torsdag 30. november 2023
Mangel på handling utgjør vår største eksistensielle trussel nå - FN / BBC / CNN
Klimaspørsmålet, hvor Norge har satt seg på sidelinjen (Nektet taletid i FN), vil bety masse-emigrajon med påfølgende uro, instabilitet, konflikter og stridigheter. Vi har sett dette komme de siste 20 årene, men gjort fint lite med det bortsett fra bla, bla, bla, bla. Norges Parismål blir fjernere og fjernere for hver dag som går. Sjekk voldsomt god oversikt fra BBC her:
Under overskriften Huge Oil- and Gas Projects are Appoved på CNN kan du lese:
On the other side of the
Atlantic, the UK announced plans for an expansion of oil and gas in the North
Sea in July. The government pledged to grant hundreds of new drilling licenses,
in a move one climate advocate described as sending “a wrecking
ball through the UK’s climate
Fossil fuel expansion by wealthy countries is
set to continue long into the future. Just five developed countries — the US,
UK, Canada, Australia and Norway — are responsible for 51% of oil and gas
expansion planned between 2023 and 2050, according to a September report from
campaign group Oil Change International.
“If this oil and gas expansion is allowed to
proceed, it would lock in climate chaos and an unlivable future,” the report
Preben Brækstad
Guterres åpner FNs klimatoppmøte med kraftsalve
FNs generalsekretær António Guterres benyttet første dag av Cop28 til å advare om at vi er i store problemer.
– Vi opplever klimakollaps i sanntid – og følgene er voldsomme, sa Guterres i en videotale til delegatene på klimatoppmøtet.
Kort tid i forveien hadde Verdens meteorologiorganisasjon lagt fram tall som viser at 2023 trolig blir det varmeste året noensinne.
– Dette året har folkeslag over hele verden blitt rammet av branner, flom og brennhete. Verdensledere bør på frysninger av rekordvarme i verden. Og det bør få dem til å handle, sa Guterres.
Han mener Cop28 bør ha som mål å sørge for fullstendig utfasing av fossile energikilder.
En rekke verdensledere, kong Charles, aktivister og lobbyister er blant de 97.000 menneskene som er ventet til den oljerike vertsnasjonen, De forente arabiske emirater. Det er nesten dobbelt så mange som antall deltakere på forrige klimatoppmøte.
Iran ypper seg i Midt Østen - Stars & Stripes
Iranian drone flies dangerously close to USS Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Navy says
STRIPES • November 29, 2023
Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group transits the Strait of Hormuz, Nov.
26, 2023. An Iranian drone came within 1,500 yards of the aircraft carrier as
it conducted flight operations in the international waters of the Persian Gulf
on Nov. 28. (Merissa Daley/U.S. Navy)
An Iranian drone violated
safety protocols and endangered U.S. service members when it flew within 1,500
yards of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower while the aircraft carrier conducted
routine flight operations in the Middle East, the Navy said Wednesday.
Eisenhower was transiting
international waters in the central Persian Gulf on Tuesday when it detected a
drone and visually identified it as Iranian, U.S. Naval Forces Central
Command/U.S. 5th Fleet said in a statement.
SAS taper store penger - Skylder på de elementene konkurrerende selskaper har hevet seg over - NRK
SAS tapte 2,1 milliardar svenske kroner i fjerde kvartal
Tala frå fjerde kvartal viser at SAS tapte 2, 1 milliardar. Det kjem fram av pressemeldinga til flyselskapet.
Til NRK seier konserndirektør Kjetil Høybråten at resultatet ber preg av at SAS framleis er i ei omstillingsfase etter pandemien. Han peiker dessutan på dyr valuta og høge drivstoffprisar, i tillegg til at SAS er under konkursbeskyttelse i USA, ein såkalla Chapter 11-prosess.
– Me har ein prosess pågåande i USA, og me kan ikkje kostnadsføra dei forbetringane me får i Chapter 11 før me er ute av prosessen.
– Det viktigaste kriteriet for å koma ut av ein slik prosess er nye eigarar og ny kapital som kan sikra selskapet for framtida, seier han.
