fredag 27. oktober 2023

Norges ambassadør i Moskva kalt inn på teppet etter denne hendelsen i Kirkenes - The Independent Barents Observer / NTB



Controversy at the war memorial. Russian General Consul Nikolai Konygin lays down a wreath in the colours of the Russian tricolour on top of the yellow-blue wreath put on site by the Kirkenes town Mayor just minutes earlier. Photo: Georgii Chentemirov

Russian General Consul stirs strife by the war memorial in Kirkenes

Despite repeated warnings from local authorities, Russian diplomat Nikolai Konygin showed up at the war monument in the Norwegian border town to lay down a wreath "to the memory of warriors and liberators that fell in the battle against Nazism."


Atle Staalesen

There were tensions in the air as the Russian diplomat on the 25th of October arrived to the downtown monument in connection with the 79-year anniversary of Red Army liberation of Kirkenes.

Local politicians had repeatedly requested Konygin and his people to refrain from the traditional flower ceremony. But Moscow’s local man wanted it otherwise. Without any prior announcement, the general consul showed up on site to lay down a wreath in the colours of the Russian tricolour.


The Russian Consulate wreath was placed over the Ukrainian wreath. Photo: Georgii Chentemirov


“To the memory of warriors and liberators that fell in the battle against Nazism,” a ribbon attached to the wreath read.

Konygin refused to give any comment to journalists and the situation became tense as several of his followers verbally and physically turned against local journalists on site.

Olga Smirnova, a local pro-Kremlin activist, twice tried to push away one of the journalists working for the Barents Observer.

Only two hours earlier, Kirkenes town Mayor Magnus Mæland had been at the same monument to lay down an official wreath on behalf of the local municipality. The wreath had yellow and blue colours and Mæland in a short address thanked Soviet soldiers, also of Ukrainian nationality, for their efforts to push out German Nazi occupants from Kirkenes in October 1944.

“To the memory of the sacrifice that the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army gave for our freedom,” the attached ribbon reads.

Shortly after the Russian general consul had put his wreath straight on top of the Norwegian wreath, Mæland returned to site and put the two decorations next to each other side by side.

“I am the Mayor of Sør-Varanger and you have no right to move our official wreath! he exclaimed as Olga Smirnova tried to prevent his action.



Olga Smirnova, a local Russian in Kirkenes, interferes when Mayor Magnus Mæland corrects the wreaths at the Liberation Monument in Kirkenes. Photo: Georgii Chentemirov

Russia’s war against Ukraine has strongly affected Norwegian-Russian relations in the small border town, and Magnus Mæland recently won local elections with promises to express a clearer stance against Moscow and its war.   

Over many years, official representatives of both Norway and Russia have assembled by the local war monument to commemorate fallen Soviet soldiers. But the joint ceremonies have come to a definite stop.

“I want to stand up against the Putin regime and its memory policy, the way symbols from the Second World War are used to legitimise authoritarian rule and draw parallels between the 2WW and the war in Ukraine, something that is pure lie and propaganda,” he told the Barents Observer.

At the same time, he stressed that he welcomes a debate about how monuments are being used by the Putin regime and its representatives.

“We have freedom of speech in Norway, it is a basic human right,” he underlined.

In a subsequent speech on the town square, the town mayor pointed the finger against Moscow and Vladimir Putin.

“There is a war in Europe today and the aggressor is Putin and his regime. It is Putin’s regime that has the responsibility for a war based on lies and propaganda, a war where mothers and children are killed, and civil society and civilians suffer like during the 2WW,” he said

“My message to the Putin regime is the following: stop the war in Ukraine!”

Magnus Mæland is Mayor of Sør-Varanger. Photo: Atle Staalesen

At the same time, Mæland underlined that the suffering of Soviet soldiers in 1944 will not be forgotten. “We must never forget the importance of the Red Army and its liberation of Kirkenes and East Finnmark when soldiers from Russia, Ukraine and several other post-Soviet states gave their life for our freedom. We have laid down a wreath to their memory,” he said.

During the second world war, Nazi German troops used Kirkenes as main base for their quest to conquer the Kola Peninsula. They never succeeded and the small Norwegian town was utterly destroyed by more than 300 air raids and war action. On the 25th of October 1944, Soviet forces pushed the Germans through the Finnish Petsamo area and out of Norway’s East Finnmark region.

About 600 Soviet soldiers are believed to have been killed during the offensive.

Norges ambassadør kalt inn på teppet

Russlands ambassade i Norge meldte dette i en uttalelse på Facebook fredag kveld.

Utenriksdepartementet bekrefter dette til NTB lørdag ettermiddag.

– Norges ambassadør i Moskva ble innkalt til møte i det russiske utenriksministeriet 27. oktober. Bakgrunnen for møtet var episoden knyttet til kransenedleggelsen i Kirkenes, skriver de i en uttalelse.

Krangelen oppsto etter at den russiske generalkonsulen, Nikolaj Konygin, trosset oppfordringene om å ikke holde markering ved Frigjøringsmonumentet ved 79-årsjubileet for sovjetisk frigjøring av den norske grensebyen. Han la også en russisk krans over Sør-Varanger kommunes krans.

Ifølge NRK skal ordfører Magnus Mæland (H) ha blitt rasende over kransestuntet, og valgt å flytte bort den russiske kransen.

– Sånn her oppfører man seg ikke. Man skal ha respekt for at Sør-Varanger kommune har lagt ned en offisiell krans på frigjøringsmonumentet, sa ordføreren.

– Det er et eksempel på russofobi, mangel på respekt og nedsetting av minnet over frigjøringssoldater. Det ser ut at ikke bare hukommelse, men også samvittighet er fortapt, skriver Russlands ambassade i Norge i uttalelsen sin.

Like etterpå valgte en russisk kvinne å flytte den russiske kransen tilbake, og på ny var den norske kransen gjemt bak den russiske.

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