mandag 11. juni 2018

MPA - Andøya - Innlegg fra Cato Monrad

Vel, neppe så mange fly eller hvite uniformer å se på 
Andøya, men allikevel....Basepolitikken må uansett 
revurderes og diskuteres i Stortinget.  (Red.)

Cato Monrad har delt et innlegg.
A full contingent of U.S. military personnel and equipment are expected to be in full operation at Andøya’s Air Station by the end of this month.
Cato Monrad
A full contingent of U.S. military personnel and equipment are expected to be in full operation at Andøya’s Air Station by the end of this month.
Admiral John Richardson, chief of U.S. naval operations, gave statement of the US 2nd Fleets reactivation, saying ‘Our National Defense Strategy makes it clear that we’re in an era of great power competition as security environments continue to grow more challenging and complex.’ –
‘That’s why we’re activating our 2nd Fleet; to address these changes, particularly in the North Atlantic; including the Norwegian Sea & Barents Sea,’ stated Richardson.

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