I starten av oktober kunngjorde selskapet at det skulle takast av børsen, og at eigarane vert Air France-KLM, Castlelake, Lind Invest og den danske stat går inn på eiersiden.
Ingen stor dag for Air Zanzibar - X video
onsdag 29. november 2023
Ex norsk C-130 jobber for Coulson i Australia - Australian Aviation
Coulson har også fløyet ex norske DC-6 fra Braathens i samme rollen som denne. Selskapet er mest kjent for sine Martin Mars flybåter. Jeg tror en er flybar fremdeles.
written by Jake Nelson | November 27, 2023
Coulson’s Tanker 133 in Thermal, California.
(Image: Coulson Aviation)
Aerial firefighting company Coulson Aviation has
brought its newest C-130 Hercules tanker to Australia.
Registered N140CG, Tanker 133 – nicknamed Froy –
departed California on 24 November, touching down at Richmond, NSW, shortly
before 4:30pm on Monday ready for duty with the NSW Rural Fire Service. It is
one of five Hercules planes purchased from the Norwegian Air Force in 2019.
“Froy, also known as Tanker 133, is the latest
C-130H we have converted using our RADS-XXL 15, 141 Liter Tanking System and
will be under contract to the NSW RFS this year. Once it arrives, Tanker 132
will transition to a DFES contract in Western Australia,” CEO Britton Coulson
told Australian Aviation.
“Tanker 137, our Boeing 737 FIRELINER is also on
its way to Australia and it will start its Federal contract on December 1st as
the National Large Airtanker with NAFC.”
Coulson Australia’s aerial firefighting fleet includes C-130 Hercules
tankers, as well as converted Boeing 737s, CH-47 Chinook VLHTs (Very Large
HeliTanker), Sikorsky S-61 and S-76 helicopters, Bell 412 helicopters, and
Cessna Citation jets.
KC-46 - USAF bestiller ytterligere 15 fly - Boeing
Boeing Awarded $2.3 Billion for Additional U.S. Air Force KC-46A Tankers
- With the Lot 10 contract
award, 153 KC-46A multi-mission aerial refuelers are now on contract globally
- The multi-mission
aircraft provides advanced capability advantages for the joint force and allies
EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 28,
2023―Boeing [NYSE: BA] will build an additional 15 KC-46A Pegasus tankers under
a Lot 10 contract awarded by the U.S. Air Force valued at $2.3 billion. One
hundred fifty-three KC-46A multi-mission aerial refuelers are now on contract
globally, providing advanced capability advantages for the joint force and
“We appreciate our
partnership with the U.S. Air Force, which allows for the expansion of the
capacity and capability of the KC-46A fleet,” said Lynn Fox, vice president and
KC-46 program manager. “We understand the advantages that KC-46 capabilities
give the warfighters, and in the current global environment, we continue to
focus our investments on evolving the aircraft for the changing needs of the
Flygende likkiste? - Osprey havarerte utenfor japansk øy - AP
Hver krigsepoke har liste over fly som hadde flere havarier enn andre fly. Etter krigen er det ingen slik liste, men noen fly nevnes, spesielt tyskernes F-104G som er et militærfly. Vel, V-22 Osprey, som er et såkalt tilt-rotor fly, har hatt usedvanlig mange havarier. I Norge har det vært ett samt en nødlanding på en spektakulær bertgingsoperasjon. Nå har enda en maskin havarert med tap av liv. Jeg håper at US Marines og US Navy setter maskintypen på bakken. Bildet under er tatt av undertegnede på Farnborough i 2006. Senere har jeg vært inne i maskinen og skrev den gangen at den var usedvanlig trang inni.
