Drone Operations (Current & Short Term) Survey Results Are Now Available

This worldwide survey on drone operations was kicked off in 8 languages in July 2017. The objective was to propose a segmentation of the non-military drone application sectors (commercial & non-commercial), as well as a categorization of drone flight mission purposes taking place in these sectors.
Based on these two documents, the survey identifies & classifies:
- Market sectors in which drone flight operations are currently taking place.
- Flight mission purposes [Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) & Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)] that are currently taking place in compliance with applicable national rules or regulations.
- Market sectors in which Very Low Level (VLL) flight operations [below 500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) & BVLOS] are anticipated to take place in the short term (1-2 years).
- Flight mission purposes of the Very Low Level (VLL) flight operations (below 500 feet AGL & BVLOS) that are anticipated to take place in the short term (1-2 years).
1004 contributions by drone operators in 66 countries were received; in total 10134 completed market sector forms and 9481 completed mission purpose forms were submitted and analysed. Consequently, this survey creates an accurate vision of the current & near-future international drone market, based on actual & trackable inputs from the global drone operator community. It is the most realistic international survey on drone operations ever conducted.
Abridged & unabridged editions of the results of survey are now available. Click HERE for a link to the online order form, previews of both editions, and the drone market sector segmentation & drone mission purpose classification documents.
Drone Operations (Current, Short & Medium Term) – New Survey
In order to refine the results and make them even more representative, a second survey has been launched, again in 8 languages. This survey now also takes into consideration the anticipated situation in the medium term (2-5 years).
Drone operators in all countries are cordially invited to participate in this new edition of the survey.
Click HERE for a link to this online survey.
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