fredag 3. april 2020

Tvilsom airmanship og pussig Ground Control - Curt Lewis

Rule of thumb 3 graders glideslope: 3300 fot per NM fra touchdown. 4,6x3= 1 380 fot. Flygeren burde reagert lenge før og fått flyet opp på glidebanen/imaginær glidebane. (Red.) 

Incident: Asiana B744 at Hong Kong on Apr 1st 2020, descended to about 800 feet AGL about 4.6nm before runway

An Asiana Airlines Boeing 747-400 freighter, registration HL7420 performing flight OZ-952 from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Hong Kong (China), performed an ILS approach to Hong Kong's runway 07R at about 06:25L (22:25Z Mar 31st), approach advised the crew to be aware of possible glideslope fluctuations due to an aircraft in the sensitive area. However, the aircraft descended to about 800 feet AGL about 4.6nm before the runway threshold. Tower instructed the flight to go around, the crew complied, climbed the aircraft to 5000 feet and positioned for a second approach to runway 07R, crossed 4.6nm before the threshold at about 1600 feet AGL and landed safely about 15 minutes after the go around.

Approach Control again told the next arrival to exercise caution due to glideslope fluctuations due to an aircraft in the sensitive area.

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