US military Osprey
aircraft with 6 aboard crashes off southern Japan, at least 1 dead
A Japan’s coast guard vessel and a helicopter conduct search and rescue operation around the site where a U.S. military Osprey aircraft was believed to crash in the sea off Yakushima Island, Kagoshima prefecture, southern Japan Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023. Japan’s coast guard has found a person and debris in the ocean where a U.S. military Osprey aircraft carrying eight people crashed Wednesday off southern Japan, officials said. (Kyodo News via AP)
A U.S. military CV-22 Osprey takes off from Iwakuni base, Yamaguchi prefecture, western Japan, on July 4, 2018. A U.S. military Osprey aircraft carrying eight people crashed Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023 into the sea off southern Japan, and the Japanese coast guard is heading to the site for search and rescue operations, officials said. (Kyodo News via AP)
Updated 12:20
PM CET, November 29, 2023
crew member who was recovered from the ocean after a U.S. military Osprey
aircraft carrying six people crashed Wednesday off southern Japan has been
pronounced dead, coast guard officials said.
The cause of the crash and the status of the five others on the
aircraft were not immediately known, coast guard spokesperson Kazuo Ogawa said.
Initial reports said the aircraft was carrying eight people, but the U.S.
military later revised the number to six, he said.
The coast guard received an emergency call from a fishing boat near the
crash site off Yakushima, an island south of Kagoshima on the southern main
island of Kyushu, he said.
Coast guard aircraft and patrol boats found one person, who was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, and gray-colored debris believed to be from the aircraft, Ogawa said. They were found about 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) off the eastern coast of Yakushima. An empty inflatable life raft was also found in the area.
“The government will confirm
information about the damage and place the highest priority on saving lives,”
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters.
The Osprey is
a hybrid aircraft that takes off and lands like a helicopter, but during flight
can rotate its propellers forward and cruise much faster like an airplane.
Versions of the aircraft are flown by the U.S. Marine Corps, Navy and Air
Ogawa said the aircraft had departed from the U.S. Marine Corps Air
Station Iwakuni in Yamaguchi prefecture and crashed on its way to Kadena Air
Base on Okinawa.
Japanese Vice Defense Minister Hiroyuki Miyazawa said the Osprey had
attempted an emergency sea landing.
Kyodo News agency, quoting Kagoshima prefectural officials, said
witnesses reported seeing fire coming from the Osprey’s left engine.
It said a Japanese military base in Saga in southern Japan decided to
postpone planned Osprey flight exercises on Thursday.
U.S. and Japanese officials said the aircraft belonged to Yokota Air
Base in western Tokyo. U.S. Air Force officials at Yokota said they were still
confirming information and had no immediate comment.
Ospreys have had a number of accidents in the past, including in Japan,
where they are deployed at both U.S. and Japanese military bases. In Okinawa,
where about half of the 50,000 American troops in Japan are based, Gov. Denny
Tamaki told reporters Wednesday that he will ask the U.S. military to suspend
all Osprey flights in Japan.
In December 2016, a U.S. Marine Corps Osprey crashed off the Okinawa
coast, injuring two of the five crew members and triggering complaints among
local residents about the U.S. bases and the Osprey’s safety record.
A U.S. Marine Corps Osprey with 23 Marines aboard crashed on a north
Australian island in August, killing at least three and critically injuring at
least five during a multinational training exercise.
It was the fifth fatal crash of a Marine
Osprey since 2012, bringing the death toll at that time to at least 19.
tirsdag 28. november 2023
Hybrid løsning presenterer nytt konsept - AW&ST
Bell Shows Off Sea-Based
UAS For DARPA X-Plane Bid
Steve Trimble November 27, 2023
High-speed, sea-based UAS capable of hovering and landing would rearm and refuel from prepositioned rafts in areas where land bases are denied by an enemy.
Credit: Bell
Bell has released a concept for a
sea-based, high-speed uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) that can rearm and reload
itself on floating rafts.
The concept was released as part
of Bell’s confirmation on Nov. 27 of a contract award from DARPA for the Speed
and Runway Independent Technologies (Sprint) X-plane program. Aviation Week
reported on Nov. 7 that Bell was among four companies to receive Phase 1 awards
to continue conceptual design work on aircraft with the ability to hover and
reach speeds of more than 400 kt.
As part of the Sprint program,
Bell is continuing development of a design concept known as Sea-based Logistics
Unmanned Rearm/Refuel Platform (Slurrp). The concept shows the light version of
a proposed family of aircraft that can use a nascent folding tiltrotor system
to take off and land vertically, yet fly more than 33% faster than the top
speed of a V-280 Valor or V-22 Osprey.
