onsdag 1. april 2020

Boeing vil gjerne ha offentlig støtte, men gir ikke noe tilbake - ATW

Leseren bør være klar over hva CARES Act er:  Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law Mar. 27  Boeings problemer kan på ingen måte sies å være CORONA-19s skyld alene. Problemene er relatert til deres egne produkter inenfor transport, space og militær virksomhet, ref KC-46 som er "full av mark". Disse tre elmentene er omtalt i mine spalter gjentatte ganger, særlig er MAX en gjenganger. Det er derfor rart at de i det hele tatt får støtte uten å yte noe tilbake. (Red.)

Boeing Will Take Aid, Won’t Give Equity


Days after Boeing publicly thanked the U.S. government for passing the CARES Act, CEO David Calhoun told Fox Business News that it would not avail itself of the direct grants if it means trading equity in the company. “If they attach too many things to it, of course you take a different course,” he said, referring to the grants to be available under CARES. Boeing’s CEO said there were other options for financial assistance as airline travel and manufacturing reel from the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the company would be on board for guaranteed loans that don’t require the government taking an equity share in the company. “I can only comment on what Boeing has said publicly, which is Boeing has said they have no intention of using the programs. That may change in the future,” Calhoun said. 
This comes days after Boeing issued a statement thanking the government for “working together to take swift bipartisan action to support the American economy, including the 2.5 million jobs and 17,000 suppliers that Boeing, the aerospace industry and the U.S. rely on to maintain our world leadership in commercial, defense and services. Boeing’s top priority is to protect our workforce and support our extensive supply chain, and the CARES Act will help provide adequate measures to help address the pandemic.”
Boeing’s factories in Washington state remain closed until at least mid-April, though that could change as the Trump administration has indicated that the COVID-19 restrictions are likely to stay in place throughout April. 

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