at Flor & Fjære – full meal, seven course buffet Dress for outdoor/indoor: Casual attire, sturdy shoes 1800 Transport by bus from Clarion Hotel Air to Stavanger Harbour 1900 Aperitif and Guided Tour of Flor & Fjære Garden 2030 Seated for Dinner 2230 Arrive Stavanger Harbour, Strandkaien 2240 Return by bus to Clarion Hotel Air 2300 Arrive Clarion Hotel Air 

Wednesday 22 September 

0800 Coffee available in the hotel lobby 

0845 – 0850 Introduction to Today’s Program 

0850 – 0925 CAA UK, On Offshore Helicopter Safety 

0925 – 0940 Break 

0940 – 1015 The Norwegian Ministry of Transport 

1015 – 1045 The Federation of Norwegian Aviation Industries (NHO Luftfart) 

1045 – 1110 Break 

1110 – 1140 HeliOffshore – On Industry Statistics 

1140 – 1210 G+ Health and Safety for Offshore Wind Farms and Good Practice for Helicopter                                   Operations in a Wind Farm 

1210 – 1240 CAA NO, On UAS Regulatory Issues and Other Challenges 

1240 – 1250 Summary and Closing Remarks 

1250 – 1400 Buffet Lunch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stiftelsen Solakonferansen (The Solakonferansen Foundation) General Manager Postal: C/O Avinor, Visit Addr: Stavanger Airport, Sola, Room 3045, Flyplassvegen 230 Flyplassvegen 230, NO-4055 SOLA NO-4055 SOLA, Norway Mobile: +47 90 47 37 02 Tel: +47 67 03 04 48 Email: Tax ID No: 975 834 425 Web: 

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