The USMC's 11 F-5Ns and single F-5F just won't do it anymore when it comes to providing fleet adversary support for dozens of Marine fast-jet squadrons. Now the Corps wants to procure more second-hand F-5s from around the globe to bolster its aggressor ranks, and to set up F-5 detachments at three other bases in addition to VMFT-401 "Snipers'" home base at MCAS Yuma in Arizona. In addition, the Marine Corps master aviation plan also calls for adding a light attack turboprop aircraft to its tactical training fleet, such as the AT-6C Coyote or A-29 Super Tucano.
The Marine's call for more adversary support capacity has been a long time coming—I have written extensively on the subject
dating back many years. The introduction of the F-35 in particular will continue to grow adversary support demand based on cost concerns alone. The Joint Strike Fighter will cost at best a third more to operate than the majority of aircraft it replaces, and that number is likely going to be much larger in reality. Then there is the fact that training depletes airframe life, which is a given, but when the aircraft an F-35 is training against could just as easily be a F-5, it makes little sense to use another F-35, or a tired legacy Hornet for that matter. When the jet, in this case the F-35B, costs $120 million and has a service life of 8,000 hours, $15,000 is being depreciated off the aircraft every hour it flies.
Garmin Goes Supersonic |
Here’s a case of an old, albeit fast dog learning new tricks: Garmin is celebrating the first flight of a G3000 integrated flight deck in an F-5 fighter. Garmin says that training firm Tactical Air Support finished the design and installation of the multi-panel suite over six months, giving the 1950s-era Northrop fighter the reliability and capabilities of modern avionics to go with its rakish good looks.
“The maiden flight of the G3000-equipped F-5 is a significant achievement as it is a testament to the rapid implementation time and flexibility afforded by a Garmin integrated flight deck,” said Carl Wolf, vice president of aviation sales and marketing. “In just under six months, Tactical Air was able to complete the engineering design, installation and achieve first flight. Through their hard work, dedication and our strong relationship together, we’re thrilled that they’re already in the air with the Garmin G3000 in this iconic aircraft. I am confident that the Tactical Air pilots will enjoy flying behind Garmin glass.”
Managed by Tactical Air, the F-5 will be used to “provide air-to-air combat training, close-air support training, tactics development and evaluation support. The upgraded F-5 used by Tactical Air will be used in an aggressor training role and the G3000 will transform the entire fleet of Tactical Air F-5s with sensor and system capabilities similar to current fighter aircraft.”
“The first flight of the F-5 was flawless and achieved the main objective of verifying Pilot Vehicle
Interface (PVI) of aircraft systems, displays, controls and the new Caution/Advisory System (CAS). The PVI and CAS, when combined with the G3000, results in a more capable fighter aircraft,” said Ken Hamm, Tactical Air chief test pilot. “As a career test pilot with over 7,000 flight hours, I have flown aircraft from the simplest to the space shuttle. Without a doubt, I can say the F-5 cockpit is one of the most capable and flexible of all.”
Garmin’s big push to get the G3000 into this role is cost. Compared to elderly systems aboard these legacy fighters, the off-the-shelf systems provide more capability at much lower cost. As expected, the F-5's Garmin suite supports state-of-the-art synthetic vision (SVTTM) that blends an out-the-window view of surroundings on the primary flight display, terrain awareness, ADS-B traffic and weather, capabilities for communication, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM), and video interfaces.
First flown in 1959, the Northrop F-5 jams a prodigious amount of Jet-A through a pair of General Electric J85 turbojets on the way to a Mach 1.6 top speed. |
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