lørdag 29. juni 2024

Southwest tok av fra stengt flyplass - Curt Lewis


Incident: Southwest B737 at Portland on Jun 25th 2024, took off from closed occupied runway


A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700, registration N7861J performing flight WN-4805 from Portland,ME to Baltimore,MD (USA), departed Portland's runway 29 at 05:43L (09:43Z) when both runway and tower were still closed (to be opened by 05:45L/09:45Z). The aircraft continued to Baltimore for a landing without further incident.

Airport Operations can be heard on tower frequency opening the runway about two minutes after Southwest's departure and asking tower whether they could get hold of the Southwest Airplane that had just taken off over them while they were doing a runway inspection. Tower responded they never talked to them, they weren't yet open.

According to NOTAMs only Portland's runway 18/36 would have been available at that time (Tuesday, Jun 25th 2024, 09:43Z).

SAS synes å være alvorlig syk - Aftenposten


Tilsyn fant ni avvik. SAS tyner de ansatte, mener pilot-topp

0 seconds of 0 secondsVolume 90%

Elendig arbeidsmiljø og lange dager for de ansatte. Luftfartstilsynet ber SAS ta «betydelige grep» i fersk rapport.

Joakim Midtbø Viland



·         Eric B. Utheim

Publisert: 28.06.2024 16:20 | Oppdatert: 28.06.2024 16:56

– Vi mener SAS er på ytre grense av regelverket på alle punkter. Summen av det blir uforsvarlig, sier Roger Klokset i Norske SAS-flygeres forening (NSF).

SAS krangler med sine egne ansatte. I et ferskt brev beskylder de sine norske piloter for å ha sabotert ruter, og med vilje fremprovosert kanselleringer.

Dette avviser fagforeningene NSF og SNF på det sterkeste. De mener kanselleringene skyldes at SAS har satt i gang flere flyvninger enn de har folk til.

I en fersk rapport fra Luftfartstilsynet fra mars i år, avdekkes en rekke avvik fra gjeldende lover og regler.

Lange arbeidstider og varsler fra ansatte som ikke etterfølges av ledelsen, er blant poengene som blir trukket frem i tilsynet.

Tilsynet ber om grep

Totalt ni avvik er funnet, alle kategorisert som nivå 2. Det er hakket før driftsstans vurderes.

Blant annet har Luftfartstilsynet funnet at SAS:

  • Fortsatt har et arbeidsmiljø med mange utfordringer
  • At en betydelig andel arbeidstagere har en arbeidsdag som overstiger gjennomsnittlig arbeidstid på 9 timer pr. dag, og/eller gjennomsnittlig arbeidsuke på mer enn 40 timer. Funnene om arbeidstid beskrives som i «de ytre rammene for regelverket».
  • At HMS-funn er like, «om ikke verre», som ved forrige tilsyn.
  • Ikke har fulgt opp gjentatte varsler og bekymringer fra ansatte om arbeidsmiljø.
  • Har forskjellsbehandlet fagorganiserte og uorganiserte.

I sin oppsummering konkluderer tilsynet med at «virksomheten har en del å gå på når det kommer til systematisk HMS-arbeid», og at det er behov for å ta «betydelige grep» for å komme i samsvar med gjeldende regler.

I en e-post til Aftenposten svarer pressetalsmann i SAS, Joachim Sponheim, at flyselskapet jobber for å lukke eventuelle avvik.

– Vernetjenesten involveres i arbeidet, og vi har en god dialog med tilsynet om forholdene.

SAS -Et bunnløst hull - Aviation24.be



EU approves €1.3 billion restructuring aid for SAS


The European Commission has greenlighted a €1.3 billion restructuring aid package for Scandinavian Airlines System AB (SAS), proposed by Denmark and Sweden. This measure aims to restore SAS’s long-term viability and limit market competition distortions.

