ILA: Cassidian plans further tests with
Barracuda UAV
Som du muligens husker så skrev jeg for et par år siden om den Barracudaen som de mistet kontroll over på flyplassen ved Murcia. jeg uttrykte en smule bekymring siden det var en flyplass som bl.a. blir frekventert av Norwegian. Nå har altså noen funnet ut at testing av denne saken ikke er forenlig med andre flyoperasjoner ved Murcia, som forøvrig er en militær/sivil flyplass. Dette er imidlertid en særdeles intessant sak fordi flyet kan kommunisere med andre fly på samme oppdrag, helt automatisk, eller autonomt som det kalles. Les mer......
Cassidian is likely to conduct a fourth campaign of flight testing with its Barracuda unmanned air vehicle technology demonstrator from around 2014, with the process to further develop its ability to operate the autonomous system in conjunction with other aircraft.
"We are presently in discussions to come up with developments in the timeframe of the next two or three years," says Thomas Gottmann, Cassidian's senior manager for the Barracuda/Agile UAV effort. "We would be looking to have more complex missions, with more aircraft in the air."
Conducted from Goose Bay in Canada earlier this year, the most recent test activity involved flying the roughly 3t Barracuda in collaboration with a manned Learjet, which was acting as a surrogate UAV for the "sensor-to-shooter" work.
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