torsdag 13. juni 2019

Russiske konvensjonelle båter - Kilo og Lada klasser - Twitter

Lada Class regnes som den mest moderne diesel elektriske sub i Russland nå. Tror den blir vanskelig å detektere for P-8. 

Anechoic tile

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Anechoic tiles on the hull of HMS Triumph. Two patches of missing tiles are visible towards the forward edge of the sail.
Anechoic tiles are rubber or synthetic polymer tiles containing thousands of tiny voids, applied to the outer hulls of military ships and submarines, as well as anechoic chambers. Their function is twofold:
  • To absorb the sound waves of active sonar, reducing and distorting the return signal, thereby reducing its effective range.
  • To attenuate the sounds emitted from the vessel, typically its engines, to reduce the range at which it can be detected by passive sonar.

  • #SubSunday #Russian #Navy #ВМФ #Submarines Sonar arrays on Project 0636.3 Varshavyanka/Improved Kilo class & Project 677/Lada class SSKs
    På dette bildet ser du såkalte anechoic tiles, altså sonarabsorberende fliser

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