onsdag 18. mars 2015

Solar Impulse - Oppdatering

Plane sets out on two-hop journey to Myanmar

The solar-powered plane attempting to fly around the world is in the air again, crossing India and hoping to make it to Myanmar on Thursday.
Solar Impulse, with Andre Borschberg at the controls, took off from Ahmedabad at 07:18 local time (01:48 GMT).
It is heading to Varanasi in India's Uttar Pradesh region, where it will make a short "pit stop" before pushing on over the Bay of Bengal.
The leg to Mandalay in Myanmar will be flown by Bertrand Piccard.
The two pilots are taking it in turns to guide Solar Impulse on its circumnavigation of the globe.
So far, they have covered about 2,000km in two segments since beginning the adventure in Abu Dhabi.
It will likely be another five months before they return to the United Arab Emirates, having crossed both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in the process.
Global map
Wednesday's roughly 1,100km from Ahmedabad to Varanasi is the third leg of the mission and should take Borschberg about 15 hours to complete.
The team will then lay over for a few hours before taking off for Mandalay.
This fourth leg is longer - about 1,500km - and has some tricky conditions to negotiate.
"In Varanasi, we can expect to have foggy mornings, which could be a problem for an early take-off," explained Christophe Beesau, who works on flight strategy.
"And for leg four, of course, we will cross the Bay of Bengal. This may be challenging because we have often at altitude an important wind, and, on the other hand, due to air traffic control restrictions, we have to keep the track.
"We know that we will have to adjust carefully the flight profile to avoid this problem."
Also, about two hours before landing in Mandalay, Solar Impulse will have to fly over a big range of mountains up to 3,000m in height.

It will aim to get this done before sunset so that it can then gently descend towards the Myanmar city in the dark.

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