torsdag 19. juli 2012


Electronic Frontier Foundation Publishes Thousands of Pages of FAA UAS Records

Som jeg har skrevet her før så er ubemannede fly- og helikoptre også i bruk i Norge til forskjellige private formål. Hvorvidt LT vet om alt er det vel grunn til å tvile på. I USA forsøker de å få en oversikt og en veldig omfattende sådann er altså offentliggjort nylig.

The EFF recently received new information about unmanned aircraft flights in the United States, including extensive details about the specific models some entities are flying, where they fly, how frequently they fly, and how long they stay in the air.The 125 certificates and accompanying documents the FAA released total thousands of pages and were released in response to EFF’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, which has already uncovered the list of all entities licensed to fly domestic UAS .

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