Hello to you all
We look forward to seeing you at this years Flight Operational Forum and
below is some information about the conference.
Conference program
The conference program is always updated here: http://flyoperativtforum.no/index.php/web/article_activity/fof_2013
with a Norwegian and English version. New just lately is our sponsor Boeing
represented by Safety Pilot Thomas Schulter who will talk about “Anatomy of an
Overrun”. The conference topics, Training and Culture, are very up to date as to
what is happening in the world. Tuesday we will Focus on Safety and Training +
all the positive things that happen in aviation. Boeing will be represented and
will give a lecture on "RWY excursion", NPH Crew Training in SAS will talk about
training and "the safety" link. Wednesday the Just Culture, its development from
being "reactive" to "predictive" will be among the main topics and David
Learmount from Flight Global will be the main speaker.
In addition there are many interesting lectures, Brigadier Rygg will be
talking about the investigation of the accident where the C-130 crashed into the
mountain Kebnekaise, a meeting with a pilot who has gone to the south pole and a
pilot who "tailscratchet" and a meeting with the thirteen first F-104
Starfighter pilots in Norway. We welcome you to the only operational conference
in Norway and join us where you will learn from the best in civil aviation on
operational aspects. You will also get an opportunity to expand your
professional network within the aviation industry.
Transportation - Hotel
For those of you arriving at OSL airport, take the bus S22 on (platform 25)
the arrival level, it leaves every 15 minutes most of the day, it will take you
to the conference hotel, which is Quality Airport Hotel Gardermoen, 2050
JESSHEIM phone +47 63 92 61 00.
For those of you that have booked a hotel through the website, we have made
a reservation at the conference hotel. We will have a stand in the reception
from 15:00 to assist in the checkin process and hand out the conference
Conference details
The conference starts Tuesday at 09:00 and ends Wednesday at 16:00, we
will have an informal dinner on Tuesday evening. There is also a reception in
the Officer mess at Gardermoen Monday, the bus leaves at 18:00.
Contact info
If for any reason you need to contact us, here is our contact info:
Knut Backer, | Mob+47 90 01 60 46 | eMail:
knut.backer@flyoperativtforum.no |
Morten Kjellesvig, Manager FoF | Mob+47 91 18 41 82 | eMail:
leder@flyoperativtforum.no |
Flyoperativt Forum er en ideell organisasjon som ikke driver
næringsvirksomhet. FoF er som navnet sier en Flyoperativ luftfartskonferanse som
har som formål å samle flyoperativt personell på ledelsesnivå fra alle
selskap/aktører i norsk luftfart. Konferansen er åpen for alle, også pressen.
Konferansen er et middel til å samle flest mulig av det flyoperative
nøkkelpersonell slik at disse kan bli kjent med hverandre og utveksle erfaringer
i et uformelt miljø. Styret og arbeidsutvalget søker å legge til rette for at
norske og internasjonale spesialister innen sine fagfelt kan dele sine
erfaringer gjennom presentasjoner av høy kvalitet.
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