lørdag 6. april 2019

Sun `n Fun - Goodies

Video: Cool Stuff At Sun 'n Fun 2019
Always on the prowl for exceptionally cool stuff at airshows, with cameras rolling KITPLANES Magazine Editor Paul Dye and Larry Anglisano set out to find three cool things on display at Sun 'n Fun 2019 in Lakeland, Florida, and prepared this video report.

10,000 Hours In A Mustang

Legendary P-51 guru Lee Lauderback hit the remarkable milestone of 10,000 hours in the Mustang during Sun ’n Fun and is being inducted into the Florida Aviation Hall of Fame. Lauderback hit the big number while performing his solo P-51 demo routine in Crazy Horse, his mint Mustang, at the opening day airshow on Tuesday. He is believed to be the highest time Mustang pilot in the world and the only one to hit 10,000 hours. Lauderback is the CEO of Stallion 51, a Kissimmee-based flight school and aircraft management company.
The company also gave away an orientation flight in the dual-control Mustang when Lauderback flies it back to Kissimmee after Saturday’s airshow. The flight was part of the auction at the Thursday night fundraising dinner benefiting the Aerospace Center of Excellence.
Video: Levil Astro Link
At Sun 'n Fun this week, Levil Avionics debuted a new ADS-B In receiver to drive various tablet-based systems with no-cost weather and traffic. In addition to the dual-band receiver, the Astro Link has a built-in WAAS GPS receiver and full AHRS module for attitude information. This allows the Astro Link to provide valuable backup attitude data to connected tablets.

Auto GCAS Team Wins 2018 Collier Trophy

The National Aeronautic Association (NAA) has announced that the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS) team has been named the recipient of the 2018 Robert J. Collier Trophy for "successfully completing a rapid design, integration, and flight test of critical, lifesaving technology for the worldwide F-35 fleet." Auto GCAS was developed by Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Air Force, the F-35 Joint Program Office, NASA and the Defense Safety Oversight Council. According to Lockheed Martin, the Auto GCAS system uses a set of complex collision avoidance and autonomous decision-making algorithms to determine if a ground collision is imminent. As shown in the video below, if an imminent collision is detected, the system will roll the aircraft wings-level and pull up with no pilot input.
In addition to Auto GCAS, this year’s Collier nominees were the Bell V-280 Valor, Boeing T-X, Draken International Contracted Close Air Support & Adversary Air Services in Support of Combat Readiness Training, Embraer E190-E2, F-35 Integrated Test Force, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. Integration of Large UAS into Civil and International Airspace, NASA/JPL Mars Cube One (MarCO) Project Team, Perlan Project, Responsive Environmental Assessment Commercially Hosted (REACH) Project and Virgin Galactic SpaceShip Two Program. As previously reported by AVweb, last year’s winner was the Cirrus Aircraft Vision Jet.
The Robert J. Collier Trophy is awarded annually by the NAA "for the greatest achievement in aeronautics or astronautics in America, with respect to improving the performance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use during the preceding year." It will be officially presented to the Auto GCAS team at the Annual Robert J. Collier Trophy Dinner in Washington, D.C., on June 13, 2019.

Podcast: Alsim Talks New U.S. Facility, More Automated Sims

In addition to experiencing the best year in its 25-year history in 2018, simulator manufacturer Alsim is moving toward opening a new production facility in the U.S. and developing more automated simulators. Global Business Development Director Mike Tonkin sat down with AVweb at Sun ‘n Fun 2019 to share the details.

