onsdag 16. desember 2015

Galskap satt i system - Tracking of aircraft - Avionics

Det har gått mote i dette. Problemet med å lokalisere fly som har havarert i øde områder på land og sjø kan lett løses på en billig og enkel måte ved å montere ELT som løsner fra flyskroget når flyet treffer bakken eller vannet med en viss kraft. Dingsen spretter av og sender på nødfrekvensene samt at den sender GPS posisjon. Dette er alt for enkel løsning for "gutta på roteloftet" som lever av å komplisere ting.

European Commission Adopts New Rules on Aircraft Tracking

Juliet Van Wagenen
The European Commission has adopted new rules for more stringent aircraft tracking
The European Commission has adopted new rules for more stringent aircraft tracking. Photo: European Commission

[Avionics Today 12-16-2015] The European Commission has adopted new rules for flight recorders, underwater locating devices and aircraft tracking systems, addressing the issues raised by the accident of Air France 447 and the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370.

A week after the adoption of the new aviation strategy, the commission adopted new rules that require operators of large aircraft to establish an aircraft tracking system, newly manufactured large aircraft to be equipped with “robust and automatic means” of locating the end-point of an aircraft following an incident, and enhancements to Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) technology, including extending the recording length from two hours to 25 hours.

"For the general public, it is not understandable that aircraft are not permanently tracked wherever they fly. The rules we adopted today aim to address this deficiency and to prevent the reoccurrence of the disappearances of flights AF447 and MH370," said EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc.

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