fredag 6. mars 2020

Helikopter - US Army skal ha ny maskin - Her en av kandidatene - UAS Vision Video

Boeing Future Attack Reconnaissance Attack Aircraft

The Boeing FARA is an agile, fully integrated, purpose-built system designed to meet the Army’s current mission needs while evolving as technologies and missions change.
The design – a low-risk, affordable solution validated through extensive testing and analysis – has a thrust compounded single-main rotor boasting a six-bladed rotor system, a single engine, tandem seating and a modular, state-of-the-art cockpit with a reconfigurable large area display and autonomous capabilities. The system will provide seamless integration within the Army ecosystem and a maintenance-friendly design for long-term sustainability.
Boeing FARA integrates the latest proven technology and manufacturing techniques to drive down risk and costs while offering the Army a brand new, flexible design that meets all Army requirements.
Designed with the future fight in mind, Boeing FARA is ready to deliver a reliable, sustainable and flexible aircraft to the U.S. Army.
Boeing FARA features include:
Advanced design: An all-new, thrust compounded single-main rotor aircraft, with a fly-by-wire system powered by a single engine enabling agility, manoeuvrability and speeds beyond typical rotorcraft.
Tandem seating: Providing pilots with needed sight lines and a narrow cross section allowing for common pilot interface in either position, improving situational awareness and battlefield survivability.
Advanced cockpit: A modern, intuitive and reconfigurable cockpit equipped with flexible avionics, autonomous capabilities and a reconfigurable large area display with touch screen capabilities for simplicity and ease of navigation.
Maintenance-friendly design: An advanced system designed for sustainment with focus on serviceability and accessibility. This allows for ease of overall system maintenance including the ability to load weapons without supplemental lifts for faster turnaround times.
Open systems architecture: Proven, flexible and adaptable with room for growth as the Army’s needs and missions evolve.
Predictive health management: Designed with safety at the forefront with a system that adapts to degraded conditions using real-time diagnostics, real-time tactical maintenance and live aircraft interface capabilities.
Sources: YouTube; Press Release

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