tirsdag 14. mars 2023

Ukraina trener på Patriot missilbruk i Polen - Stars & Stripes

Typisk amerikansk, patriotisk uttrykksmåte er jeg redd. USA matcher ikke russernes Zirkhon missil som brukes mot Ukraina nå. For å ta den må en nok ha Sprint missiler tipper jeg. Mach 10 i løpet av 15 sekunder lar seg høre. Sjekk utviklingen av raketter og missiler her: https://tinyurl.com/2tesy9wb (Red.)





Members of Delta Battery, 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment gather for a photo on a Patriot missile launcher in southeastern Poland on March 7, 2023. (Phillip Walter Wellman/Stars and Stripes)

SOUTHEAST POLAND — The soldiers of Delta Battery are hypervigilant for a potential attack that could plunge 30 nations into conflict with Russia, and they’ve been that way ever since arriving last year with their Patriot missiles at little more than a muddy field.

Hypervigilance means no alcohol, ever. Passes to leave the small outpost of dirt-filled Hesco walls topped with razor wire come rarely, and no one goes far in case of an emergency.

Delta Battery’s task is to make sure that if the Russians ever fire at the billions of dollars’ worth of aid making its way from NATO territory to Ukraine, their Patriot missiles will keep the cargo moving and the people nearby it safe.

Stars and Stripes has agreed to withhold the exact location of the battery for security reasons.


A Patriot missile launcher used by Delta Battery, 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment is positioned for firing if needed at an austere base in southeast Poland, March 6, 2023. (Phillip Walter Wellman/Stars and Stripes)

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