Dette dokumentet er utgitt av Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association (IFATCA), European Cockpit Association (ECA) og International Federation of Airline Pilot`Association (IFALPA). (Red.)
PAPER 25POS07 24 January 2025
Disruption of GNSS Signals
paper supersedes 23POS25, Disruption of Satellite-Based Signals
Modern air traffic relies heavily on the internal accuracy of aircraft systems
and the aircraft's ability to monitor its own reliability. Satellite-based
Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) services have been playing a
growing part in the overall ATM system and aircraft are becoming more reliant
on space-based signals. The accuracy achieved by these signals enables aircraft
to perform instrument procedures without the need to rely on ground-based
navigational aids, facilitates the reduction of separation by ATC, and helps
optimize airspace capacity.
Many aircraft navigation and warning systems
rely heavily on accurate position. In recent years, however, thousands of
occurrences of partial or complete loss of these signals have been reported by
pilots in different regions, with interruptions generally lasting 10 to 20
minutes. REASONS FOR SIGNAL LOSS Satellite signals are, by nature, very weak
when they arrive at the receiver. Making them vulnerable to interference,
whether natural or artificial. This interference can be intentional (such as
jamming and spoofing) or unintentional (such as equipment malfunctions). In
some cases, en-route signal interference has been linked to military operations
but increasingly, non-military sources are contributing to GNSS disruptions.
There has
been a sharp increase in the proliferation of interference-capable equipment
including incorrectly operated Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
repeaters, miss[1]operated test
equipment, and the foreseeable proliferation of sophisticated jamming and
spoofing devices in the future. 2 Personal Privacy Devices (PPDs) for example,
designed to jam GNSS signals around them, can also interfere with aircraft or
airport Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS) and ADS-B ground stations at
close distance.
These very serious concerns were raised once again at the 41st Session of the ICAO Assembly through 3 different papers: WP/97, presented by Czechia, provided information on a growing number of occurrences of GNSS interference and called for further action. This paper led to the adoption of ICAO Assembly Resolution 41-8C on “Ensuring the resilience of ICAO CNS/ATM systems and services.” WP/196 , presented by the UAE, expressed strong concerns regarding ongoing harmful interference to GNSS and invited the Assembly to urge States to adopt and implement measures to manage and reduce the impacts of such anomalies, as suggested in the ICAO Doc 9849, the GNSS Manual. WP/198, presented by Japan, reported on activities aiming to mitigate GNSS vulnerabilities and stressed the importance of monitoring and reporting GNSS interference, and maintaining air navigation services to the maximum extent possible, in the event of a GNSS signal outage.
ECA, FSF, IFALPA and IFATCA fully concur with the concerns expressed in these
three WPs and support the recommended actions. Additional concerns were raised
during the 14th ICAO Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf 14) through 8 different
papers, including: WP/78, presented by IATA, IFATCA, ICCAIA, IFALPA, IFATSEA
and IBAC, which addressed the need for contingency planning in respect of GNSS
outages. WP-76, presented by IATA, IBAC, ICCAIA, IFALPA, IFATCA and IFATSEA and
WP-118 presented by Singapore and co-sponsored by FSF, which addressed concerns
related to GNSS RFI and reflected the need to consider its impact on different
Regions with different operating environments, and ensuring that any Standards,
Recommendations, or Guidance are developed accordingly. 3 POSITION ECA, FSF,
IFALPA, and IFATCA believe that the following aspects should be addressed as a
matter of urgency:
1. States
should establish the necessary legal framework and act upon harmful GNSS
interferences caused by illegal transmitters, jamming/spoofing devices, and
other sources of electromagnetic radiation, and avoid their commercialisation,
proliferation, and use.
2. States
should assess the interference risks associated with conflict zones and
consider that satellite-based CNS systems can potentially be impacted well
beyond those zones. A civil military coordination should facilitate the sharing
of relevant information with airspace users either during civil or military
testing and/or other activities, or when flying in the vicinity of a conflict
3. As
resilience measure, fuel planning should take signal outage into consideration.
Approach procedures to destination and alternate should not depend solely on
signal interference (whether intentional or unintentional) can occur at any
time, with or without prior notice. GNSS resiliency should be improved through
a combination of measures such as: - Independent networks based on ground
and/or airborne components. - Appropriate interference protection, detection,
mitigation, and reporting capabilities such as Multi-Mode Receivers
(GPS/GLONASS/Galileo…) for both the on-board equipment and the ground segments
of the satellite- based systems. - A review or development by ATS Units and
Operators of capabilities to mitigate safety hazards from GNSS signal
5. Future systems in civil aviation should ensure a more robust system architecture, using state-of-the-art Cyber-security measures NOTE For the effects of GNSS interference on aircraft and mitigation measures, see 23ADOBL01, Manipulated GNSS Signals. ©2025 The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations. This publication is provided for information purposes only, in all cases pilots should follow their company’s guidance and procedures. In the interest of flight safety, reproduction of this publication in whole or in part is encouraged. It may not be offered for sale or used commercially. All reprints must credit IFALPA
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