tirsdag 2. mai 2017

Sør-Øst Asia - Nå er også B-1B med på øvelse - ABC Nyheter/CNN

Nord-Korea mener USAs bombefly øker faren for atomkrig

Nord-Korea reagerer sterkt på at USA bruker to bombefly under militærøvelser i Sør-Korea og anklager igjen USA for å bringe Koreahalvøya på randen av atomkrig.

Bombeflyet B-1B Lancer. Foto: Ssgt Aaron Allmon / AP
Bombeflyet B-1B Lancer. Foto: Ssgt Aaron Allmon / AP

De to bombeflyene av typen B-1B Lancer, som flyr hurtigere enn lydens hastighet, deltok mandag i militærøvelser som USA i disse dager gjennomfører med Sør-Korea og Japan, melder nyhetsbyrået Reuters.
Flyvingene tolkes som enda en amerikansk maktdemonstrasjon myntet på regimet i Nord-Korea, som USA forsøker å avskrekke fra å fortsette med testingen av atomvåpen og ballistiske raketter.

«Den hensynsløse militære provokasjonen presser situasjonen på den koreanske halvøy tettere på randen av atomkrig», rapporterer det nordkoreanske nyhetsbyrået KCNA.

Les også: – Vår sikkerhet avhenger fortsatt av USAs atomvåpen

Talsmann: En provokasjon

Ifølge Nord-Korea øvde flyene på å slippe en atombombe over «større objekter» på nordkoreansk territorium.
Regimet anklager også president Donald Trump og andre «krigshissere» for å ville gjennomføre et atomangrep for å komme Nord-Korea i forkjøpet.

ØVELSE: Det amerikanske hangarskipet Carl Vinson deltar i militærøvelsen med Sør-Korea som begynte lørdag. Foto: USN
En talsmann for Sør-Koreas forsvarsdepartement sa tirsdag at mandagens øvelse var ment å hindre provokasjoner fra Nord-Korea, samt å prøve ut beredskapen hvis regimet i Pyongyang skulle komme til å gjennomføre enda en atomtest.
Les også: Trump håner diktatoren: – Ikke så mektig som han tror

Vil møte Kim Jong-un

Bombeflyene var på vingene samtidig som Trump uttalte i et intervju at han er villig til å møte Nord-Koreas unge leder Kim Jong-un under «de rette omstendigheter».
– Hvis det er hensiktsmessig for meg å møte han, så vil jeg absolutt gjøre det, sa Trump.
Administrasjonen i Det hvite hus har tidligere sagt at de ønsker å få til en dialog med regimet i Nord-Korea for å få en løsning på den betente situasjonen mellom de to landene.
Samtidig har Trump sagt at han ikke vil nøle med å gå til militært angrep på Nord-Korea dersom ikke landet slutter å true USA.
Les også: – Kinesiske kampfly i full beredskap

PÅ REISE: CIA-sjef Mike Pompeo har besøkt Sør-Korea, men temaet for samtalene er ikke kjent. Foto: AFP PHOTO / Mandel Ngan

Møter i Sør-Korea

Mandag ble det kjent at CIA-direktør Mike Pompeo har hatt møter i Sør-Korea, men USAs ambassade i Seoul vil ikke si hva de handlet om.
– CIA-direktøren og hans kone er i Seoul for et internt møte med de amerikanske styrkene i Sør-Korea og de ansatte ved ambassaden, heter det i en kommentar fra ambassaden.
Sør-Koreas største dagsavis Chosun Ilbo skriver at Pompeo ankom Seoul i helga og hadde fortløpende møter bak lukkede dører med sin motpart i sørkoreanske etterretning og flere representanter for landets ledelse. CIA-sjefen skal ha levert en grundig gjennomgang av Trump-administrasjonens Nord-Korea-ståsted og en evaluering av det nordkoreanske regimet.
Pompeo skal også ha hatt samtaler om hvordan USA og Sør-Koreas forhold kan bli etter valget i Sør-Korea 9. mai. Den amerikanske ambassaden vil ikke bekrefte dette, og sier at Pompeo ikke har hatt møte med politikere.

North Korea accuses US of provocation after bomber drills

A B-1 taxis at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, in January 2016.

(CNN)North Korea has lashed out at the US after it conducted joint bomber drills with the South Korean air force, accusing it of reckless provocation.
Pyongyang described the exercise, which involved two B1-B bombers, as as a "nuclear bomb-dropping drill" that made nuclear war more likely. North Korean state media described US President Donald Trump as a "warmonger".
The outburst came as the officials said that a controversial US missile defense system was up and running in South Korea -- albeit in a limited capacity. That announcement came a week before presidential elections in South Korea that are expected to bring in a government critical of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, known as THAAD.


      Trump says nobody is safe from North Korea


    Trump says nobody is safe from North Korea 02:20
    The latest belligerent statement from Pyongyang was a response to the deployment of two US bombers over the Korean peninsula on Monday -- as part of a joint drill with South Korea and Japan's air forces.
    South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun told a briefing Tuesday that the deployment was part of an effort to "respond to North Korea's nuclear missile threat and to deter North Korea's provocations."
    North Korean state news agency KCNA denounced the exercise in typically bombastic terms. "The reckless military provocation is pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war," KCNA said.
    It claimed that "Trump and other US warmongers" were determined to make a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea. Trump said on Monday that he might be willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "under the right circumstances

    THAAD deployment

    The latest rhetorical tussle came amid increasing military activity around the Korean peninsula. A US official said the the THAAD missile system was now capable of shooting down a North Korean missile,although it was operating in a limited capacity. The official said thatthe US hopes to install additional units to increase coverage over South Korea.
    THAAD was deployed to South Korea by the US in response to North Korea's increased missile and nuclear tests, but the defense system has drawn sharp opposition from China and Russia, whose territory is within the system's range.
    China again expressed its displeasure Tuesday, urging both sides to "stop the deployment immediately."
    "We will also firmly take necessary measures to safeguard our own interests," added Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang.
    THAAD is not expected to be fully operational until the end of the year, but US and South Korean officials publicly stressed the need to speed up the deployment of the technology as tensions mounted with Pyongyang.
    South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-kyun said at a briefing last week that equipment, including launchers, combat control stations and radar, had been deployed to the site in North Gyeongsang province and would be imminently operational.
    "These things are now in place, so you can connect them to get the operational capability from early on -- that's what 'within days' means," he said.

    Political opposition

    Moon Jae-in, the frontrunner in South Korea's Presidential election which takes place on May 9, has expressed skepticism over THAAD.
    Throughout his campaign he's called for its deployment to be decided by the next government.
    Speaking to South Korean radio station BBS FM on Tuesday, Moon said the deployment was "not a done deal yet," and should be based on public consultation and a vote in the country's National Assembly.
    Moon's Democratic Party is currently 20 points clear of its nearest rival, according to the most recent Gallup Korea daily opinion poll. Around 40% of voters surveyed said they favored Moon, compared with 24% for centrist candidate Ahn Cheol-soo.
    What is THAAD? 00:48


    THAAD is designed to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the latter stages of their flight as they plunge toward their targets.
    While this means it cannot act against the type of intermediate-range missiles North Korea has been testing in recent months, THAAD also includes a sophisticated radar that will fit into an overlapping series of US missile defense systems, including Aegis warships operating in the Pacific and Patriot missile batteries deployed to Japan.
    The radar could provide critical early tracking data to these missile interception systems, as well as those protecting Guam, the closest US territory to North Korea. 

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