fredag 21. mai 2021

An-26 mistet propell - Curt Lewis

 Incident: unknown AN26 near Bor on May 20th 2021, dropped propeller in flight

An unknown Antonov AN-26 freighter, flight from Juba to Paloch (South Sudan), was enroute near Bor (South Sudan) when the left hand propeller detached from the aircraft at around 12:30Z and fell to the ground about 200 meters from the highway connecting Bor and Juba where workers observed the aircraft and the object fall down. The aircraft returned to Juba and landed safely.

Juba Airport reported an Antonov cargo aircraft, that had departed from Juba to Paloch, returned to Juba with just one propeller.

In response to the occurrence South Sudan's Civil Aviation Authority banned all private company operations of Antonov AN-26 in South Sudan's Airspace with the exception of the AN-26, tail number UR-UZI (white engine cowlings), being operated for UNMISS. UR-UZI had been inbound to Juba at the time of occurrence but was not near Bor and was the only AN-26 (AN-24) visible in South Sudan Airspace via their transponder throughout the day. The CAA also stated that "all operating managers of the said AN26 are to implement this order without fail".

The occurrence aircraft was not visible via their transponder. Neither of the photos around so far are able to identify the airframe involved.

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