mandag 22. mai 2023

USAF museet fyller 100 - DaytonCVB video

Kanskje det beste flymuseet i verden. Du trenger tre hele dager der og ytterligere minst èn dag til for å se Wright guttas sykkelverksted  og verdens første flyplass og flyskole ved Huffman Prairie. Airbnb er det mange av i området.  Da jeg var der sammen med Odin Leirvåg i 2018, kombinerte vi det med Memorial Day og Taste of Cincinnati, gastro wekend. Jolly great stuff!  (Red.)

Dayton Air Force Museum Turns 100

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 11:00 AM by DaytonCVB

Above Image: The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force's Patterson Field location in 1958 (Courtesy National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)

Happy birthday to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force! The world’s oldest and largest military aviation museum - and one of the most-visited free attractions in the state of Ohio - celebrates its 100th Anniversary on May 16, 2023!

"Celebrating 100 years is a significant milestone in the history of any museum," said National Museum of the U.S. Air Force Historian Doug Lantry. "The growth we have experienced over the last century is directly attributed to the Air Force's wise commitment to preserving its heritage and the tremendous support we receive from our local, national and international communities. It's going to be an exciting year as we celebrate in style with events and exhibits that will appeal to the whole family."

Sjekk video og mer om museets historie her:

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