torsdag 9. mars 2017

Helikopter - SAR Transition to hover testet på Sola - Rotor&Wing

Universal Avionics, Heli-One Perform Successful Transition to Hover Test

By S.L. Fuller | March 9, 2017
Search and Rescue
Universal Avionics_Completes Transition to Hover Testing_2017 HAI Heli-Expo Press Release_Image2
Photo courtesy of Universal Avionics

Universal Avionics (Heli-Expo booth 9149) and Heli-One (Heli-Expo booth 2608) have successfully integrated and tested the new Transition to Hover feature in the Airbus Helicopters AS332L/L1 Super Puma, Universal Avionics said. The flight test occurred in Stavanger, Norway, as part of a military modernization program.
“This is an important addition to the flight management system (FMS)/Multi-Missions Management System (MMMS) search and rescue (SAR) capabilities,” Grady Dees, Universal Avionics director of Technical Sales, said. “The Mark-on-Target can be activated during any MMMS operation, including during automatic search patterns. Just a single pilot action after mark- on-target allows the automatic procedure to be executed.”
The feature has the flight management system providing an automatic downwind leg with a course reversal after the pilots mark a target. In this position, the CDV-155 can perform the transition down and deceleration to a stable hover downwind of the target. Hands-free, Transition to Hover increases efficiency in operations like winching.

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