Background and Need for Aid

  • Previous Support: In October 2020, the Commission approved €833 million in aid under the COVID-19 Temporary Framework. Despite this, SAS filed for collective insolvency in late 2022.
  • Restructuring Plan: The new plan includes fleet streamlining, network optimization, cost reduction, and revenue enhancement, backed by new state aid from Denmark and Sweden.

Commission’s Assessment

The Commission evaluated the aid under its R&R Guidelines and determined the following:

  1. Contribution to Connectivity: The aid will secure crucial air connectivity within Scandinavia and internationally, preventing potential market failures and hardship.
  2. Addressing Financial Issues: The restructuring tackles SAS’s financial woes through debt reduction, fleet and network optimization, and cost-cutting measures.
  3. Proportional Aid: SAS will contribute €4.1 billion, primarily from fresh equity and new convertible debt from private investors, along with debt write-downs and aircraft financing leases. Additionally, over 200,000 existing shareholders and subordinated creditors will share the burden through complete write-offs of their shares or debt instruments.
  4. Competition Safeguards: To mitigate market distortion, SAS will reduce its fleet, divest assets, and release a significant number of airport slots, particularly at major EU hubs.


The Commission concluded that the aid from Denmark and Sweden complies with EU State aid rules, ensuring SAS’s return to viability without ongoing state support while limiting competition distortions.

Official Statement

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for competition policy, stated: “The restructuring aid to SAS approved today will ensure air connectivity to and from Scandinavia to benefit European citizens. SAS’s restructuring plan will secure its long-term viability, and to limit public support distortions, SAS will reduce its presence in air transport activities through fleet reduction, limited ground handling, maintenance business, and slot releases.

The decision will be available under case numbers SA.110687 and SA.110688 on the Commission’s competition website following resolution of confidentiality issues.

Tyskland satser voldsomt på norsk hypersonisk missil - Forsvarets forum


Sjekk alt om missilet her: https://tinyurl.com/ypmtz543

Fra min observatør i Indre Troms har jeg fått dette bildet........

 ..... som er tatt med en IPhone gjennom en kikkertlinse nær Bardu. Det er ikke første gang dette fenomenet er observert av vedkommende og han antar at det er en ballong fra Es-range ved Kiruna som er på vei vestover. Den er mye større enn en vanlig værballong.  Blås opp bildet og du ser at det henger en "payload" under den hvite prikken.

Godt observert! Vet du hva det er, og formålet?



Her er naturligvis noe galt fatt. Tipper det er et helikopter og ikke en A321

Hva driver denne norskregistrerte maskinen med? Vel, den flyr for Bloms Oppmåling.

Artemis på jobb igjen

En P-8A fra Sigonella har ankommet operasjonsområdet

fredag 28. juni 2024

God natt


Helikopter - Sikorsky tester ny motor for Blackhawk - Lockheed Martin

Som du sikkert har fått med deg så er S-60 Blackhawk en kandidat i konkurransen om det nye helikopteret til Hæren og Spesialstyrkene. Sea Hawk varianten er alt valgt av Norge som vårt fregatt- og kystvakthelikopter. (Red.)

Two U.S. Army T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) Arrive At Sikorsky For Black Hawk® Integration Efforts

Fundamental to Black Hawk modernization, the new GE Aerospace engine will boost aircraft performance and range


Representatives from the U.S. Army, GE Aerospace and Lockheed Martin gathered to mark the next step in ITE integration on June 27 in West Palm Beach, Florida.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., June 27, 2024 – Two of the U.S. Army’s T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) arrived at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT), signaling a new phase of Black Hawk® helicopter modernization efforts. The T901 engine, which is manufactured by GE Aerospace, will increase the UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter’s performance, including lift capability and range, providing Army commanders more options for planning and executing missions.

The T901 engine will increase the Black Hawk’s power by 50%, while also improving fuel efficiency and is a critical component of the roadmap to a modernized Black Hawk – a key part of Lockheed Martin’s 21st Century Security® vision.

