mandag 22. april 2013


Antakelig så har begrepet Nullvisjonen ført til at flere tenker sikkerhet innen sin bransje. Opphavet er kanskje ikke så godt kjent:

The oldest known origin goes back to Éleuthère Irénée du Pont de Nemours (1771 - 1834), who is more generally known by the abbreviated form of his name, E.I. du Pont. In 1802, E.I. du Pont acquired a property on Brandywine River near Wilmington/Delaware (U.S.A.) and established E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, a gunpowder mill, at what thus became the founding site of the DuPont group of companies. During its initial years of operation, a number of severe occupational accidents occurred in connection with violent explosions at the plant; at one later point, as much as three waggonloads of gunpowder blew up right in the centre of Wilmington while being transported through the town. The accident left several people dead and destroyed numerous buildings.

In response to such severe occupational accidents, du Pont established the first safety rules as early as in 1811, placing the responsibility for safety within the company specifically on the management's shoulders. This went so far as to require managers to reside centrally on the company's premises, along with their families. In this way, the management was to demonstrate its responsibility for the life and health of the company's employees, as well as its confidence in the level of labour safety achieved.

På Flyoperativt Forum nylig ble zero accidents tatt frem av to talere: Morten Kjellesvig mente at zero accidents kan oppnås, mens Capt. Claus Van der Wart sa:

Zero accidents is not possible since you are dealing with persons and human factors. Hans historie støtter dette.
I et 100% statisk system så kan en muligens oppleve at en kan komme nær zero accidents. Luftfart er kanskje det minst statiske av alle transportsystemer. Nå vi nå ser til vår forbløffelse at sertifiseringsreglene for fly- og helikoptre er særdeles tvilsomme, slik jeg har beskrevet vedr. B787 og S-92A, mener jeg at et mål må være: Å bedre sikkerheten i år i forhold til i fjor.
Tror du på dette:
We ‘re determined to achieve zero accident rate in Nigeria – Aviation minister

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