“The image shows a network of
connected aircraft that are communicating locally with each other passing
[command and control] or other data,” a Bell spokesperson told Aviation Week.
“They are simultaneously launching from their autonomous refuel and rearm platforms
where they sat dormant.”
The concept is part of a vision
for conducting contested operations in the vast maritime domain of the
Indo-Pacific region. On the assumption that most land-based options for landing
to rearm and refuel will be denied by an enemy, the Slurrp concept would have
the UAS perform those functions from prepositioned rafts, which would be loaded
with fuel, munitions and automated loading systems.
Bell’s high-speed vertical takeoff
and landing technology is based on a new approach to tiltrotor flight. After
rotating from vertical to horizontal orientation after takeoff, the rotors
would slow down until they stop as the aircraft accelerates. The rotors finally
fold back along the nacelle to reduce drag, allowing the aircraft to achieve speeds
typical of subsonic jets rather than aircraft optimized for taking off and
landing vertically.
DARPA also selected Aurora Flight
Sciences, Northrop Grumman and Piasecki Aircraft for Phase 1A contracts under
the Sprint program. The agency plans to achieve first flight of an X-plane in
fiscal 2027.
Likhet for loven, Ukraina vs. Gaza? - NRK
Barth Eide om krigens reglar: – Viss vi meiner det i
Ukraina, må vi meine det i Midtausten
Vesten blir
kritisert for å ha dobbelmoral i krigen i Ukraina og Midtausten.
Utanriksminister Eide meiner vi må ta aktive grep for å unngå denne
Splitting rundt Vesten rolle i krigen i
Midtausten, kan føre til lågare støtte til Ukraina. Det uroar utanriksminister
Espen Barth Eide.
FOTO: Siv Dolmmen
Synne Malen SandvenJournalist
Simen EkernEuropa-korrespondent
Vi rapporterer frå Oslo/Brussel
Publisert i dag kl. 14:43 Oppdatert for 3 timer siden
Russlands president Vladimir Putin bidrog til å samle Vesten då han
gjekk til krig mot Ukraina i fjor, og vestlege land har stått stødige i si
støtte til det ukrainske folket.
Men etter at verdas merksemd har vendt seg bort frå Ukraina og mot
krigen i Midtausten, er utanriksminister Espen Barth Eide no uroa for at den
nærast unisone støtta til Ukraina kan smuldre opp.
Dette meiner utanriksministeren kan henge saman med korleis Vestens
tilnærming til krigen mellom Israel og Hamas kan bli oppfatta, og at Vesten kan
ha mista noko av sin tillit:
– Vi ser no ei større splitting mellom landa som støtter Israel, og det
store fleirtal som opplever at det er sterke «dobbelstandardar», og at ein i
altfor liten grad forstår det palestinske perspektivet, seier Eide til NRK.
Les hele artikkelen her:
Finland stenger hele grensen sin mot Russland - NRK
Det ligger an til at vi får en ny Storskog episode og må følge Finland. (Red.)
Finland stenger heile grensa med Russland
Det blir ikkje
mogleg å søke asyl nokon stad ved den finske grensa til Russland, seier den
finske regjeringa tysdag.
DEN SISTE OPNE: Ifølge finske medium prøvde
regjeringa i landet å stenge den siste grenseovergangen allereie sist veke, men
blei uvisse på om vedtaket var lovleg.
Oda Eggesbø OttesenJournalist
Publisert i dag kl. 15:13 Oppdatert for én time siden
Årsaka er den aukande straumen med papirlause asylsøkarar frå russisk
side av grensa.
Finland meiner Russland har sleppt dei igjennom med vilje for å utøve
press på finske styresmakter.
– Ingen form for grensepassering er mogleg ved desse grensestasjonane,
seier den finske innanriksministeren Mari Rantanen.
– Det handlar ikkje om asyl eller
innvandringspolitikk. Dette er eit spørsmål om nasjonal tryggleik.