 “Increased performance and range offered by the T901 are high-value capabilities the Army is able to implement on the Black Hawk in a cost-effective way that will not require expensive re-engineering,” said Hamid Salim, vice president of Army and Air Force Systems at Sikorsky. “The ITEP and other enhancement efforts ensure the Black Hawk remains in operation well into the 2070s, securing its position as the Army’s foundational tactical air assault and utility aircraft of choice.”

What’s Next

Sikorsky is positioned to conduct a multi-aircraft test program to support the Army’s ITEP acquisition milestone schedule.

  • The two T901 engines will be installed in one Black Hawk test aircraft for ground runs and flight testing.
  • Aircraft hardware is already on hand to accept two additional T901 engines for installation into a second Black Hawk test aircraft, which will accelerate the test program.

The Army’s Utility Helicopters Project Office (UHPO), Aviation Turbine Engines Project Office (ATE PO), and Sikorsky have completed several key program milestones to prepare for this integration, including:

  • Successful completion of the H-60M Preliminary Design Review and Critical Design Review.
  • Software Formal Qualification Testing (FQT) for the Integrated Vehicle Health Management System (IVHMS) and is on track to complete the Flight Management System FQT this summer.
  • Receipt and completion of all aircraft test instrumentation required to support the test program.
  • Receipt of all aircraft "A-kit" hardware required to install two T901s into the H-60M in preparation to execute ground test and flight test.

“We view this as an extension of the work we’ve completed on ITE with our Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype and are even better positioned for a timely and simplified integration of the engine into the H-60M, due to data and insights we’ve retrieved from successful ITE tests completed to date,” said Salim.

Sikorsky received, installed, and successfully conducted engine light-off of the T901 engine in the FARA prototype aircraft. The ongoing FARA test program is specifically designed to collect data relevant to the Black Hawk engine integration to support risk reduction for the Black Hawk flight test program.

A Modernized Black Hawk

Sikorsky H-60M modernization efforts continue to be primarily focused on ITE, as well as Modular Open Systems Approach/digital backbone and Launched Effects. Digital innovations, such as a new sustainment digital twin, improve safety and mission readiness while reducing costly downtime and unscheduled maintenance.

For additional information, visit our website: www.lockheedmartin.com/blackhawk.

About Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is a global defense technology company driving innovation and advancing scientific discovery. Our all-domain mission solutions and 21st Century Security® vision accelerate the delivery of transformative technologies to ensure those we serve always stay ahead of ready.
More information at LockheedMartin.com.

Norwegian med nye ruter fra Evenes - Aviation24.be


Norwegian launches two international routes from Evenes, Norway, and one domestic route in Sweden


Norwegian has announced new direct flights from Evenes to London Gatwick and Milan Bergamo, and from Stockholm Arlanda to Skellefteå, starting in late 2024.

These routes will enhance travel options and support regional growth, with Evenes gaining access to popular European destinations and Skellefteå benefiting from improved business connectivity.

Norwegian’s expansion reflects its commitment to providing extensive travel options, now offering 340 routes to over 120 destinations. Tickets are available on Norwegian’s website and through travel agencies.

Forsvaret kjøper NASAMS for inntil 4,8 milliarder - NRK

På tide å tenke kystforsvar også. Mobile enheter med NSM krever liten bemanning og er særdeles effektive . (Red.)

Milliardkontrakt: Kjøper nytt luftvern  


Arkivbilde - Andøya Space.

Forsvarsmateriell har i dag inngått kontrakt med Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace om kjøp av luftvern av typen NASAMS for inntil 4,8 milliarder kroner. Forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) sier denne avtalen sikrer rask leveranse til Forsvaret, og bidrar til å øke produksjonskapasiteten i forsvarsindustrien. Anskaffelsen skal styrke Norges forsvar mot luftangrep og erstatte materiell som er donert til Ukraina. Avtalen inneholder også en mulighet for kjøp av mer luftvern til fast pris.

