18 - 19 September 2019, The
Riverside Venue, London, UK
The 3rd International
Conference on Unruly Airline Passenger Behaviour
Disruptive passenger incidents are a daily occurrence on board commercial
flights around the world. Seemingly trivial issues can quickly escalate into
explosive situations that endanger the safety of passengers and crew. The much
anticipated 3rd edition of DISPAX World returns to London to explore the broad
range of causes of such behaviour, the responses available and the legal
implications for carriers and states.
Looked at from diverse perspectives, including those of aircrew, passengers, regulatory authorities, industry associations, and law enforcement, DISPAX World 2019 will provide a comprehensive and authoritative programme over two days in one of the busiest airline hubs in the world: London. Speakers will include industry leaders, aircrew, airport operators, academics and law enforcement agencies.
Topics to include:
International Legislation
Montreal Protocol Update
Post-Incident Litigation
Recognising Potentially Unruly Behaviour
Communication Skills
De-escalation Techniques
Cross-cultural Challenges
The Impact of Alcohol at Altitude
Responsible Service of Alcohol
Unruly Passenger Restraint Issues
Football Hooliganism & Mob Behaviour
Frotteurs & Sexually Deviant Behaviour
Inflight Theft
Bomb Threat Management
Flight Attendant Uniforms
Bodycams & Inflight CCTV
Social Media Reporting
Human Trafficking
Impact of Emotional Support Animals
Medication & Inflight Behaviour
Airport Responsibility
Aircrew Mental Health
Airline Case Studies
DISPAX World 2019 is a must-attend
conference for:
Flight attendant instructors
Airline Security Personnel
Government transportation regulators
Aviation health professionals & psychologists
Academics & researchers
Unions & staff associations
Law enforcement agencies
Airport operators
Security companies
Consumer bodies
International law firms
For more information please visit: www.unrulypax.com or contact Lucy Rawlings at lrawlings@avsec.com
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