US accuses China fighter of reckless mid-air intercept
22 August 2014 Last updated at 23:05 GMT
The US has released photographs of the Chinese J-11 aircraft which it says was responsible for carrying out the dangerous manoeuvres
A Chinese fighter came perilously close to a US military patrol plane over international waters east of China's Hainan Island, the Pentagon has said.
Spokesman John Kirby said that the US had protested to the Chinese military over the mid-air intercept, calling the fighter pilot's actions "unsafe and unprofessional".He said that the Chinese aircraft came within 10 metres of the US Navy plane.
Correspondents say that it is the fourth such incident since March.
So far there has been no comment about the reported near-miss from China.
Rear Admiral Kirby said that the incident happened on Tuesday when an armed Chinese J-11 fighter intercepted a US Navy P-8 Poseidon patrol aircraft that was on a routine mission.
Rear Adm Kirby was highly critical of the conduct of the Chinese pilot
He said that the Chinese manoeuvre detracted from efforts to improve American relations with China's military.
The warplane flew close to the surveillance aircraft three times, he said, flying above, underneath and alongside it. At one point it performed "a barrel roll" in an apparent display of its weapons.
Rear Adm Kirby said that the Chinese manoeuvre was "very, very close, very dangerous".
Near-misses between aircraft and naval vessels of the US and China are commonplace off the coast of China.
In December China said one of its warships "encountered" a US guided missile cruiser, confirming US reports of a near-collision in the South China Sea.
Shortly before this incident China set up an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, and said that aircraft flying through the zone must follow its rules, including filing flight plans.
The US, Japan and South Korea have rejected China's zone, and flown undeclared military aircraft through it. The US has called the move a unilateral attempt to change the status quo in the region.
The most serious incident in recent years however took place in 2001, when a Chinese fighter jet collided with a US Navy EP-3 spy plane, killing the Chinese pilot.
En norsk P-3B Orion ble i 1987 avskåret av en slik sovjetisk maskin over Barentshavet. Den fløy inn i det norske flyet som ble skadd, men landet på tre motorer på Andøya. Fra Wikipedia:
- 13 September 1987: A Royal Norwegian Air Force P-3B "602" is hit from below by a Russian AF Sukhoi Su-27 of the 941st IAP V-PVO. The Su-27 flew below the P-3's starboard side, then accelerated and pulled up, clipping the #4 engine's propellers. The Propeller shrapnel hit the Orion's fuselage and caused a decompression. There were no injuries and both aircraft returned safely to base.
Russisk jagerfly kom «ubehagelig nært»
Mannskapet om bord et norsk Orion-fly fikk et russisk jagerfly «ubehagelig nært» under et øvelsestokt i Barentshavet.
– Det russiske jagerflyet var i nærheten tre ganger. Den første gangen ganske langt unna, den andre et par tusen fot over det norske flyet. Det siste gangen var de adskillig nærmere og kom bakfra i en situasjon som det norske mannskapet syntes var ubehagelig nært, sier oberstløytnant John Espen Lien til
Lien kan ikke si hvor nære MIG-31-flyet var, men sier at det var nære nok til at det begrenset Orion-flyets manøvreringsmulighet.
Ingen radiokontakt
– I dette bildet hører det også med at flyene ikke har radiokontakt. Dermed føler man seg raskere utrygg når det foregår en slik passering, sier han.Det er ikke uvanlig at russiske fly tar til vingene for å sjekke norsk aktivitet i luftrommet. Det samme gjør også norske jagerfly når det gjelder russisk aktivitet.
Vil snakke med russerne
– Dette er en del av det som foregår i våre områder. Vi skal ikke legge for mye i dette, samtidig som det jo er en situasjon vi har funnet grunn til å reagere på, sier Lien.
– Mannskapet har oppfattet det såpass alvorlig at de har funnet grunn til å rapportere det videre til oss. Vi vil på rutinemessig basis ta dette videre til russiske myndigheter på vårt nivå, sier oberstløytnanten.
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