Lancair Showcases First Barracuda Build

Kitplane manufacturer Lancair is displaying the first of its Barracuda two-seaters to be built at Sun ‘n Fun 2019. The aircraft was constructed by first-time Lancair builder Wade Marcantonio. Marcantonio, who holds a BA in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M and is a Certified Solidworks Professional, built the aircraft with the help of Lancair’s Builder Assist Program.
Lancair introduced the composite Barracuda at AirVenture 2018. According to the company, the design was developed from the Lancair Legacy. Based on installation of the standard 210-HP Lycoming IO-390 engine, the aircraft typically has a maximum cruise speed of over 200 MPH (174 KTS) and an estimated fuel consumption between 10 and 12 gallons per hour. Useful load generally ranges from 750 to 825 pounds and usable fuel from 65 to 75 gallons depending on options selected by the builder.
Available options for the aircraft include the 310-HP Continental IO-550-N engine, electronic fuel injection and ignition, air conditioning and full de-ice protection. Cost for the Barracuda starts at about $175,000 for a complete kit, which includes the airframe, engine, propeller and avionics (typically the Garmin G3X Touch and GTN-750). Lancair's basic two-week Builder Assistance program comes free with the kit purchase.

Video: Vashon Ranger LSA Update
Last year Vashon Aircraft set out to revolutionize the Light Sport market with an under-$100K, all-metal, Continental-powered glass cockpit-equipped airplane that was both easy and fun to fly. To see how that's been working, AVweb's Russ Niles caught up with company founder John Torode at Sun 'n Fun 2019 in Lakeland, Florida.

D-Day Squadron Finalizes Plans

Possibly the largest flotilla of C-47s and other DC-3 variants since the Second World War will cross the Atlantic in late May to take part in a reenactment of the first stage of the D-Day invasion. A total of 18 “Daks” will follow the historic Blue Spruce Route through Canada, Greenland, Iceland and Scotland for the 75th anniversary of the most pivotal battle of the war. The 18 U.S.-based aircraft will be joined by 17 European aircraft for the flypast, which will include parachute jumps by reenactors using round canopies. Many of the aircraft took part in the original raid, including That’s All Brother, the plane that led the assault and was the first one over the beaches. The aircraft, which flew at Sun ’n Fun, was rescued from a scrap heap and refurbished by the Commemorative Air Force over the past three years.
There will be plenty of opportunity for the public to get close to the historic aircraft, which have led varied and sometimes colorful lives since they were built more than 70 years ago. The U.S. contingent will gather in Oxford, Connecticut, May 13-17 for final preparations, which will include a formation flight around the Statue of Liberty. May 18 the plan, subject to the fickle North Atlantic weather, is to head to Goose Bay in Newfoundland and Labrador, using the original airfield that was the main North American staging base for Europe-bound aircraft during the war. Some will go to Greenland while longer-range models will go to Iceland the next day before heading to Prestwick, Scotland, and finally Duxford, England, where the D-Day event is being staged. After Normandy, many of the aircraft will take part in anniversary events marking the Berlin Airlift, and other European side trips are planned. It’s expected most of the DC-3s will be back in the U.S. in time for AirVenture 2019 in Oshkosh.
Podcast: High School Flying Club Starts Aircraft And Engine Builds

The high school students at the Lakeland Aero Club started several new projects at Sun ‘n Fun this year. Club President Mike Zidziunas talked with AVweb about the club’s history and the students’ work on aircraft and engine building, restoration and repairs.

New Course, Instructor At King Schools

John and Martha King announced the launch of a completely redone version of the King Schools online instrument rating test prep course at Sun ‘n Fun 2019. According to the Kings, the newest version of the course adds “extensive discussions of risk management interwoven throughout the course in accordance with the new Instrument Rating Airmen Certification Standards (ACS).” In addition, the course contains more material on GPS procedures and use.
“The new video lessons benefit from King Schools’ 45 years of developing techniques to help pilots deeply understand aviation concepts, along with ways to absorb and recall facts when rote memorization is required,” said King Schools CEO Barry Knuttila. “As we do with all our test prep courses, we guarantee that our customers will pass their exams and that their online courses will always be up to date.”
The Kings also announced that Knuttila will be adding on-camera instructing in King Schools’ online video courses to his role with the company. Knuttila holds an ATP certificate with a Falcon 10 type rating and flight and ground instructor certificates with “all available airplane ratings.”

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