mandag 9. september 2019

En eller to flygere? - Curt Lewis

Three Arguments For And Against Eliminating Airline Co-Pilots

Stephen Rice
I teach and conduct research in Aviation Human Factors at ERAU.

Decades ago, there was a flight engineer present in the cockpit of commercial airplanes whose job was to monitor aircraft systems and diagnose problems. With the advent of integrated circuits and advances in computing power during the early 1980s, this job was eventually eliminated. Today, we almost universally see two pilots in the cockpit. However, there is serious talk of reducing that number to one. Airbus SE and Thales SA have stated that this could become reality as soon as 2023.

A heated debate is under way over the issue. Airlines would like to balance safety with profits. The FAA is tasked with keeping the flying public safe through regulation, oversight and inspection. Pilots want to ensure safety and reasonable working conditions. And of course, the public ultimately drives this discussion with our pocketbooks. There are many different points of view, but for the sake of brevity, here are the three most common arguments that I keep hearing.

Three Arguments in Favor

1) It will ease the pilot shortage

It is no secret that the aviation industry faces a worldwide shortage of qualified pilots. The number of licensed pilots has decreased by about 30% over the past three decades. Numerous estimates cite the need to hire thousands of new pilots. Some air carriers reduce, or cancel, flight schedules as a result of these pilot shortages. In an effort to pilot their fleets, airlines have increased wages and signing bonuses, among other things. In their eyes, one of the easiest ways to address this problem of supply is to reduce demand. By eliminating the co-pilot from the cockpit, they can remove much of the problem.

2) It would save the airlines lots of money

One obvious benefit of reducing the pilot pool is that you now also reduce the recurring salaries by the same amount. Airlines argue that they would save a lot of money by removing half of the pilots, as these are usually among their highest paid employees. It will also help the airlines cut costs because they will no longer have to increase wages and signing bonuses since there will no longer be a pilot shortage. They say this will help to reduce ticket prices and that consumers will also benefit.

3) It gives aircraft manufacturers more options

If an aircraft manufacturer only has to accommodate one pilot in the cockpit, then they can start being more creative with their designs. Furthermore, they can start allowing the automation to do more, as they did when the flight engineer was removed many decades ago. Programmers generally argue that automation is superior to human pilots. Flights are smoother and more fuel-efficient, as the automation is able to make a million decisions per second, while a human is simply human. In fact, some airlines will not allow their pilots to fly manually during certain periods of flight. A survey of Airbus and Boeing pilots found that they manually fly about 3-6 minutes per flight; the rest of the time is in autopilot mode. Presumably, the amount of autopiloted flight would increase with the elimination of the co-pilot.

Three Arguments Against

1) Automation is not perfect

As we have seen from the Boeing 737 Max crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia, disasters can occur from human-automation interaction in the cockpit. There is a laundry-list of accidents at least partially caused by breakdowns in the human-automation team. Some, like Air France flight 447 from Brazil to Paris, resulted in total loss of life on board. Even highly reliable automation can create problems by eroding pilots' manual flying skills and breeding complacency and lack of situational awareness. When automation fails, the pilot is often left struggling to figure out what went wrong.

2) There will be a loss of human redundancy

From the time they enter the cockpit, the captain and first officer work as a team. They coordinate the prepping of the aircraft, go through the checklists together, and decide as a team when they are ready for flight. This procedure has huge benefits. First, it encourages accountability. Having someone present to verify that you have done your job increases compliance. Second, having a second pair of eyes helps to detect problems or issues as they arise. One pilot alone cannot see two things at once; they cannot both scan the outside while monitoring displays. Third, it offers huge benefits during emergencies and decision-making processes. A co-pilot is good for helping to maintain calm and professionalism. A co-pilot helps by going through the emergency checklist while the captain aviates. A co-pilot is good for bouncing ideas off when things get messy. One must wonder how difficult it would have been for Captain Sullenberger to land that airplane in the Hudson River without Jeff Skiles.

3) The flight is more likely to wind up completely pilotless

Removing the co-pilot will mean that if the pilot becomes incapacitated, then you will be on an airplane with no one in control. Just like everyone else on board, pilots often fall asleep in airplanes, even when they are in the cockpit. A survey of pilots showed that more than half of them have slept while flying. The fatigue problem has gotten so bad that some airlines allow pilots to take naps in the cockpit. Second, if a pilot has a heart attack or other potentially fatal event, there will be no one there to notice, especially on a long-haul flight. Third, hypoxia (a loss of oxygen) affects people differently. One pilot might start experiencing symptoms before another one does, and the second pilot would notice this and remediate the situation. A pilot by herself could just pass out, leaving the aircraft pilotless. The rest of the flight crew and passengers would be completely clueless.


Clearly this is a hot button issue, and both sides take their arguments very seriously. A thorough discussion must occur before policies are made that could negatively affect aviation safety. Everyone deserves a seat at the table during this discussion, including you. What are your thoughts on reducing the number of pilots in the cockpit during commercial flights?

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