Skandaløst dårlig operativ status for F-35A i USAF - A&SF Daily


Jeg har dessverre ingen grunn til å tro at dette er fake news. Det er heller ikke naturlig å anta at ståa er bedre hos oss. (Red.)

airforcemag daily report logo

June 28, 2024

Edited by Greg Hadley with Chris Gordon, Unshin Lee Harpley and John A. Tirpak

The Air Force's F-35As are only mission capable about half thetime, the service said. Here, Airmen with the 388th Munitions Squadron and 4th Fighter Generation Squadron conduct a cold integrated combat turn on an F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 4th Fighter Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, at Kadena Air Base, Japan, Feb. 6, 2024. U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jonathan R. Sifuentes

Air Force Confirms Its F-35As Were Mission Capable About Half the Time in 2023

By John A. Tirpak

The F-35A mission capable rate for fiscal 2023 was 51.9 percent, or just over half the time, the Air Force reported. Officials attributed parts availability as the culprit, but the fighter’s MC rate has been declining since it peaked in 2020, and the Air Force will be spending more per tail to fly the jet. The service also said MC rates don’t tell the whole readiness story.

Boeing får oppsiktsvekkende brev fra NTSB - AVweb


NTSB Sanctions Boeing For ‘Blatantly’ Violating Terms Of Agreement


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued a statement this morning sanctioning Boeing for “blatantly” violating investigative regulations it agreed to as a party in the probe of the door-plug blowout in Portland, Oregon. The NTSB cited a Boeing media briefing on June 25 in which the manufacturer “provided non-public investigative information to the news media that NTSB had not verified or authorized for release. In addition, Boeing offered opinions and analysis on factors it suggested were causal to the accident.” 

The statement continued, “In the briefing, Boeing portrayed the NTSB investigation as a search to locate the individual responsible for the door plug work. The NTSB is instead focused on the probable cause of the accident, not placing blame on any individual or assessing liability.”

Making public the investigative information and offering analysis of that information, the NTSB wrote, “are prohibited by the party agreement that Boeing signed when it was offered party status by the NTSB at the start of the investigation. As a party to many NTSB investigations over the past decades, few entities know the rules better than Boeing.”

The NTSB did not remove Boeing’s party status in the investigation, but it has lost access to investigative information, and the NTSB may subpoena relevant records as it continues the investigation. In addition, Boeing will be subpoenaed to appear at an investigative hearing on Aug. 6-7 in Washington, but the manufacturer will not be allowed to ask questions of other parties in the investigation.

And finally, the NTSB wrote, “Given that Boeing is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ] in relation to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement stemming from Boeing’s interactions with the FAA prior to the Boeing MAX fatalities, the NTSB will be coordinating with the DOJ Fraud Division to provide details about Boeing’s recent unauthorized investigative information releases in the 737 MAX 9 door plug investigation.”

USA pusser opp norske militære flyplasser for 2 milliarder - Forsvarets forum


Sjekk denne og andre saker her: https://tinyurl.com/3bx8jrd7

Biden vs Trump - Verden må forberede seg på at Trump vinner

 New York times og Washington Post er enige om at Biden ikke gjorde noen god figur, og de fleste mener at Demokratene vil tape med ham som kandidat. Norge, EU og NATO må forberde seg på at USA melder seg ut av verdenssamfunnet slik vi kjenner det i dag. 

Gram må sørge for at Forsvaret gjøres mye mer attraktivt enn i dag. Personell er jokeren. 

Sjekk Washington Post her: https://tinyurl.com/r2666fst

Drone - Ny "Loyal Wingman" med tilleggsmuligheter lansert i USA - Air & Space Forces Daily

Sjekk saken her som også omhandler flyging sammen med Autonom F-16 i et maskinlærings konsept: https://tinyurl.com/29upctyc

Tilt rotor - AW609 markedsføres militært - AIN

June 27, 2024



Leonardo Flies AW609 In Navy Aircraft Carrier Sea Trials

Leonardo has reported the completion of initial ship-based flight testing with its AW609 tiltrotor. The Italian aerospace and defense group yesterday said that between April 3 and 12, its production-conforming AC4 aircraft relocated from the company’s Cascina Costa facility in northern Italy to Maristaer Grottaglie Naval Base to conduct trials with the ITS Cavour aircraft carrier.

