fredag 18. oktober 2019

MAX - Boeingflyger mente MCAS var problematisk alt i 2016 - ABC Nyheter

B737 MAX 8 på final Farnborough 2018 - Foto: Per Gram

Dokument antyder at Boeing-pilot oppdaget Max-problemer i 2016

Den omdiskuterte Boeing-modellen 737 MAX 8. Foto: Ted S. Warren / AP / NTB scanpix Foto: NTB scanpix
En Boeing-pilot som jobbet med 737 Max-flyet fortalte en kollega om problemer med ulykkesflyets MCAS-system i 2016, ifølge dokumenter offentliggjort i USA.
18. okt. 2019 20:41 – Oppdatert 18. okt. 2019 21:03
To år før 346 mennesker mistet livet i to flystyrter med Boeing 737 Max, sendte en av pilotene som jobbet med sertifisering for Boeing, en tekstmelding til en kollega.
Vedkommende klaget over problemer med flyets såkalte MCAS-programvare, et manøvreringssystem som mistenkes for å ha sviktet i ulykkesflyene.
Piloten sa i meldingene fra 2016 at den nye automatikken gjorde at flyet var vanskelig å kontrollere i flysimulatorer, skriver The New York Times.
Føderale luftfartsmyndigheter retter fredag kraftig kritikk mot Boeing for ikke å ha lagt fram meldingene umiddelbart.
Dataprogrammet MCAS skulle tre i kraft hvis flyet var i ferd med å steile i luften. Det skulle føre til at flynesen automatisk ble vendt nedover, men pilotene i de to ulykkesflyene greide ikke å overstyre denne bevegelsen og få kontroll på maskinen. Dermed styrtet begge flyene få minutter etter avgang.
Ulykkene førte til at flymodellen ble satt på bakken over hele verden for å finne ut hva som gikk galt, og der står de fortsatt.

Breaking News: A top Boeing pilot working on the 737 Max told a colleague in 2016 about “egregious” issues with the plane, 2 years before it was grounded following 2 deadly crashes, messages show 

Boeing staff texted about 737 Max issue in 2016

Workers standing next to a grounded Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraftImage copyrightAFP
Boeing employees exchanged instant messages about issues with the automated safety system on the 737 Max as it was being certified in 2016.
In documents provided by Boeing to lawmakers, a pilot wrote that he had run into unexpected trouble during tests.
He said he had "basically lied to the regulators [unknowingly]".
The safety system has been tied to two deadly crashes that killed 346 people.
An Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max crashed only minutes after take-off from Addis Ababa in March, killing all 157 people on board.
The same type flown by the Indonesian airline Lion Air crashed into the sea only five months earlier in October 2018, shortly after taking off from Jakarta. That accident claimed the lives of 189 people
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) called the document "concerning" and said it was asking Boeing for an "immediate" explanation for the delay in turning over the documents, which Boeing provided to lawmakers ahead of hearings this month.
Boeing boss Dennis Muilenburg is due to testify. He was recently stripped of the title of chairman of the company, though he remains chief executive.
Boeing said it is cooperating with the investigation of the 737 Max, which has been grounded globally since March following the crashes. The company recently announced a permanent safety committee to oversee development, manufacturing and operation of its aircraft and services.
"We will continue to follow the direction of the FAA and other global regulators, as we work to safely return the 737 MAX to service," Boeing said.
Investigators of the crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia have focused on the role played by a software system called MCAS (Manoeuvring Characteristics Augmentation System), which was designed to make the aircraft easier to fly.
Inquiries have shown the software - and the failure of sensors - contributed to pilots not being able to control the aircraft.
Boeing has blamed the crashes on erroneous data fed into the system. It has said it is revising the plane's software to improve safeguards.
But reviews have criticised Boeing and the FAA for inadequate oversight of the risks associated with the new software system.
Boeing reportedly uncovered the messages, which date to 2016, "some months ago". The pilot no longer works for the company.
In response to the pilot's message, the other Boeing employee wrote: "It wasn't (sic) a lie, no one told us that was the case".
Shares in the company dropped more than 5% on Friday following the reports.

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