The AW609, which is being developed for both military and civil applications, demonstrated approaches to the ship, as well as stable deck landing and touchdown capabilities. Leonardo is still working to achieve civil type certification, almost 12 years after it first applied for approval from the FAA.

Prior to the sea trials, Leonardo conducted extensive ground tests using the AW609 development and engineering simulator in Cascina Costa. Digital twin technology was used to make a preliminary assessment of the operations subsequently tested in flight. Deck landing and takeoff procedures were performed in more than 15 different operational conditions to evaluate performance with straight-in and lateral approaches, vertical landing and takeoff, and lateral exits.

The evaluation of the AW609 for military services involves Italy’s Navy, Army, and Customs Police, which have formed a joint working group with the manufacturer.

torsdag 27. juni 2024

God natt


Helikopter - AW139 presenteres i AW&ST


Sjekk hele saken her: https://tinyurl.com/3nuvx5e7

Future Flight Oppdatering


Joby Aviation is taking the wraps off the software system it has developed to support on-demand commercial air taxi services with its four-passenger eVTOL aircraft, which could enter service in 2025. Called “ElevateOS,” the suite of software tools includes a flight-booking mobile app for customers, a planning tool for pilots, and an intelligent matching engine that connects available pilots, aircraft, and ground infrastructure resources for each journey.

Electric propulsion system developer MagniX has unveiled its plans to produce a new range of batteries for aviation applications. The Samson batteries, announced on June 24, are expected to deliver an energy density of 300 watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg) and have a service life of over 1,000 full-depth discharge cycles.

Sponsor Content: TE Connectivity

For decades, the team at TE Connectivity (TE) has been helping design safe and efficient electrical power management systems for everything from military planes to moon landers. Now TE is supporting a new frontier: the emerging Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) industry.

Wencheng County Transportation Development Group in China’s Zhejiang province has taken delivery of 27 of the initial batch of 30 EH216-S eVTOL aircraft it is buying from EHang. This week, the Chinese manufacturer reported that it conducted the first passenger-carrying flight with its latest customer to mark the launch of a new tourism initiative based near the port city of Wenzhou on the East China Sea coast.

Ferrovial Vertiports is exploring locations in South Florida for eVTOL aircraft landing sites through a partnership with charter flight start-up UrbanLink Air Mobility. Miami-based UrbanLink plans to operate the six-passenger Lilium Jet to connect communities such as Miami, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and Marco Island, starting in the summer of 2026.

Spanish business aircraft management group iJet Aviation is laying plans to operate eVTOL aircraft on routes in the country’s Andalusia region. On June 19, the company signed a provisional sales agreement with Madrid-based start-up Crisalion Mobility to acquire 10 of its in-development Integrity aircraft.

Archer Aviation plans to establish a network of five vertiports around the San Francisco Bay Area, where the company could begin flying passengers on its Midnight eVTOL air taxi as early as 2025. Announcing the news on June 20, Archer said it is collaborating with Kilroy Realty to potentially develop a main hub at Oyster Point, a waterfront business park in South San Francisco. Additional vertiports could open in Napa, San Jose, Oakland, and Livermore.

Saudi Arabia’s National Industrial Development Centre and Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources have pledged to back UK-based rotorcraft and eVTOL aircraft developer Arc Aerosystems with funding for development work and manufacturing facilities. At the Revolution Aero conference in London on June 18, Arc’s founder and CEO, Seyed Mohseni, pitched for bridge funding to keep the start-up functioning while the terms of the funding are finalized.

Leonardo's Swiss subsidiary Kopter is seeking to reinvent or expand the scope for single-engine helicopter operations with its new AW09 rotorcraft. The long-awaited new model has started flight testing with EASA pilots as it prepares for type certification. AIN was able to view the AW09 at the recent EBACE trade show and got a close-up perspective on how it might change the market.